Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2563, Volume 9, 45 You are the most precious gift

Chapter 2563 Nine Volumes 45 You Are The Most Precious Gift

"Oh, Ernie!~~"

Xiaoqi felt embarrassed at first, ignoring the noble clothes, she reached out and tugged Wanxi's sleeves lovingly.

Wanxi laughed, full of relief.

In this way, what is in front of her is still Xiao Qi, her little daughter, instead of the big girl who was shaped by this honorable Princess Gu Lun's crown.

Lawang also laughed, and solemnly bowed down to Wanxi, "You will always be my son's mother... My son will cherish Xiao Qi for the rest of his life, don't worry."

Wanxi pulled Lawang up and patted him on the shoulder, "Good boy!"

Lawang whispered in Wanxi's ear, "My son only has Xiao Qi in his heart... Ever since my son entered the palace at the age of two, Auntie already knew."

Wanxi's heart burst open.

The emperor also had something to tell Lawang, so Wanxi squeezed Xiaoqi's hand alone, and whispered, "After the princess gets married, although formally you are a daughter-in-law and have parents-in-law at home; but you are Princess Gulun, but in fact Lawang The whole family must also observe the etiquette of the monarch and his ministers."

"You are only staying in Prince Chaoyong's Mansion temporarily. When spring comes, your Empress Ama will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to officially build the Princess Mansion for you. The name of the Princess Mansion is 'Princess Hejing Gulun Mansion', which is counted as a gift for you. Your dowry, even after marriage, is your own; it is not the son-in-law's house, only you are the owner."

"Furthermore, the son-in-law and his parents bowed their knees and kowtowed to the princess when they saw the princess, and they kowtowed if they got a gift... That is to say, when you return to Prince Chaoyong's mansion today, your parents-in-law will formally kowtow to you. "

Xiao Qi nodded with a smile, "Ernie... my daughter won't be wronged. Haven't you witnessed how Lawang and father-in-law have treated their daughter these years?"

Wanxi nodded with a smile, and said softly, "Ene just wanted to tell you that you are our Princess Gulun of the Qing Dynasty, and you have the most powerful natal family in the world. You don't have to worry about anything after you get married. If there is any grievance, Just go back to your mother's house to complain! You, Ama, and I, keep the palace door open at any time, waiting to make decisions for you..."

Xiaoqi smiled, didn't speak, just nodded.

Wanxi sighed softly, "Look, even my mother-in-law, who watched Lawang grow up, is still unavoidable up to this moment, always worried that my daughter will be wronged if she marries into someone else's family..."

Xiaoqi's eyes were red, she hugged Wanxi and said, "Ernie, I'm your daughter, I know what to fight for and what to give in to; I won't let myself be wronged, don't worry about me~"

Wanxi nodded vigorously, "Okay... it's getting late, go and see your concubine Wan's mother. She is waiting for you, listen to what she has to say to you. If it is said that in the harem, your concubine Wan Er Niang is the first person to understand, and she must give you good words."

After Wanxi finished speaking, she stuffed a small object into Xiao Qi's palm.

Xiao Qi was a little anxious when she saw it, "This is the most beloved thing of Ernie, how can Ernie give it to her daughter?"

What Wanxi gave to Xiao Qi was exactly what she had with the emperor back then—the white jade gourd pendant.

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, "Yes, this is E Nie's most beloved thing. Besides this one, there is another one that is the soft bracelet... These were given to me by your Huang Ama in the early years, and their meaning is definitely not later. The ones he rewarded me are comparable."

"It's because of the extraordinary significance of these two objects that I want to give them to you and Jiujiu. I'll give you this white jade gourd pendant, and I'll keep that soft bracelet for your sister... It's Ernie who is eccentric. I don’t want to give anything to Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Shiqi’s daughter-in-law, but I have to take it away with you two sisters first—that’s because, in E Nie’s heart, you two are E Nie’s little padded jackets. .”

Tears welled up in Xiaoqi's eyelashes, "Enie, my daughter dare not take it. This is a very precious memory of Huang Ama and Enie.

Wanxi shook her head, "This object is precious, it is the first thing your Huang Ama left me; but you are my first child with your Huang Ama, and we finally got it after 15 years of imprisonment child...your meaning is a hundred times heavier than it."

"After having you, the most precious memory between me and your Huang Ama is no longer this white jade gourd pendant, but our first child - Liansheng you~"

The tears that Xiaoqi managed to control easily, suddenly lost control again.

Wanxi hastily hugged her daughter tightly, and let others see the scene of crying when her daughter was not happy.

