Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2566, Volume 9, 48 The Enemy Has Changed

Chapter 2566 Nine Volumes 48 The Enemy Has Changed
Wanxi hugged her knees, tilted her head and looked at the emperor, "But why did my lord give me some orangutan felt and mats this year, instead of the mats that were given to Korea as a tribute in previous years? This sits on the ground , it’s better to use Korean mats.”

Wanxi put her arm around the emperor's arm, and shook it coquettishly, "Master... I will use these gorilla felts to replace those mats from previous years?"

The emperor coughed from choking, put his fist on his mouth, and raised his eyes to catch Wanxi.

Wanxi also smiled sweetly, and shook her head slightly, "You don't have to hide it from me, I already know it in my heart. Goryeo paid the tribute on the 28th of the first lunar month. According to the usual practice in previous years, the tribute should have been sent in long ago. This year until Not yet, that means people don’t want to pay any more tribute.”

The emperor felt hotter, "What else can they offer, it's just some broken mats! Don't worry!"

Wanxi smiled and bowed her head, hooking the emperor's fingers with her fingers.

The emperor was so angry that he clenched his fist tightly and pressed it to the ground.Tell Wanxi to hook one like this, and the rest of her fingers can't be clenched tightly.

Wanxi played with the emperor's innocent finger, "My lord is right, isn't it just some broken mats? We are not like their country, where we can eat and sleep underground? We sit on kangs Sleeping in a bed, there are gorilla blankets on the kang, and all kinds of mattresses and mattresses, who cares about using their mats?"

Wanxi pointed her finger right, "They are all the most common houses in the countryside. There is no bed next to the kang, so only the kang mats are laid."

The emperor also sighed, "It is the habit of sitting and lying on the floor, which they also learned from us in China. However, the history of sitting and lying on the floor in China can be traced back to the Han Dynasty, which was more than 1000 years ago. Already!"

Wanxi clapped her hands resoundingly, "That's right! So you said, those broken mats are the only ones that don't pay tribute. Who cares about them? Take them seriously?!"

"That's right! What does it mean to be self-preserved? What is Yelang arrogant? It's just about them!" The emperor also slapped his hands loudly.

Wanxi is like this, it seems to be coaxing an unhappy child, why is she still talking to the 61-year-old emperor~
But the emperor is more useful, he can let go of the airs of being the emperor in private, he can even laugh and scold, and express his joy and anger at will.

Yun Fu kicked his feet on the ground cheerfully, "My lord is right, he is a small country with few people, those mats that we don't take seriously, he really treats them as good things...... A tribute, I am afraid it will save them a lot."

"You see, since we are not rare, and they are desperately trying to save, then we both hit it off, and it's just a tacit understanding... We don't want it, it shows the generosity of the heavenly kingdom; anyway, every time they pay tribute Fang Wu, the emperor has to give back ten times as much good things—just in time, if they donate less, the emperor will save a lot of money for us!"

The emperor finally smiled, crossed his legs and hugged Wanxi's shoulders, "What a housewife, this little abacus is so resounding!"

Wanxi leaned on the emperor's shoulder, covered her face with a handkerchief and smiled, "You are qualified to be a housewife only if you know how to plan carefully!"

What kind of tribute, what kind of position... These things might be valued by others, but Wanxi never cared about them.

In this harem, only the emperor's heart is the most important thing.With the emperor's heart, is there anything good in this world?If you don't have the emperor's heart, you will be the empress, so what will happen to you in the end?

After all these years in the harem, if she still cares about the mats of Goryeo at this time, then her decades in the harem have really been wasted; and the emperor's 30 years of care have been wasted.
Goryeo, who had paid tribute to Wanxi for several years, suddenly stopped paying tribute this year, and this incident caused quite a stir in the harem.

Those who care about things will inevitably say in private: Look, after all, the emperor has no heart to enshrine the imperial concubine as the empress.

Sensible people such as Yuqin and Wanpin have their own thoughts: it is because of Jiu'er's family background that they cannot go any further; but in this harem, there will never be another person who will become a queen.The emperor would rather hang in the central palace, and never let another person stand in a higher position than Wanxi.

