Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2579 Volume 9 61 Rescue Lunar Eclipse

Chapter 2579 Nine Volumes 61 Rescue Lunar Eclipse
After the Dragon Boat Festival in May, in addition to the removal of all the titles and positions of Buten Baljur, the son-in-law of Hejing Princess, there was another major event in the court, which was the top three ranks in the Imperial Palace Examination.

This is a major event in Korea, Chinese and military.

Seeing that the emperor hand-picked the No. [-], No. [-], and No. [-] picks again, He Shen couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Back then, he also wanted to be born in the imperial examination, and the article was originally beautifully written. Even the emperor said that based on his article, he should have been selected... It's a pity that his grandfather Yinglian was also the examiner. For this reason, he still avoided suspicion and lost the election.

As the same person walking in front of the imperial court, He Shen's expression also fell into Zalantai's eyes.

Zha Lantai is already a duke, and he is also a concubine of nine foreheads. He has a kind temper since he was a child, and he can get along with anyone in harmony, and he never puts on airs.Therefore, Zha Lantai and Heshen have a good personal relationship.

Zha Lantai smiled and said, "You failed the imperial examination, but now you are serving as a guard at the sticky pole next to the emperor. This means that you are destined to be born in martial arts, so forget about the pen."

He Shen sighed, "Grandpa Zhalan joked about the lowly job... The lowly job can be seen by the bow and horse riding and shooting. How can the lowly job be someone who can make meritorious deeds from bowing horses and leading soldiers? He was born in the military guard , it is also because the ancestors passed down the world position of the third-class captain of the light car, and with that world position, the humble position can be born as a bodyguard."

"The humble job is really good at civil work. Besides, in a peaceful and prosperous age, we should rule the world with literature."

Zha Lantai nodded, "You are right. But at this time you have come from a military career, and the reality cannot be changed. From a military background, if you want to have a future, you have to invite yourself to serve in the military camp, such as the emperor just bestowed the title of Batulu Just like Zhang Ai, the guard of Qianqing Gate..."

He Shen shivered.

This is a high-minded person, how can he only be willing to be a guard at the sticky pole?It is the opportunity of birth, and it is also the opportunity to carry the sedan chair for the emperor to Mount Tai... He Shen suffers from the lack of a way to be promoted.At this time, after listening to Zalantai's words, he has made up his mind.

Whoever let him inherit the position of the third-class captain of light vehicles was won by his ancestors' military merits; and he, Ama Changbao, is also the deputy capital of Fujian, and he is still a military officer... Then he has no choice.

He Shen lowered his eyes and made up his mind, "I will ask the emperor to serve in the Sichuan military camp tomorrow!"
Zha Lantai and He Shen finished talking, and happened to see Fu Kang'an coming into the palace.

Zha Lantai greeted with a smile, "Your Excellency Du Tong, please come and be safe."

Fukang'an stepped forward helplessly and kicked Zha Lantai, "Then, should I also call Lord Zhalan and Jiuzuo first?"

Zha Lantai laughed and stretched out his arms to hug Fukang'an.

"Last year you went to Yunnan, and this year you went to Yili again. It's hard for me to even see you. Baobao, how have you always been?"

The buddies who grew up together, although the status is different at this time, the relationship cultivated since childhood has not changed.

Fukang'an glared, "You called Baobao too?"

Zha Lantai also sighed softly in his heart...Qilin Bao, he accidentally uttered the truth.

Fukang'an was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly pulled the words back, "I mean...how old am I, and when you call me that, outsiders think I'm still a baby~~"

Zha Lantai laughed, and didn't say this anymore, but turned his head and glanced at He Shen who was standing under the eaves on duty, "His name is He Shen, and he is the grandson-in-law of Lord Yinglian. He was originally a Jinshi, but it's a pity But he has to come from a military career... But even such a scholar, he has to invite himself to go to the Sichuan military camp to make meritorious service."

Fukang'an was taken aback.

Zha Lantai bowed his head and said, "It's a pity that this year is the year when I get married with Princess Nine. Otherwise, I would also like to invite myself to serve in the military camp."

"Not only me, but also Lawang. The third son-in-law went to Sichuan, but the result was unfavorable, which angered the emperor; at this time, your brother and the fourth son-in-law went... Then, naturally, it will be the turn of the seventh son-in-law, Lawang." Forehead, and me."

"Especially Lawang, who has already quietly stopped. He only waited for the emperor to call, and he immediately rushed to the barracks. His father, Prince Chaoyong, was the commander in chief who put down Junggar. fall."