Wanxi hugged her daughter tightly and told her to put her cheek on her clothes.She is willing to use her own clothes to wipe away all the tears on her daughter's cheeks.
Xiaoqi went with Baiguo, Wanxi sniffled, snuggled into the emperor's arms, buried her face in the emperor's dress, choked up silently for a while, then cheered up, and asked the emperor again Next, Xiaoqi followed Lawang back to the guard of honor of Prince Chaoyong's mansion.

The House of Internal Affairs has long been in the prince Fujin and the close branch Wang Fujin, Baylor, and Mrs. Beizi. Those who have the same zodiac signs and no taboos will be ordered to send their relatives off.

After seeing off the relatives is the wedding.In addition, the wives of the senior officials are accompanied by the wives of the inner management and the accompanying women to draw. They also choose those who have the same age and fate.

As for the guides and deacons along the way, four officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, two leaders from the Internal Affairs Bureau, two officers from the guards, two guards from the military academy, and 20 guards were selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.He held a banquet together, using nine sheep and nine bottles of wine, and the banquet was handled by the husband and wife together.

Wanxi took care of these things in person, and finally watched her daughter board the wedding sedan chair.

Just as Xiaoqi's farewell guard of honor left for Prince Chaoyong's mansion with great grandeur, a horse galloped towards the gate of the capital.

Immediately it was Fukang'an who hadn't closed his eyes for several days and nights and only changed horses but never changed people along the way.

Because of his father's death, he turned back from the southwest and galloped back; but he still rushed into the capital just as Xiao Qi was leaving the palace...

In this life, the only thing left is to be able to watch her go on a long journey like this.

In this life... Fortunately, there was still time to watch her go on a long journey.

It was Ama who passed away, but it was also because of Ama's death that he was able to gallop back from the southwest, so that he could still have time to look at the back of her red wedding sedan chair from afar.
On July 27, the emperor returned to the Forbidden City, and again in the Palace of Preservation and Marriage because of Xiaoqi, and gave a banquet to Lawang's father, relatives, and important officials such as the scholar and the minister.

This time, because the banquet was held in the Forbidden City, and it was held in Baohe Hall, one of the three main halls, all rituals were more rigorous.

The Harmony Department of the Music Department is set up under the eaves of the Baohe Hall in Zhonghe Shaole, and under the back eaves of the Zhonghe Hall in Danbi, all facing north.The clan princes, ministers, guards and deacons attending the banquet all wore python robes with mended clothes; the deacons who worshiped Tang A people all wore python robes.

A yellow curtain was set up, and the counter was placed in the middle of the back steps of the Zhonghe Hall.The head of Shangshan, the head of the internal management, set up a royal banquet in front of the throne and a little farther in the middle.

On that day, the Hongfa Temple official led the forehead son-in-law Lawang, and all members of the Lawang tribe were in court clothes. First, they went to the Cining Gate of the Empress Dowager's Palace and knelt down three times and kowtowed nine times.At the end of the ceremony, lead to the Hall of Preservation of Harmony to stand on His Majesty Dan, and the king, ministers and guards who are in the banquet stand in their shifts.

At that time, the official banquet of the Ministry of Rites will be ready, the emperor will wear dragon robes and gowns, and the Imperial Palace of Harmony will be held.It was composed by Zhonghe Shaoyue and played "The Chapter of Longping".The emperor was promoted to the throne, the music was stopped, Honghe Temple chanted the official praise and arranged the line, the Honglu Temple officials led the forehead and the family members lined up, praised the official praise and performed three kneeling and nine kowtow ceremonies, Danbi made music, and played "Zhiping chapter".

At the end of the ceremony, the music stopped, and the officials of Honghe Temple led Lawang and members of the Lawang tribe into the shift, kowtowed and sat down with all the people.

The chief of the dining room of the guards and the generals moved closer to the imperial banquet, and Danbi made Qing music, playing "The Chapter of Haiyu's Ascension to the Ordinary Day", and the tea merchants served tea.When the emperor served tea, all the people sat down and knelt down, and kowtowed.After the tea is finished, the guards come forward to loosen the tea.All of them kowtowed at the seat.After drinking, kowtow again and sit down.

When the music stops and the curtain is displayed, the master of ceremonies will turn back and take the holding platform, pot and pot, and enter from the middle road.All the people stood up, and the ministers of the noble ranks came out, released and mended their clothes, and stood facing east on the west side of the threshold of the hall. When the people come out, they line up on both sides of the steps. The officer in charge of ceremonies drinks wine. The minister of honor enters and kneels in front. Kneeling and raising the title, the minister who was awarded the title, Bi, stood up and retreated, the minister of the title took over the title, rose from the middle rank, entered the side of the throne from the west, and knelt down to enter the title.