The emperor only reserved this top of the harem for Wanxi.

These discussions in the harem, when Yongchang was talking with the empress dowager every day, did not fade away at all, and they were all relayed to the empress dowager.

The empress dowager couldn't help squinting her eyes, "Oh? The imperial concubine is so confident?"

Yongchang lowered his head and smiled faintly, "I think the confidence of the imperial concubine is given by the emperor~~ Maybe the emperor has made such a promise to the imperial concubine in private. With such a bottom in my heart, the imperial concubine dares to Let the word out like this."

The empress dowager couldn't help but sneered, "Who is she listening to when she makes such a rumor?!"

Yongchang tilted his head, "The empresses who are above the high positions in the harem are either old or have a deep relationship with the imperial concubine... If there is a special case, it is only for the concubines. Concubine Shun who has just been promoted."

"If the imperial concubine wants to guard against it, it's naturally not the turn of us low-ranking ones. The imperial concubine can only guard against the concubine Shun."

The empress dowager didn't speak, but after a long while, she suddenly turned her eyes to look at Yong Changzai, "Ling Zhi... I remember you used to always talk to the imperial concubine?"

Yong Chang hurriedly stood up, "I don't dare! I am in the palace, so naturally everything is guided by the empress dowager and the emperor. Both the empress dowager and the emperor like the imperial concubine, otherwise she would not be able to be among the imperial concubines." This concubine naturally follows the empress dowager and the emperor, and respects the imperial concubine."

The empress dowager snorted, "Don't say these things are useless! I want to hear your truth!"

Yong Chang fell to his knees in a hurry, "I dare not hide it any more - it is because when I first entered the palace, everything was protected by the Empress Dowager, the old man, and I was like a little bird hiding under your wings. Yes, I am not afraid of any wind and rain."

"But gradually, the concubine found that the empress dowager didn't like the concubine as much as before, and the empress dowager seemed to be getting more and more with the concubine... The concubine was so uncomfortable that she was about to die..."

Yong Chang was sobbing as he said, "I tried my best to recall all the things I have experienced in the past seven years since I entered the palace... I have always devoted myself to serving the Empress Dowager, and never dared to be careless."

Yongchang raised his eyes and looked at the Empress Dowager, "The concubine finally thought, maybe... the crux of the problem is that the concubine often speaks kind words for the imperial concubine in front of the empress dowager; she even roughly paraphrased what the empress dowager had said intentionally or unintentionally. I have heard it for the imperial concubine..."

Yongchang was crying like rain, and walked forward on his knees, knocking his head almost on the empress dowager's toes, "I know I'm wrong... It's because I'm young and ignorant, self-righteous, and I take the imperial concubine too seriously. You have offended the empress dowager..."

"I don't dare anymore, I hope the empress dowager can give me another chance, I will always be a slave in the empress dowager's palace, and I will never bend my elbows again..."

The Empress Dowager sighed, and reached out to caress the top of Yongchang's head.

"Ling Zhi, you still know that I like you! Since you entered the palace, when and why have I not protected you? Even in front of the emperor, how many times have I said good things for you..."

"Ling Zhi, this is because I see it for your Ama's sake. He has been in charge of my Changchun Garden all these years, and he has been attentive to everything, so he told me to form a friendship with him for decades; But it all depends on human effort, just relying on your kindness, Ama, is not enough to support you for so many years--after all, I still like Ling Zhi's temperament!"

"Although you are also a woman with a Han surname, your temperament is not like those hooves of the Han people. You are more like our Manchu princess. You are hot and cheerful, dare to speak up, remember when I liked to call you 'Little Pepper' the most. ?”

Always lying on the ground, weeping bitterly, "How dare I forget myself..."

The Empress Dowager sighed and sat up straight, "But later, who would have thought that your temperament would change... You also became like those Han girls in the palace, and it became more and more difficult for me to figure it out."