"Me too. Although I can't match the bravery of my Ama back then. But I am the son of Zhaohui, and I am a child of the Wuya family, so I have a duty to do so."

Fukang'an lowered his eyes slightly, "You are all like this, how can I be a shrinking head? At this time my brother has already rushed to Sichuan, and there is no one to support me at home; when my brother comes back, I will definitely ask the emperor Order to go to the Sichuan military camp!"

Fukang'an raised his eyes and looked up at the sky, "The Da Jinchuan back then was pacified by my Ama. Now Xiaojinchuan is making trouble again, and it is still the continuation of those people and things in Dajinchuan back then. My Ama is no longer here , but I always want the little Jinchuan traitor to know that my Ama's son is still there!"

Zha Lantai stopped Fukang'an again, "...Maybe, it's really not our turn. Whoever made us young, we are all invincible in force, and we can't compare to our Ama."

Fukangan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Zhalan, what do you mean?"

Zha Lantai smiled faintly, "Because there is Lord Agui. The emperor has appointed Lord Agui as the Minister of Counselor."

Zha Lantai raised his eyes and stared at Fukang'an, "Kirin, have you forgotten? When your Ama Zhongyong was in charge of Dajinchuan, Agui was also an assistant. Although your Ama is gone, Mr. Agui He also has the experience of pacifying Dajinchuan."

"Besides, Ah Gui also followed your Ahma to conquer Burma in Yunnan... If you want to come to Master Ahgui, you will definitely be able to learn your Ahma's way of using troops.

Zha Lantai said and patted Fu Kang'an on the shoulder, "Don't worry, Master Agui is still in charge of everything, it's not our turn."

The more Zhalantai said this, the more inappropriate Fukang'an felt.

It was true that Agui was in the Sichuan military camp during the Battle of Dajinchuan, but because of the crimes committed by Zhang Guangsi and other ministers, he was also implicated and handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for interrogation.

In the subsequent battle to quell Burma, Agui was reduced to where he is today.Not only did the emperor place the blame for Lord Jiu on Agui, but even Agui's two sons who were guards were implicated...

Such a Gui, not to mention the emperor, even Fukang'an dare not place too high expectations.

Fukang'an lowered his head and gritted his teeth, "The emperor has sent several officials to Sichuan. I hope that all of you can work together and win the battle."

Zha Lantai smiled and nodded, "... all the ministers in Sichuan are naturally headed by your elder brother, the fourth son-in-law. If you want to come to the fourth son-in-law, you must have the ambition to inherit your father's career. Your family, this time will definitely succeed. Make new achievements."

Fukang'an didn't raise his eyebrows, but instead his eyebrows became tighter and tighter.

Fu Longan is his own elder brother, he knows best whether his elder brother is good at leading the army.

Fukang'an found a reason and left first.

Zha Lantai stood in the shadow of flowers in early summer, watched Fukang'an's back, and said softly, "...Brother Qilinbao, I'm sorry to provoke you with such a violent method."

As brothers who grew up together, Zha Lantai and the others knew how much Jiufujin didn't want Fukang'an to be born in the military and use his military merits to usher in the future.

There is Jiufujin in the family, and Fukang'an is newly married and has no heirs. Only by using aggressive methods can Qilinbao's ambition be stimulated.

The Qing Dynasty no longer had the loyal and brave Duke Fu Heng, and the court needed another famous general from the Fu family.The emperor and imperial concubine A Niang couldn't bear to say this, so let him provoke the general.

On the last day of May, the Sichuan military camp reported again, and the emperor sent four deputy capital commanders, first-class guards and third-class guards, a total of seven people, to gallop to the Sichuan military camp to serve.

In the battle of Xiaojinchuan, the emperor has successively dispatched Dutong and imperial guards to serve.

Fukang'an is both the deputy capital commander and the first-class bodyguard. His heart has become more and more calm. He will never turn back when his brother returns from Sichuan and has someone to take care of him at home.
In July, the emperor issued a decree at the Summer Resort to remove the yellow belt from Buteng Balezhuer, the forehead consort of Princess Hejing, and imprison him.

Confinement has always been the most severe punishment for the Qing royal family to deal with clan relatives.Back then, both the deposed prince Yunfeng and the former thirteenth master Yunxiang were imprisoned.

Confinement is not a death sentence, but confinement makes life worse than death.

The emperor gave such torture to the third son-in-law, and he still said it was "benevolence" in the imperial decree, which shows the emperor's disgust for the third son-in-law at this moment.