The emperor received the title, and the ministers who entered the title rose, went down the west steps, and returned to the original kneeling place to kneel.When the emperor used wine, the ministers who entered the ranks kowtowed, and everyone kowtowed. When the ministers entered the ranks, they still ascended from the west steps, knelt down to meet the ranks, and went down to the original kneeling place from the middle ranks.The master of ceremonies enters, kneels to receive the title, and retreats.All the people stood up first, and the master of ceremonies poured wine in with a golden goblet, and immediately gave wine to the ministers who entered the ranks. The ministers knelt down to receive them and kowtowed.After drinking, the officer in charge of ceremonies took over and retreated immediately, and the minister of the rank made a kowtow ceremony.Start to add supplementary services to return to the shift.When the officials of the Honglu Temple gave wine to the ministers of the Jinjue, they immediately led the forehead consort and members of the Yi nationality to perform a kowtow ceremony.After the music stops, everyone bows their heads and sits down.

The emperor used the dishes, and the neutral and clear music was played, playing "The Chapter of Vientiane Qingning".The gifts of food are finished on both sides, and the catering officer enters the meat dishes, and after distributing them to everyone, they enter and return, and they are happy to stop. The imperial guards serve wine and put it on the imperial table.After drinking, perform another kowtow ceremony.

Next, because Lawang was a Mongolian, Mongolian music was played in the hall.After playing the Mongolian music and songs, turn back, and the royal banquet will be withdrawn.

All the people stood up, and the official of Honglu Temple led the members of the forehead and clan to the original salute place, listened to the praise and thanked them, and knelt down once and kowtowed three times.

This time, the grand feast of the Hall of Preserving Harmony was completed.

The banquet given in the Palace of Preserving Harmony is for men, and there is another banquet for women in the harem.

This banquet was held in Chuxiu Palace, Wanxi's bedroom, and there was also a feast for Lawang's grandmothers and the empress dowager in the Compassion Palace.

The empress dowager, the emperor, and the imperial concubine are the three palaces, so there is a banquet in each palace.

Because of the happiness of Xiaoqi's marriage, finally the sadness of passing away on the [-]th of July with Prince Hong Zhou and Ninth Master Fu Heng on the same day was somewhat diluted.

With such joy, when August comes, the emperor can finally breathe a sigh of relief, shake off those sorrows, and prepare for his 60th birthday celebration.
In August, 17 people from Banboke of Hubei Province came to Beijing for the pilgrimage, together with Huohan's envoys, to wish the emperor his 60th birthday.

The emperor was happy and gave a banquet in Tong Paradise.

As a result, the emperor's 60th birthday celebration finally officially kicked off.

E Dui Burke was able to come to Beijing again. Even though Mrs. Reyimu was not accompanying her this time, Wanxi was also very happy. She personally gave many items, and asked E Dui Burke to bring them back to Reyi when he left Beijing and returned to his hometown. Mrs. Wood is going.

In this festive atmosphere, Wanxi could still see that the emperor could not be as sincerely happy this year as in previous years.

Apart from the defeat in pacifying Burma, and the passing away of Prince He and Jiuye, Wanxi was worried for another reason.

On this day, the emperor invited the empress dowager to go to Tongyuan to watch a play, and Wanxi was there to serve her. Taking advantage of this joy, Wanxi tactfully asked the emperor during her noon break.

The emperor still wanted to hide it, but when he looked at Wanxi's clear eyes, he still sighed and said truthfully, "...there is also movement in Xiaojinchuan this year."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.

The affairs of the former court have always been connected like chains, one link after another.The imperial court's failure to use troops in the Burmese incident really triggered a series of reactions, even Xiao Jinchuan thought that the imperial court could be bullied, which made him rebellious again.

If this is the case, it is no wonder that in this month of longevity, after the emperor had punished Agui and his son severely before, the emperor suddenly issued an order to punish Agui again: "Send all the ministers of the guards, officials of the Ministry of Rites, and Xie of Agui. The Red Banner Han Army is all at the same level, and all of them will be dismissed. The ministers will be dismissed and stay in post, and they will be appointed as deputy military generals, so that they can act on their own."

It's really a bit cruel for the emperor to treat Ah Gui like this.

Wanxi knows that Agui has a grievance, but at this time Master Jiu has passed away, and the other lieutenant, Ali Gun, has also died for the country... The emperor doesn't take Agui as a question, so what should he do?
But Wanxi also understands better that the reason why the emperor treats Ah Gui like this is because of the death of Master Jiu and the superimposition of the Jinchuan Rebellion.

The Battle of Dajinchuan back then is exactly the same as the current battle to pacify Burma?It's been a long time without a decision, the emperor has beheaded several people, and finally had to use Master Jiu...

