Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2560, Volume 9, 42 Must Go Desperately

Chapter 2560 Nine Volumes 42 Must Go Desperately
In this May, the emperor made a rare public decree and scolded the prince.People can't help but think back to the 13th year of Qianlong, the emperor's thunderous anger against the two princes Yonghuang and Yongzhang.

It was the eighth elder brother Yongxuan who ordered the emperor to scold him this time.

After the fourth elder brother Yongxuan and the sixth elder brother Yongrong have both succeeded, now the eighth elder brother is actually the eldest son of the emperor.

And he has a father-in-law like Yin Jishan, who has been loved by the emperor for many years, making the courtiers secretly speculate on the emperor's intention to establish a crown prince.

The cause of this incident was that the emperor recently sent all the princes to Heilongtan to pray for rain.A group of several people prays in groups.Yongxuan is in the same class as Eleven Brother Yongxing.At the end of the two shifts, the emperor sent someone to ask about the situation of praying for rain, but only saw Yongxuan, and Yongxuan was nowhere to be found.

The emperor was furious and ordered people to ask Yongxuan.Yongxuan didn't dare to hide something because Yongxuan is the elder brother of a compatriot, but told the truth—the eighth elder brother Yongxuan prayed for rain and saluted, seeing that the god didn't see any movement, he became impatient and ignored the obstruction , got up and left, and went back to Beijing from Heilongtan without authorization.

Moreover, the prince always needs to have the rules of ministers, guards and other escorts when traveling, but Yongxuan only brought his entourage and a few guards at the gate of the garden, and did not notify the ministers leading the guards, so he returned to Beijing in such a bold manner Yes, it's too much of a rule to go.

In a fit of rage, the emperor ordered Lian Yongxuan's master, Wenda, and Yongxuan to punish him, and then hung the admonition in the Shang's study, as a warning to others.

This year is the emperor's [-]th birthday. Ordinarily, why doesn't the emperor want to make this year show a more loving father and son's filial piety?He should not have lost such a temper for such a trivial matter, and even issued an edict to warn him.

However, the emperor had an old rule in the 13th year of Qianlong, so when such a thing happened at this time, although the former court and the harem were surprised, they were not shocked... The heart of the emperor, compared with the previous incident, everyone in the former court and harem It's not completely lost.
This day, Japanese Qin, Concubine Ying, Concubine Rong, etc. accompanied Wanxi to sit in the waterside pavilion.

Concubine Ying sighed, "If the emperor does this, it is tantamount to telling the world and depriving the eighth elder brother of his hope."

Concubine Rong opened her eyes wide to see the dowry that Wanxi had prepared for Xiao Qi, and studied hard, learning the rules of the harem of the Qing Dynasty for Jiu Jiu's upcoming marriage.Hearing Concubine Ying's words now, she was a little curious, "Why do you say that?"

Concubine Rong came from the Western Regions and did not know the past of Qianlong's 13 years.

Concubine Yu reminded her softly: "Who is the de facto eldest son of the emperor now?"

Concubine Rong suddenly realized, "In this way, the emperor has given up on those desires to 'stand up'."

Yuqin looked at Wanxi, "This matter is especially delicate because the emperor explained the matter of Yongxuan in detail in the imperial decree, and it was exposed by Yongxuan...they are brothers of Bensheng, and they are in the same spirit. It could have been hidden forever; why bother~"

Wanxi sighed lightly, but did not speak.

Concubine Ying stared at Yuqin, "Sister Guifei thinks, if the eighth elder brother is excluded again, then who will be the de facto eldest son of the emperor?"

Concubine Rong was also taken aback, "Isn't it Brother Eleven?!"

As for Yong Xing, who was under the Eleventh Elder Brother, he had already made it clear that there was no hope for him anymore.

Wanxi bowed her head, "I understand the emperor's heart...but, I didn't expect it to be so soon."

Wanxi understands, this is already the emperor clearing the way for Xiao Shiwu.

Just like Lord Yongzheng back then, in order to clear the way for the prince Hongli back then, he buckled such a slightly exaggerated big hat on the then eldest son Hongshi, and even kicked Hongshi out of the house directly, completely breaking Hongshi's life. The threat to Hongli from time to time enabled Hongli to inherit the throne in a stable manner, and there was no longer the risk of Kowloon seizing the throne as before.