As the same son-in-law, Fu Long'an asked to stay in Sichuan to handle errands.However, the emperor issued a decree stating that Fu Long'an was required to return to Beijing for work and not stay in Sichuan for a long time.

Wanxi quietly prepares for Jiujiu's marriage in the harem, but her heart can't help but hang on for the two sons of Master Jiu.

Jiujiu's marriage will be in August, and it is already close at hand.Wanxi tried her best to get her mind back.

In fact, Fulong'an took the lead in building the Princess Mansion for Jiujiu by the emperor in March, together with Sanhe, Sige, Yinglian, Myrason, Liu Hao and other ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The ministers in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs found out that there was an old house outside Di'anmen, at the entrance of the official house, with a total of 190 rooms.On this basis, the Nine Princesses Mansion was built.With oil decoration, paper paste, pavement of Yong road, sea wall and scattered water, etc., the total cost of materials and materials is about 960 four taels of silver, and a total of 33 houses are moved and built, 34 houses are demolished, and tiles are removed. There are 46 sticky repair rooms and [-] verandas.

There are 170 four rooms in total, plus 46 verandahs.

In addition, the emperor built gardens for the nine princesses.In order to build the garden, the original house of Zalantai's family needs to be used.The emperor gave Zalantai the house of Qinggui, the son of Yin Jishan and brother of Qingzao, to live in.

Based on the foundation of Yin Jishan's family in Jiangnan for decades, the gardens of Yin Jishan's mansion in Jiangnan are full of the wonders of Jiangnan gardens; Qinggui is Yin Jishan's son, and it is not difficult to imagine the exquisite gardens where Qinggui lives in Beijing.

If this is the case, there is no need to worry about where Jiujiu and Zalantai will live in the future.

As for the escorts for Jiujiu's marriage, although it hinders Princess Heshuo's grade, it is not as many as Xiaoqi's;

It is also because there are too many gold and silver utensils accompanying them, some of which are not usable in daily life at all. It is unnecessary to use gold and silver to make pots and pans.The Ministry of Internal Affairs directly invited the emperor to directly count these gold and silver vessels as silver taels and give them to the nine princesses.

As a result, after calculation, there was originally 1 taels of silver in the Jiujiu accompanying gift, and the emperor rewarded an additional 1 taels of silver.

"I do remember that when Princess He Jing was married as Princess Gu Lun, the total silver taels in the dowry were only [-] taels..." Concubine Wan told Concubine Rong privately, reassuring her, "Let's tweet , although the grade is Princess Heshuo, but you see, the silver in her dowry is more than that of Princess Hejing Gulun."

Because of Jiujiu's auspicious marriage date, Qin Tianjian calculated it in August.However, in August, the emperor and the empress dowager were both at the summer resort, and the emperor was going to receive the newly returned Gurghut county king Bamubar and others here, so he could not stay in Beijing; It's God's will, so there's no reason to change it, which can only leave regrets: neither the emperor nor the empress dowager can be in Beijing for the initial ceremony of Jiujiu.

Because of this, the original banquet in the Palace of Preserving Harmony must stop.For the banquet in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, the Palace of Internal Affairs is set up in Yongshou Palace.There are sixteen banquets, ten sheep and ten bottles of wine.

For this, Concubine Rong felt a little sad, thanks to Concubine Wan who was there to comfort her.

"Besides, Jiujiu's wedding banquet has been changed to Yongshou Palace. Yongshou Palace is the former residence of the imperial concubine, with a plaque on the forehead of "Ling Yi Shude"; now it is the place where you live... This is also the emperor's exception. Come here, remembering the contributions you two have made to the birth and upbringing of the Nine Princesses."

Concubine Rong felt more at ease now, she turned her eyes to look at Wanxi, "After all, I'm stupid, I can't learn how to be calm, Royal Concubine."

Wanxi smiled, stretched out her hand to press Concubine Rong's hand, "Have you forgotten, when did the emperor leave for Rehe this year?"

Concubine Rong wiped away her tears, "May!"

"That's it." Wanxi took out her handkerchief, and wiped away the tears for Concubine Rong herself, "In previous years, the emperor's autumn date was mostly in July and August. This year, the emperor has started to go two or three months earlier... ...Don't you understand the emperor's intention?"

"Why doesn't your majesty want to come back early so that he can attend Jiujiu's wedding in August? However, the leaders of Turghut and other ministries came from far away, and the journey is not said to be early. The emperor can only wait for the pilgrimage in Rehe The princes of foreign vassals, can't change it."

