Leader Lan Palace

第2570章 9卷52 1碗水端平(2更)

Chapter 2570 Nine Volumes 52 A Bowl of Water (2 More)
The empress dowager was also a little surprised.

The emperor smiled filially, "This time Concubine Shun's cloak is indeed beautiful, because the durian flowers look like water, my son also called Concubine Shun and accompanied him to the Daiding Palace. My son thought, Concubine Shun's heart I’m so happy, but I’m not missing this pulu mattress.”

"On the contrary, she is always there. When she first entered the palace, she was still a little petite. My son felt that she was young at that time, and her temper still needed to be tempered. Now that she has been in the palace for a few years, she is indeed in the palace. Under the guidance, I have grown a lot."

"This time she didn't go with her on the east tour. It is said that if she used to be petty in the past, she would lose face again. But to my son's surprise, not only did she not play petty, this Hui Huan is willing to take out the only one piece of shiny satin in his share, and make that garnet red cloak for Concubine Shun, which makes Concubine Shun a lot more attractive to accompany him this time."

The emperor looked at his mother with a smile, "The son thought, then this time the son should be there forever."

"It doesn't matter whether the concubine Shun is still there forever or not, after all, she is the one you taught me, Empress Empress. It's good for them to reward anyone with a son~"
The empress dowager squinted her eyes at her son, "Emperor...do you suddenly feel that Yongchang is better than Concubine Shun?"

The emperor raised his eyes and thought for a while, "Returning to Ernie, my son actually thinks that both of them are good. Because they are both taught by Ernie, my son can actually see the shadow of you from both of them. "

"Shun Concubine has your appearance. After all, she is a member of Niu Hulu's family, and is connected by natural blood. Didn't even Aunt Anshou and the others say that Concubine Shun looks very much like Er Nie when you were young?"

"Yongchangzai is similar to your temperament. It's hard to say that although she is a girl with a Chinese surname, she has a straightforward and pungent personality. Even you like it, don't you?"

The emperor stretched out two hands, which were also in front of his eyes.

"The two of them are like the son's left and right hands. Although there are differences between the left and right hands, the son actually values ​​and likes them equally in his heart~"

The empress dowager nodded slowly, "That's fine. Both of them have their own advantages. If you like it, then don't let them waste their youth with me... How about this, from now on, I will be called Yongchang Now move out of my Changchun Garden and move back to Yuanmingyuan to live in."

"It just so happened that you also gave her a safflower pulu mattress, and you just asked her to make it up, so I felt happy too!"
The emperor will always be brought back from the Changchun Garden, which is a great news;

This is not enough, the emperor told Yongchang to reset the nobleman again.

Mr. Yonggui officially came back to live with the emperor, and Wanxi naturally wanted to arrange a place for Mr. Yonggui first.

On the contrary, the emperor smiled slightly, "There is no need to make any extra arrangements. Just ask Yonggui and Langui to move out and live with Concubine Shun together."

After all, the Old Summer Palace is huge, and there are many palaces and gardens, so it doesn't seem that the Forbidden City must have the restrictions of East, West and Six Palaces.

But Wanxi still had to ask, "What about the palace? How should we arrange it?"

The emperor thought for a while, "Concubine Yu and Yongqi's Fujin are raising Mian Yao outside Duanze's gate at this time. Mian Yao has been married, and there are still a few years before marriage. The past few years are called Mian Key learning. When you are married and do things... then Concubine Yu can concentrate on teaching, so you don't have to go back and forth in the inner court."

The emperor personally made up his mind, "Let Concubine Shun lead Lan Guiren and Yong Guiren to live with Concubine Yu's original palace."
After the emperor arranged these things, he went back to Jiuzhou Qingyan to govern.

At this time, the Qing Dynasty will usher in another major event-the Mongolian Turghut tribe who had gone away, under the leadership of the leader U Baxi, intends to return from the east.The emperor is urgently discussing various arrangements with the ministers.

Yuqin and the others also found it interesting that Mr. Yonggui came back to live suddenly, and was resettled as a nobleman, and got the safflower pulu mattress that should have been given to the concubine Shun.

Concubine Wan smiled and said, "The emperor is in this harem, and Manchu and Han have always been equally important. Nowadays, Concubine Shun, who came from a family of heroes in Manchuria, has the best momentum, but Mr. Yonggui, who was born with a Han surname, is not much less. gone."

Wanxi turned her eyes to look at Concubine Wan, the two had a tacit understanding for 30 years, and now they looked at each other and smiled again.

"Mr. Yonggui is better than Mrs. Yonggui. She is the only one in our harem who has not been guarded by the empress dowager in these years, and even won her favor. He will be blocked by the empress dowager; besides, Ama of Yonggui has a high official position and is highly valued, and he can also stand shoulder to shoulder with those nobles from Manchuria's noble families."

"In the future of the harem, if there are still people with the Han surname who can contain their full personality, then Yonggui is the best candidate, or even the only one."

Yuqin and the others also nodded, "Why not?"

"The harem is like the world. Only when the man and the Han pay equal attention can this bowl of water be level. What do the sisters say?" Wan Xi smiled.

Although the face of a woman over forty years old can no longer have the luster of a teenager or 20 years old, but this quiet and deep smile is also a special gift of the years.

What kind of person is Wang Lingzhi? Wanxi already knows what kind of person she has been with in the harem for the past eight years.

But now she is no longer a little nobleman who competes for favor with others, she is the lord of the six palaces, and she is the imperial concubine.Her vision has long since transcended those little tricks of fighting for favor, and she sees the entire harem at the height of it.

She even wanted to imitate the emperor's way of governing the previous court, and manage the harem with a calm mind and an even hand.

Wang Lingzhi was capable of tossing around, but at this time the game of chess in the harem could not be without Wang Lingzhi's pawn.

Besides, what is Wang Lingzhi's age, and what is Wanxi's age? A 40-year-old still needs to guard against a 20-year-old in the same way as a 20-year-old. Wouldn't the 20 years in between be wasted?
Concubine Shun led Yonggui and Rengui Lan to move into the Xingshu Courtyard where Concubine Yu originally lived, and Concubine Shun lived in the main hall.

It was already June, and the apricot blossoms had long since bloomed, and Fangfei was gone everywhere.It's as if a woman's most beautiful teenage years have all faded away, and it's hard to find her.

Because of a red flowered pulu mattress, Concubine Shun felt sad for spring and autumn at this moment.

Although this is considered as the lord of the first house, she should be happy that she no longer needs to live with others; but she still feels a little depressed.

Still frustrated after all.

Just when the front court and the harem thought that she was already the new favorite of the emperor, the emperor gave the pulu mattress to Mr. Yonggui, which finally made her face ugly.

"Master, Mr. Yonggui is asking to see you." The official woman came in and reported.

Concubine Shun sighed, "Call it."

Mr. Yonggui enters and salutes Concubine Shun.

Concubine Shun's eyes drooped slightly, and said calmly, "It's all in place? But if there is anything short or missing, report it to me, and I will go back to the imperial concubine and ask for it from the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

 3 more later

(End of this chapter)

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