The emperor himself has experienced the benefits of doing this, so now that the emperor has reached this age, he must do the same for his children.

The emperor's [-]th birthday this year is already in his sixtieth year, and the matter of confirming the crown prince is imminent.

"I also don't want to hurt the brotherhood of Xiao Shiwu and his brothers because of this..." Although Wanxi said it clearly, why did she only know how to go happily?
Yuqin also nodded, "I think so too."

Wanxi turned her head and told Yuchan, "Send a message quietly to the eighth elder brother Fujin, just say that I want to see her."
Qingzao has always been a child who understands, plus there is a green girl in Yongxuan's office, as long as Qingzao gets rid of his grievances, there is still a chance to help Xiao Shiwu maintain his brotherhood with Yongxuan.

Wanxi waited to see Qingzao, but she was not without a trace of worry in her heart.After all, the children have grown up, and it is no longer the time when they talked about everything with themselves when they were young; besides, there was an example like Yongqi before, and I don’t know if Yongxuan has been encouraged by his masters and masters in recent years , Also began to fight for reserves.

And this time the emperor clearly issued an order to punish Yongxuan's master and Wenda, which made Wanxi even more worried that this had actually happened.

Finally came to Qingzao, but when Wanxi looked over, she felt that Qingzao's expression was not what she was worried about.

Qing Zao saluted and greeted him, but with a smile on his face.

"The Empress summoned her daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law is also going to come over tonight to say hello to the Empress."

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold Qing Zao's hand, and read Qing Zao's eyes carefully, "How is Yongxuan? After your Ama's will is handed down, will he suffer?"

Qing Zao smiled and nodded, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, he's fine. When my wife came over, he was teaching the children to read the poems in "Dream of Red Mansions"."

Wanxi also raised her eyebrows, "He actually used the poems in "A Dream of Red Mansions" to enlighten his children? This old eight..."

The poems in "Dream of Red Mansions" always have tens of thousands of men and women in love. If you enlighten children, it will be a bit worrying.

Qing Zao nodded with a smile, "Grandpa, he has never been 'serious'... the way he thinks about things and does things is different since he was a child."

Wanxi also nodded, feeling a pain in her heart.

That's because of Yongxuan's leg disease, which made him live in isolation since he was a child, and even hide from others.Children who grow up like this are always a little different from ordinary people.

Qing Zao stared at Wan Xi, "So what does Empress Dowager think about this matter?"

With Qingzao's expression and tone, Wanxi was not in a hurry to speak out, and she was thinking deeply.

"Could it be that... Yongxuan did it on purpose?" Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.

As an adult prince, Yongxuan went to the Black Dragon Pool to pray for rain for the first time.How could he not understand the etiquette of praying for rain?Besides, the rules of the prince's going out, he has followed since he was a child, so why is there such a commotion this year?
It should be noted that since childhood, Yongxuan was a bit timid in doing things because she stayed away from the crowd; how could she suddenly become so bold and reckless this year?
After hearing this, Qing Zao smiled in relief, "My elder brother is worthy of growing up under the care of the queen mother. Even in this world, no one understands elder brother's heart, but the queen mother is the one who can see clearly." .”

Wanxi's heart became hotter, and she reached out to grab Qingzao's hand, "This child! Why is he doing this?"

Qing Zao smiled and blinked shrewdly, "Emperor Niang, I have a problem with my legs and feet since I was a child, and I have understood from a young age that no matter which brother inherits the crown prince, It shouldn't belong to our elder brother."

"Besides, our elder brother doesn't have that kind of heart, so why bother to get mixed up in this muddy water, following the ups and downs, and not being able to live in peace all day long?"

Wanxi lowered her eyes lightly, "Because Yongxuan is already the de facto eldest son of the emperor at this time, so his master, Adventurous, and even a group of people from the previous dynasty, began to disturb him?"

Qing Zao sighed, "Exactly. In the past, Elder Brother and I had no children, and those people didn't make much trouble; this time, thanks to the blessings of Empress Huang Erniang and Empress Rui, I have given birth to Elder Brother Yuying. Let the boy go, those people saw hope now, and whispered in Elder Brother's ear."

"It's not good for elder brother to reject in person, but elder brother was very annoyed, so he simply did this thing. Huang Ama is so clear about issuing orders, I believe everyone in the court and harem should understand , our elder brother is like the elder brother and the third elder brother back then, hopeless. This will allow the elder brother to calm down and concentrate on raising the children."