"Ling Zhi, I'm getting old, and I don't have the heart to use those narrow-minded people in the harem anymore. I don't like those words and deeds that always hide from me, so that I can't see clearly and guess clearly. It's the one who goes with my heart. I like the original Ling Zhi, but if your temperament becomes like that, asking me to face you every day in my own palace and have to guess, then I will I'm getting impatient."

"I know you think I'm partial to Concubine Shun and Lady Lan, because they are also from the Niu Hulu clan of my mother's family. But let me tell you, if I was only because of their family background, I would have moved you out of the house long ago. In my palace, I just ask the two of them to accompany me!

"I'm because the two of them are still full of personality and old temper. The anger is born on the face, and they never go around in the stomach, so that I don't have to guess and guess every day to be exhausted!"

Yongchang was sobbing and nodded, "I understand... Is my nature not as straightforward as Concubine Shun and Lan Guiren? I just want to protect myself after entering the palace. Concubine Huang Guifei and Concubine Qing walked too close, so I unknowingly imitated their temperament, and subtly became the same people as them."

The empress dowager patted the pillow in her hand, "That's to say, it's good that you understand it!"

Yong Chang kowtowed on the ground, "I will never do it again... I will calm down and return to the empress dowager wholeheartedly, with one heart only for the empress dowager!"

The empress dowager took two puffs of cigarettes, and squinted at Yongchang in the puff of smoke.

"Now in this harem, the position of empress has been suspended for too long. Even the vassal states use this as an excuse, and even the annual tribute has been waived... Succession to the empress is something the emperor must do. Ling Zhi, according to you Look, who in this harem is most qualified to succeed to the middle palace?"
The ever-present heart sank severely.

Who does the emperor want to be the queen?Oh, what does this have to do with her!
Yongchang sneered in his heart: Anyway, it's not her turn to succeed anyone; whoever makes her, like the imperial concubine, is covered in clothes!
Those who are slaves can only serve as concubines, and will never be the main wife.

But Yongchang perfectly concealed it on the face, and nothing leaked out.

She thought for a while, and immediately replied in a clear voice, "When I return to the empress dowager, I think that among the current concubines and above, the youngest concubine is the most qualified and hopeful!"

The Empress Dowager raised her eyebrows, "Oh? Ling Zhi, do you really think so?"

Yongchang kowtowed and said, "It's just that Concubine Shun has only been in the palace for a short time at this time, and her qualifications in the harem are at a disadvantage. Therefore, she is not a match for Concubine Huang and Concubine Qing for a while... Concubine Shun needs someone to help her."

The Empress Dowager stared quietly at Yong Chang Zai, "According to you, in this harem, who can Shun Concubine choose to be her assistant?"

Yongchang replied immediately, "Originally the most suitable person is Lan Guiren... It's just that Lan Guiren has been in the palace for so many years, but he has not been able to get the emperor's favor. I am worried that Lan Guiren still has not found the way, so I can help you. For the concubine of Shangshun, I am afraid that it will not be the nobleman of Lan."

The empress dowager's eyes were half-closed, "If you can't even do Lan Guiren, then in your opinion, who else is there?"

Yongchang immediately raised his head and said firmly, "I am willing to do my best for the concubine! It's just that I have been in the palace for seven years, and now I have fallen back from being a nobleman to a permanent position. It's up to Empress Shun's ability.

"Based on this, Concubine Shun still needs more powerful helpers—I think that there is still a suitable candidate for the position of concubine."

The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes, "Who?"

Yong Changzai said, "Naturally, the first choice is Concubine Shu! Concubine Shu was originally favored by the Empress Dowager, and she is the Empress Dowager of Yehebu in Manchuria. For a long time, it must be the best way to help Empress Shun."

The empress dowager also sighed after hearing this, "She, just like you two years ago, finally betrayed me and ran to the Han people!"

Yong Chang smiled with his head tilted, "I heard that Concubine Shu and Concubine Huang Guifei turned their quarrel into friendship, and the most important medium was Elder Brother Eleven... Back then, Imperial Concubine transferred Elder Elder Brother to Concubine Shu to raise him."