Back then, Master Jiu won the Battle of Dajinchuan, made this achievement for the court and the emperor, and also maintained the face of the court and the emperor.

But now, Master Jiu has passed away, and Jinchuan is in chaos, who will the court expect to go?
What's more, the battle to pacify Burma still failed at this time, so if the battle of Jinchuan starts at the same time, what will be the prospect of that war?
Wanxi pondered for a while, and finally said slowly, "Jinchuan is not afraid of chaos. After all, Yu Wei, who won the battle of Jinchuan in the battle of Jiuye, is still there. The sharp blade... Therefore, there is no one in Jinchuan who is not afraid of the court!"

"They dared to make trouble this year. Firstly, they heard that the imperial court had suffered some setbacks in the battle to pacify Burma. They thought that the imperial court's current military strength had weakened, which gave them an opportunity! Secondly, it was because of Master Jiu. His death made them feel that there was no one in the court whom they feared."

Wanxi glanced sideways at the emperor, "But they were wrong! Although Master Jiu is gone, his son is still there, and Master Jiu's residual prestige is still there!"

The emperor's eyes flashed, "You mean...?"

Wanxi nodded, "Yes, and Qilin Bao."

Fu Long'an is the eldest son of Master Jiu, and at this time he has many errands in the previous court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so it is impossible to send him to the battlefield; Fu Chang'an is still young, not yet old.

"My father said earlier that Qilin has the ability to lead soldiers; besides, I also heard that the child has ambitions, and he invited himself to go to the Yunnan military camp to serve his father...Then let him go and let him be round." This wish has been fulfilled; also called Master Jiu's reputation in Jinchuan, it will always fly high above the blue sky and never fade away!"

The emperor narrowed his eyes and stared at Wanxi, "Do you think it's really okay for Qilin to protect that child? Although he has the talent to lead soldiers, he has been spoiled and spoiled since he was a child, and he has never been in a battle."

Wanxi bowed her head lightly, "Master... have you forgotten what Jiuye was like back then? Jiuye was dressed in fresh clothes and angry horses, healthy slaves and beautiful maids... If you say the word 'dandy', how many families are there inside and outside the capital?" Can your elder brother compete with him?"

"But after he was 20 years old, especially after he was appreciated and reused by the emperor, I wonder why Master Jiu was still the same playboy he used to be? Da Jinchuan is not the first time Master Jiu has officially entered the battle, but Jiuye The master is not in a state of chaos, and he has completed the great work of Jinchuan for the court and the master."

Wanxi stretched out her hand to hold the emperor's hand, "Don't worry about Jinchuan, you just need to judge the situation and give Qilinbao a chance when you need to send troops to Jinchuan... I believe that Qilinbao must be another Jiuye to go .”

"Because he has been recognized by the master since he was a child, maybe he is more likely to be a young master, and his achievements in the future will surpass that of the ninth master!"

The emperor squinted at Wanxi, and finally nodded slowly.

"After finishing the funeral affairs for Xiaojiu, I will ask Qilinbao to go to Yunnan again. Tell him to follow Agui and the others to practice in the southwest."

"The current situation in Jinchuan remains to be seen. If it is decided that troops need to be dispatched, I will give Qilin a chance to go..."

On August [-]th, the emperor celebrated his [-]th birthday in Beijing, as well as the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th, and departed on August [-]th, with Mulan in autumn.

Before the emperor set off, Fukang'an was promoted to another level: he was promoted to the first-class guard.
This time Xiao Shiqi followed successfully again.

This is actually a bit inconsistent with the practice of princes and grandchildren accompanying Qiu Yu - after all, he is too young.

But Xiao Shiqi cried when he refused to go, for several days in a row, and even saw Tian'er go to the Emperor's Zhengda Guangming Hall, sitting on the threshold of the palace gate, she was aggrieved and shed tears, and no one would coax her to leave.

Concubine Ying did the same thing, so Wanxi followed Concubine Ying, pleading guilty to the emperor.

The emperor also smiled helplessly, "If he wants to go, tell him to go! But tell him, you can't just ride a car every day and be pampered; tell him to ride a horse for an hour every day!"

Concubine Ying coaxed Xiao Shiqi, saying, "You are too young, you ride a horse for half an hour every day at such a young age, your buttocks should bloom!"

Xiao Shiqi was not afraid, and only held Concubine Ying's hand and said, "Ms. Ying'er, just ask the manufacturing office to make me an iron butt pad!"

Concubine Ying learned from Wanxi and the emperor, and the elders couldn't help laughing helplessly.

Wanxi glanced at Concubine Ying, "Why did I remember that I came with the Prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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