Wanxi can only sigh, "The problem with legs and feet is that Yongxuan has suffered since he was a child, but it also helped him cultivate a heart of detachment and sophistication. It is wise for him to be able to do this, but I will eventually I can't help worrying about him... How could everyone be able to bear your Emperor Ama's thunderous anger?"

Qing Zao nodded with a smile, "Don't worry, Queen Mother, and I, Yuying, and the children will go with Elder Brother. At worst, we will close the door for the past few months, ignore outsiders, and only our family members are happy. Read "Dream of Red Mansions", that's it."
In late May, it has been two months since Master Ninth Fu Heng returned to Beijing.However, Myanmar still has not paid tribute to Beijing.

So far, it can be determined that Myanmar has reneged.This time, the campaign to conquer Burma failed again.

Not only that, but the Burmese chief also intensified his efforts and sent a book in Burmese, with quite provocative words.The implication is that it is quite intended to stimulate the imperial court to send troops again.

The emperor was furious, but at this time Master Jiu was already seriously ill, and he couldn't bear to convict and punish him.Ali Gun, one of the lieutenants, had died of illness, and the emperor directed all his anger on the other lieutenant, Agui.

The emperor issued a decree to reprimand Agui. At the time of negotiations with Burma, Fu Heng was already seriously ill and sometimes unconscious. Then why didn't Agui shoulder this responsibility and make Fu Heng unable to explain clearly? , You all know that you want to go to Myanmar?

This is the second time that Agui has encountered such a thing by the side of Master Jiu after being reprimanded by the emperor during the Battle of Dajinchuan in the 13th year of Qianlong.

In a fit of rage, the emperor ordered Agui's two sons, Adis and Amida, to be dismissed from their positions as third-class bodyguards.

Later, the emperor simply dismissed Agui and Zhangbao from their posts.

So far, it can be regarded as an explanation for the war in Burma.As a manager, Fu Heng was originally the commander in chief, so he was not punished this time. Instead, the father and son were comforted by the emperor's kindness; but Agui and his son took all the responsibility for this time...

Both the government and the opposition couldn't help discussing, saying that Master Jiu was just "lucky" to get malaria this time, otherwise, why shouldn't Fu Heng and his son be responsible for the plight of Agui and his son?
No one in Duke Zhongyong's mansion dared to say this in front of Fu Heng, but what kind of person is Jiu Ye? How could he not know anything like this?
Ninth Master Fu Heng, who was originally sick and weak, didn't get better, and it got worse again.
On June [-]th, the Ministry of Rites requested a decree for the wedding of Princess Hejing Gulun.

So far, the rank of the seventh princess is Princess Gu Lun, and her name is He Jing.From then on, the official name of the Seventh Princess is Princess Gu Lun and Jing, or Princess Gu Lun and Jing.

"The ministers and others followed the order and handed it over to the Ministry of Rituals. It is said that Princess Gulun had an initial banquet and a wedding banquet. Princess Heshuo had an initial banquet and a wedding banquet. He was born on the fourth day of March in the 25th year of Qianlong. The Ministry of Rituals played a [-]% discount on the wedding with Princess Jia Heshuo. According to the decree, Princess Gulun will hold a banquet twice, and Princess Heshuo will hold a banquet once, and it will be included in the book of the meeting as an example. This is... Jin Hejing Princess Gu Lun first decided to have a wedding ceremony, and I would like to follow the decree and respect the princess and have a second feast."

The emperor decreed that on July 21, the banquet will be held in the Zhengda Guangming Hall of the Yuanmingyuan; on the 27th, the banquet will be held in the Baohe Hall.

In this way, even though the Seventh Princess is the daughter of the imperial concubine, the rules of the wedding and banquet are no different from the Hejing Princess born by the wife of the Yuan Dynasty.

When the decree was sent back to the harem, Wanxi and the others all smiled in relief.

"The emperor definitely didn't do it on purpose. The son-in-law chosen for the seventh princess is the seventh in the family, and the auspicious date of marriage is also in July; and the day of the two banquets, one is 21, which is a multiple of seven; One is 27, so I naturally take Qi to it..." Concubine Ying spoke quickly, and couldn't help picking it out first.

Wanxi sighed happily, but when she turned her eyes, her eyes were still red.