The Empress Dowager nodded, "That's exactly what happened."

Yong Chang's eyes drooped slightly, "But now, Elder Brother Eleven has encountered a crisis. This time, the Imperial Concubine did not help... For the sake of her own child, the Imperial Concubine finally stood by and watched Elder Elder Brother."

After Yongchang finished speaking, he relayed in detail to the Empress Dowager the matter that the eighth elder brother and the fourth elder brother were successively reprimanded by the emperor, and the eleventh elder brother Yong Xing was also involved in the middle.

The empress dowager was also taken aback.She didn't even know these things.

She understood that the emperor's son's reason was naturally that he didn't want her to know, so as not to get angry.

The Empress Dowager was a little unhappy, thinking of the fact that her son has increasingly blocked news from her Changchun Garden over the past few years...

After Nala's death, she was imprisoned in the Changchun Garden, and she often didn't know what happened in the Old Summer Palace and the Forbidden City.The son would say that it was because she was too old to worry about her; but she felt that it was still her son's separation from her.

She can't escape all the heart problems of being a mother-in-law: she is most afraid of the separation between her son and herself, which is the pillow wind from her daughter-in-law.

"According to this, I'm afraid it was instigated by the imperial concubine again! The emperor must be reprimanded by the emperor one by one, and only her own son should be safe!"

The Empress Dowager likes the two little grandchildren Xiao Shiwu and Xiao Shiqi.But when a mother-in-law likes her grandson, she may not necessarily like her daughter-in-law~
Yongchang bowed his head and said, "At this moment, the empress dowager just needs to give a little help to save elder brother eleven, then with the intelligence of empress concubine Shu, she will definitely sense your empress dowager's intentions."

The empress dowager finally smiled slowly, "Ling Zhi, you have grown up indeed. After seven years in the palace, you have finally completed the initial detour."
After leaving the empress dowager's bedroom, Yongchang was accompanied by Guan Lan and walked to his own bedroom.

Guan Lan carefully asked, "Master, why are you holding onto that concubine Shun today? Why do you bother to wrong yourself so much?"

"Furthermore, this time something happened to Zhang De, I'm afraid it was arranged by Concubine Shun and Lan Guiren together, I'm just waiting for Zhang De to get into it by himself, so that I can catch the master by then. !"

"Well," Yongchang nodded, "The two of them succeeded. Didn't I have been demoted by the emperor to return to my usual position? In my current situation, I have been promoted, degraded, and promoted like Lan Guiren back then. The experience of falling again and again is almost evened out. From then on, I have no right to laugh at her, this is what she wants."

"Then the most important thing for me now is to quickly restore my position as an honored person. In this harem, only the nobles and above are the main positions. If I am not even an honored person, what future will I have?"

Yong Chang looked up at the sky, "The imperial concubine won't help me, and I don't have the imperial favor, so the only person I can rely on is the empress dowager. As long as the empress dowager treats me well again, then I can't give up anything! Even if I want to help Concubine Shun, I can still bear it!"

Yongchang was silent for a while after speaking, and then sighed deeply again.

"Besides, no matter how disobedient I am, I can't change my own family background. No matter how high my official position is, my mother's family is also from Baoyi. Have you ever seen our empress from Qing Dynasty who was born in Baoyi? Is it?"

Guan Lan shook her head, "Of course not."

"That's right," Yongchang walked forward lonely, "In the final analysis, the position of empress is destined to never be with me. The highest state that I may reach in the future is the appearance of the imperial concubine now.

"Since I understand this truth, why should I stop Concubine Shun from continuing to advance? After all, I can't stop it. If I have to stop it, I will break all the relationship between me and the empress dowager." It's clean...then I'm really stupid."

"I've changed my mind. From the day I decided to compete with the imperial concubine, I no longer regard concubine Shun as my biggest enemy—I can even help concubine Shun to rise up and become the concubine's opponent go!"

Yongchang looked at the flowers and trees beside him, "This harem should not be dominated by one person. It should be colorful and full of flowers, so that we can find the cracks and capture our own opportunities."

(End of this chapter)

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