Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2602, Volume 9, 84

Chapter 2602 Nine Volumes 84

Wanxi accompanied the empress dowager to the theater, but felt her throat was sweet, and she always wanted to cough.

Fortunately, at this time of winter, even though there was hot tea and cold fruits at hand, when she felt like coughing, she could quickly take a sip, which relieved it for the time being.

Another reason why Wanxi can't take care of her cough is Xiao Qi.

Xiaoqi had a cough since she was a child, and now it is the end of November, which is dry and cold, and the cough is even more difficult to control.Even when she was watching a play with the Empress Dowager in Shouning Palace, she couldn't help but hang her head and cover her mouth with a handkerchief—Wanxi knew that her daughter was coughing.

Wanxi hurriedly ordered Yuchan to send a plate of mandarin oranges on her table to Xiao Qi.

Citrus can regulate qi and invigorate the stomach, dry dampness and resolve phlegm, reduce breath and relieve asthma, relieve stagnation and relieve pain; it will be good for Xiao Qi to eat at this time.

Although the emperor was sitting on the first floor with the clan princes, he was not upstairs with all the female relatives.But sometimes he went upstairs to feed the empress dowager, and he still saw Xiao Qi struggling to hold back his cough.

Although the emperor didn't seem to care about it, on November 28, the emperor sent Wang Cheng, the chief supervisor of the palace, to the seventh princess's mansion in person, and sent it to the seventh princess: a silver plate of Wenkui milk cake ([-] pcs), one silver plate of Guangcheng ([-] pieces in total), and one silver plate of Fu Beigan ([-] catties in total).

Among them, the Wenkui milk cake is mild in nature, suitable for use in winter, and can warm and nourish the spleen and stomach; this milk cake Wanxi used to make it by herself in the past, and Xiaoqi liked to eat it very much in winter when he was a child;
As for Guangcheng and Fubei, they are good products for clearing away heat and reducing phlegm, regulating qi and relieving cough.

Originally, November 25th was the empress dowager's birthday, so for several consecutive days, everything in the palace revolved around the empress dowager; but the emperor still rewarded the seventh princess with these thoughtful meals.

And this reward is separate, not because of the empress dowager's birthday, or the collective reward given by the annual rules.

Lawang came into the palace to thank the seventh princess. After Wanxi learned about it, she was a hundred happy and a hundred relieved.

I asked Lawang, and Lawang also said that Xiao Qi was in good spirits, but he was afraid that because of the cold winter, the doors and windows were closed, and the house was full of charcoal fire, that's why he still had a cough.

Lawang was still blushing and said, "Don't worry, Ma'am, the knot between the son and Xiaoqi has been resolved. After winter, when the weather is warmer, the son will ask the emperor to ask the mother to point out the two people to the son. Come to Beijing from Mobei to greet Xiao Qi. Tell them to talk to Xiao Qi in person, I have never paid attention to them these years... Xiao Qi will recover naturally."

Even Wanxi laughed, "Silly boy, I really don't need it. After all, those two princesses are your mother's wishes for you. Even if you don't like it, don't be wronged; tell your brothers, since you are in Mobei If you are in charge of Zasak on your behalf, then just use the income from your banner to take good care of it.”

"They didn't have to come to Beijing to be a concubine in front of Xiaoqi. This is a respect for them, and even more respect for your mother... Xiaoqi didn't know the inside story before, so he was blocked in a cold heart; at this time Now that you have said everything, there is no need to embarrass those two Ge Ge anymore."

Those who can be chosen by Lawang's mother to be concubines under Princess Gulun of the Qing Dynasty are themselves noble Mongolian princes.Lawang is the Borzigit clan who is a direct descendant of Genghis Khan, and most of the Taijis in Mongolia are from the Borzigit clan of the descendants of Genghis Khan; there are exceptions, and the leaders of various tribes are not called Taiji (prince ), and those called Tabu Nang, these are not from the Borzigit family, but from the family of Genghis Khan's son-in-law.

Therefore, Mongolia Gege, who can intermarry with Lawang and has the same noble status, is from the Tabu Nang family.

For example, Mianjin's forehead son-in-law Dan Badorji, his ancestor is Tabu Nang.Among the two concubines of Lawang, one was related to Dambadorji.

Such a Tabu Nang family is also related to the relationship between the imperial court and Mongolia, so there is really no need to hurt the peace because of the non-existent empathy.

With Wanxi's explanation, Lawang still insisted, "My son understands what my mother wants. But my son has already edited the book for Qili, and my son doesn't care about other things. The most important thing in my son's heart will always be Xiaoqi. "

Wanxi nodded in relief, "Okay, then I'll leave it to you young couple. You have grown up, and you have known each other since you were young, so I don't care about your own private affairs, mother, let them go." Go to yourselves."
After finishing the empress dowager's holy birthday, it will be December.