There is only one month left before the auspicious date for her daughter to marry.

Over there, the concubine Wanwan was the first to shed tears.

All these years, everyone saw that Wanbi was the most detached person in the harem, and she smiled lightly in everything, but today she shed tears because of Xiao Qi's upcoming marriage.

Wanxi got up and walked over, hugging Wanbi, "You all go back first, tell me and Sister Chen to carry you on your back first, so that you can cry freely for a while..."

It's not sadness, it's just reluctance.Even though he knew it was a happy event, and his son-in-law was the child he had watched and grown up, there was nothing to worry about... Besides, he lives in the capital, so he can be summoned to the palace whenever he wants to see him.

But... It seems that after the daughter grows up and gets married, she will become another person.She is an independent adult, she is someone else's Fujin, she is no longer just a little girl that I can hold in my arms and take care of~.
When July came, the emperor spent 300 million silver in the war of conquest of Burma. Apart from heartache, it was a pity that the battle was not completely won.

The emperor vented all his anger on Agui, and asked Agui to continue to serve as the deputy general, and then conquer Burma to serve in atonement.

Minyi got up early this morning and found that something was wrong, and saw that Fukang'an had already got up, neatly packed, sitting on a chair and waiting for dawn.

Minyi was terrified, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with the third master?"

Before dawn, Fukang'an raised his eyes and looked at Minyi quietly, "The conquest here failed, and everyone in the government and the public are watching the jokes of our family. Ama is seriously ill, the eldest brother has passed away, and the second brother and the youngest son died at the knees." I can't stay away...so I'm going, I want to ask the emperor to follow General Agui to fight in Burma."

Fukang settled down, looked out of the window, and faintly revealed a wry smile, "Many years ago, some elders said that the only way I can make contributions in my life is to go to the battlefield."

Listening to Ling A Niang's words at that time, she never really took it to heart.How did he know that due to the defeat in the Burmese battle today, his father and son have been forced into desperation.

During the battle in Burma, his Ama Fu Heng was seriously ill, ruining his fame for a lifetime; his elder brother Fu Ling'an died of illness; his cousin Mingrui committed suicide; his other cousin, Mingrui's younger brother Kuilin also fell ill... ...Almost all the sons of his Fu family have been tripped up in this battle.Apart from the other young and frail ones, he is probably the only one who can go to the battlefield.

Whether it's for the court, for his own father, or for the face of the Fu family, he must put on his clothes to make up for this regret for Ama, his brother, and the family.

Minyi was taken aback, "But the third master has never had any experience in battle!"

Fukang'an nodded, "It doesn't matter if you don't have battle experience, you will naturally gain experience after a few more battles. Everything is difficult at the beginning. Besides, I have been to Yunnan twice before and after. I am not completely ignorant of the local situation."

Fukang quietly raised his eyes to look at Minyi, "I have made up my mind, and I will ask the emperor for an order today. The eldest brother and second sister-in-law in the family have just passed away, so Ama and Erniang will be entrusted to you."

Minyi trembled, and stepped forward to grab Fukang'an's arm, "The third master just wants to make meritorious service, and he will have a chance in the future! At this time, there are troubles in the mansion... Third master, why don't you go."

Fukang'an lightly brushed Minyi's hand away, "I said it, I've made up my mind."

Minyi had accumulated doubts in her heart for many days, and at this moment she couldn't hold back any longer, "The third master left in such a hurry, what exactly is he trying to escape? Could it be Beijing's comments on the master? Or... the third master didn't want to escape?" Patiently co-existing with my concubine, so you will do everything possible to get away from me?"

Fu Heng frowned, "What are you talking about? It's not yet dawn, so why bother with such a loud voice?"

Min Yi burst into tears, "Master, you are a man, and I will not stop you if you want to make meritorious service on the battlefield; but Master should not forget that we have just married. Even if Master is going to serve in the military camp, he will give it to me first." Leaving a child here is considered a note for us!"

"Since ancient times, battle formations have not been inhumane. How can a newly married man be sent to the barracks without having any heirs?"

Minyi was crying and grabbed Fukang'an's sleeve tightly, "Anyway, I won't let the third master go this time!"

Fukang'an's eyes were wide open, as if his pupils were filled with blood.

"Give you a child... just let go and let me go, don't you?! Minyi, do you mean what you say?"

(End of this chapter)

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