Concubine Rong herself was born in the Ministry of Hui, and she knows best the hard work of the young Burkes who enter the pilgrimage every year, galloping all the way from the Western Regions.Listening to Wanxi's explanation like this, my heart finally became enlightened.

At this time, Wanxi and Concubine Rong didn't know yet, just because of this regret, a few years later, when Jiujiu also passed away, the emperor brought Da Gege, who was produced by Jiujiu, into the inner court for upbringing for the first time...

The imperial granddaughters were all raised outside Duanze's gate, and the big gege who was tweeting was basically a granddaughter with a foreign surname, but this big gege was raised with the ten princesses who were said to be favored, and grew up with Concubine Rong.

There are ten princesses, and the daughter of Jiujiu also has them; even the relics left by Concubine Rong after her death, Da Gege and ten princesses have also inherited them...

The emperor's little regret for Jiujiu was all on his granddaughter, and he made up for it with all his fatherly heart.
On September [-]th of this year, a lunar eclipse suddenly appeared.

September is the month of Wanxi's birthday, and at this time the emperor is still on the way, not yet in Beijing.

The emperor attached great importance to this lunar eclipse, and ordered the ministers in Beijing to perform the ceremony of "rescue the lunar eclipse".

On September [-]th, the ministers in Beijing wore plain clothes and gathered at the Yamen of Taichang Temple to salute; provincial, prefecture, prefecture and county officials also performed rescue salutes at the Yamen.

There are incense tables inside and outside the yamen of Taichang Temple, stoves on the terrace, and worship seats for hundreds of officials behind them.After the ceremony started, Luan Yiwei displayed gold and drums on both sides of the ceremony gate.

"Qintian Supervisor reported the loss at the beginning of the day, and the courtesy officials shouted 'Qi Ban'. All the officials were dressed in plain clothes and stood in five rows. Each shift was headed by a ritual minister."

Lunar eclipses in recent years are not uncommon, but this year, the emperor attached so much importance to lunar eclipses that he ordered the ministers to perform "lunar eclipse rescue rituals", which was the only one in these few years.

This is because this year's lunar eclipse is severe, and the food loss exceeds three points; moreover, it is also because the moon corresponds to the people in the harem, which makes the emperor even more disturbed.

One is the empress dowager, the empress dowager is already over eighty years old, and there may be problems every day;

Secondly, it may correspond to Wanxi's body...

Wanxi is only in her 40s, but due to her busy marriage this year, coupled with worrying about Jiuye's two sons, and sharing the pressure of the battle of Xiaojinchuan for the emperor, since May, her body has been weak. Some things were inappropriate, which made the emperor worry about it.

On September [-]th, just after the lunar eclipse, the emperor hurried back to Luan on September [-]th.

Back in Beijing, the emperor personally asked about the rescue of the lunar eclipse.As a result, it was found that none of the officials from the Ministry of War and the Metropolitan Procuratorate were on duty.

The emperor was very annoyed, and issued a decree: "...the officials of the Manchu and Han Dynasties will gather at the due date. If there is an excuse for not being able to do so, we will strictly investigate the participation office."

For this reason, the emperor decreed that Gao Pu, the nephew of the imperial concubine Huixian, be dealt with strictly by the Ministry of Communications; Zhang Ruoyu, the son of Zhang Tingyu, Yiman, Luo Yuanhan, etc.
This year's turmoil caused by the rescue of the lunar eclipse, and the fact that the emperor dealt with the nephew of the imperial concubine Huixian and the son of Zhang Tingyu, all the people in the harem talked about it in private.

When I went to greet the Empress Dowager this day, Concubine Shun couldn't help muttering to Lan Guiren, "We saw with our own eyes that the Empress Dowager is doing well. Although she is over eighty years old, her teeth and body are healthier than ours. Presumably this lunar eclipse should not be on the Empress Dowager."

Lan Guiren smiled lowly, "I feel the same way."

Concubine Shun snorted softly, "Why, could it be said that it's the one from Chuxiu Palace, whose time is approaching? I said why didn't we ask us to go to pay my respects these days? I just said that I was suffering from the wind and cold, and I can't stand it any longer. Bar."

Lan Guiren fixed her eyes on Concubine Shun, "If she is gone, then your good days will come soon~~"

Concubine Shun pursed her lips and smiled, her eyes turned lightly, but she didn't make a sound.

Pulling a distance, Concubine Dun, who was following behind Concubine Shun and Concubine Lan, had already listened to their words.

She also didn't speak, and turned her gaze to Guan Lan.

Guan Lan's eyes also lit up with joy.

(End of this chapter)

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