The palace began to prepare for the New Year, and lights and festoons were put up everywhere one after another, decorating the winter in the northern capital with colorful decorations, as if to repel the chill.

It's time for Chujiu Dage to learn how to walk and smoke ice.

On the second day of December, the emperor Yuyingtai, Wanxi also took the children to Xiyuan to play in the ice and snow.

Jiujiu and Zhalan took the child to the ice, Dage was wearing a bright red cloak today, looking from a distance, it looked like a little plum blossom in the snow.

Wanxi is weak and afraid to go on the ice this year, so she sat in the pavilion with the hand stove and foot stove, watching her granddaughter faltering on the ice from a distance through the window.

It's really rare, like a little boy who can't be pulled down, no matter whether he is pitching up, he is so delicate and cute.

Wanxi was in a daze, pointing out the window and said to Concubine Wan and Concubine Rong, "Look, I am in a daze, as if what I saw was Liansheng and Jiujiu... I even forgot, more than ten years have passed in between Go; Liansheng and Jiujiu are also married as wives."

Wanbi smiled and said, "Sometimes when I think about it, I also want to forget about the more than ten years in between. Then we will still be the same age as before. You are just 30 years old, imperial concubine."

Concubine Rong also asked, "If I could do it all over again, would the imperial concubine want to go back to the good old days of youth?"

Wanxi raised her eyes, smiled and shook her head without hesitation, "Who woman doesn't love youthful years? But if the price of doing it all over again is to erase all the children; then I'd rather not change it."

"With children, even if you have to let youth go away, how can years replace the joy children bring? Youth is good, but without children, these years are empty .”

Concubine Wan and Concubine Rong also looked at each other and smiled.

Why not?Without the two children, Xiaoqi and Jiujiu, their years in the harem would be meaningless to the point of paleness.

"By the way, imperial concubine, Da Gege's name hasn't been decided yet, since you're looking at her happy now, why don't you help her choose a nickname first?" Concubine Rong saw that Wanxi was very excited at this time , this is just for fun.

After all, the rule in the palace is that generally speaking, for the sake of "easily feeding" the children, they can be vaccinated safely, and they are named only after the vaccination.Da Gege hasn't been vaccinated yet, so neither the emperor nor Wanxi herself is busy with it.

Besides, all three of Yongxuan's daughters have had acne this year, and the second daughter died from the vaccination, which makes people feel even more uneasy, so I will not name it for the time being—the child without a name, Empress Pox Even if they want to take them away, there's no way to name them, right?Even King Yama couldn't record it in the book of life and death, could he?

So Wanxi nodded with a smile, "It's not in a hurry. Zhalan studies a lot, I think Zhalan might have a better idea in his heart."

Concubine Rong also laughed, "Zhalan studied a lot, but when it was her turn to name her daughter, she was embarrassed. How many books she had read and how many good words she picked up, but she couldn't put them together. satisfy."

Concubine Rong lowered her head lightly, "Imperial Concubine, please choose one for Da Gege first. Anyway, it's not a scientific name, nor a grade name, it's just a nickname we can call at home behind closed doors. .”

Concubine Wan turned her head slightly, and silently glanced at Concubine Rong.

Concubine Rong lowered her eyes, and lightly shook Wanpin's fingers from inside her cuff.Both of them knew it in their hearts, but they didn't say it out loud.

Wanxi pretended that she didn't understand, and turned her head to look out the window, the little granddaughter against the white snow.

Wanxi smiled, "Zhalan comes from the Wuya family, and is the descendant of the emperor's grandmother, Empress Xiao Gongren. I think our child's nickname should have the word 'de' and the word 'ya' embedded in it." .”

Empress Xiao Gongren was once the concubine of Emperor Kangxi, and the word "virtue" is the first foundation of the world, whether it is a woman or a man.

And "elegance" is more of a woman's sentiment, if it is elegant, if it is elegant, it is the best synonym for beauty and nobility.

Wanxi bowed her head, "Call Deya for now, okay? If in the future, either the emperor, or Zhalan, or Ah Yu, you and Jiujiu, or sister Chen, you can all help me think of something better, let's change it. It's always It’s easy to change the nickname.”

Concubine Rong clapped her hands first, "It's the best way to think like this! I will first thank Huang Enie for Jiujiu and Zhalan's kindness!"

Wanpin was a little lost in thought.

Wanbi is an old man in the emperor's hidden residence, and she is more than ten years older than Wanxi. Wanxi is worried when Wanbi is in a daze.

Wanxi patted Wanpin's hand lightly, "Sister Chen?"

Concubine Wan smiled embarrassedly, "I told you to talk about Empress Xiao Gongren, I miss my Yonghe Palace a little bit."

The Yonghe Palace used to be the residence of Empress Xiao Gongren, but the old empress was partial to her youngest son Fourteenth Master, she refused to accept the title of Empress Dowager and refused to move to the Palace of Compassion.As a result, the Yonghe Palace became the residence of the old lady as the empress dowager——this is why the Yonghe Palace must be upgraded.

Therefore, in order to commemorate his grandmother, the emperor moved the plaque "Weizheng Kunyuan" that had been hung in Kunning Palace to Yonghe Palace to hang it.

Wanxi hurriedly asked, "Sister Chen, what are you saying? Could it be that Yikun Palace is not good?"

Concubine Wan sighed softly, "...Although Yikun Palace is good, it only has the shadow of Nala's family, instead of my own memory. And Yonghe Palace is where the most precious memories in my life are kept. "

Concubine Wan's eyes were a little red, and she glanced at Concubine Rong, "The shadow of Liansheng's child from childhood to adulthood is all imprinted there."
Concubine Wan was a little sad, and she didn't dare to affect Wanxi any more.

It just so happened that Jiujiu and Zhalan came back with Da Gege, and Concubine Wan took her leave and went back to the palace first.

The warm sedan chair slowly returned to the inner court from Xiyuan, but Wanbi's eye circles were still red.

With the master's thoroughness in the past few decades, Chi Shao rarely saw the master's appearance of losing his composure, so Chi Shao hurriedly asked softly, "Master, is the body of the Seventh Princess still in love?"

Wanpin sighed and finally nodded.

She misses Yonghe Palace, and she wants to go back and live in the memory shared with Xiao Qi—because she knows Xiao Qi's situation better than the imperial concubine.

After all, the imperial concubine herself is not in good health, so whether it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the emperor, even the child Lawang, when talking about Xiao Qi's health to the imperial concubine, they try their best to conceal it and say that everything will be fine.

But Xiaoqi has Bai Guo by her side, and Bai Guo is the daughter of Concubine Wan herself, so even if Bai Guo can hide the imperial concubine, she cannot hide her.

Xiaoqi has never stopped coughing up blood this year.

"It's rare for the imperial concubine to be happy today, and I didn't want to feel uncomfortable; but, didn't you see that Concubine Rong insisted on asking the imperial concubine to give the ninth princess a nickname? ——Even Concubine Rong was worried The body of the imperial concubine, I'm afraid it will be too late, Da Gege's granddaughter will not be able to ask the imperial concubine to give her a nickname—this is what makes me sad."

Concubine Wan wiped her tears with her sleeves up, "Oh, what happened this year, how can the mother and daughter, the imperial concubine and Liansheng, be sick, and their illnesses are similar, both of which are coughing up phlegm."

"Although this coughing up phlegm is common in winter, you can't let the mother and daughter get it together. If it's just one of them, it's fine... But this mother is worried about her daughter , The situation where the daughter is worried about the mother-in-law is really worrying."

Concubine Wan is probably the one who understands the meaning of Xiao Qi to the imperial concubine best.Xiaoqi is the first child of the imperial concubine, the baby that the imperial concubine waited for more than ten years after entering the palace.

Perhaps it should not be said, even if the other children of the imperial concubine were sick, the imperial concubine would not feel as uncomfortable as Shi Xuanxin Liansheng.

Chi Shao also sighed, "My master hangs on to the imperial concubine and the seventh princess, of course there are. But master, don't hurt yourself just because of this..."

After all, the master is older.

Concubine Wan sighed, "Help me pass the sign, it will be Laba soon, I want to ask another order to leave the palace to see Liansheng."
When Laba came back after watching Xiaoqi, the emperor quietly sent someone to ask.

Two days later, the emperor called the chief executive, Wang Cheng, to go to the Seventh Princess' mansion again, and gave the Seventh Princess a separate reward: fifteen oranges, 20 yuan for jujube cake, and 55 yuan for burnt eye candy.

Needless to say, Guangcheng also produces fluid and relieves cough; and this jujube cake is made in the palace and yam is added.

The emperor himself was over sixty years old, and he placed the most emphasis on health preservation, so the emperor himself had a lot of experience in the effects of yam.This is why yam is added to the jujube cake.

The jujube yam cake is easy to digest and has a sweet taste.And red dates can nourish qi and blood, yam can cure all kinds of deficiency and damage, treat five fatigue and seven injuries; eliminate restlessness and heat, keep notes, benefit kidney qi, strengthen spleen and stomach, stop diarrhea and dysentery, reduce phlegm and salivation, and moisturize fur... the seven princesses Such a sick person is an excellent nourishing snack.

(End of this chapter)

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