Chapter 264
"Oh?" The emperor gently put down the teacup: "According to the queen, who should accompany this time?"

The queen lowered her eyes and said, "Since both the concubine and the empress dowager are going with her, there should always be a high-ranking master in the harem. Below the concubine is the noble concubine. ; but even if she stays, I'm afraid it's not appropriate to take charge."

"In this way, there should be at least one concubine left. Concubine Xian, Concubine Chun, and Concubine Jia, which one is suitable for the emperor to keep?"

The emperor slightly raised his eyebrows: "Concubine Jia will go with you. In the garden, I have already promised her."

The queen raised her eyebrows and said slowly: "In this way, one of the Concubine Chun and Concubine Xian should be kept."

The emperor responded shallowly: "Yes."

The queen took a light breath: "The concubine can't bear whoever is left in the palace. It's just that there can't be chaos in the palace, so I have to make a younger sister wronged. If you talk about the talent in the palace, the pure concubine's temper will inevitably be soft. It is more appropriate to keep Concubine Xian."
The emperor was noncommittal and only asked, "What about the others?"

The queen bowed her head and thought carefully: "As for the concubines, apart from Concubine Yi in the garden, there are only Concubine Shu and Concubine Yu. According to the concubine's identity, Concubine Yu just gave birth to Yong Qi, so she would be reluctant to come here." Separate from Yongqi. Why don't you tell Concubine Yu to stay and take care of Yongqi, and Concubine Shu to go with you."

"As for the position of noble person, there is only Chen Guiren now; for the position of permanent position, only Xiu Chang is; for the position of promise, only Lu Ying is the only one..." The queen couldn't help laughing: "Thinking about the emperor's harem, all of them are like this." What about the sisters? It would be better for everyone below the nobleman to go with them."

The emperor tilted his head, and looked sideways at the empress's drooping face: "Has the empress already made up her mind?"

The queen quickly raised her head, "The concubine is just talking to the emperor for details, after all, the emperor has to decide."

The emperor sat up straight slowly: "This is the first autumn festival since I ascended the throne... When Huang Kao was alive, he had never been to the paddock; so this is also the first autumn festival held by us in the Qing Dynasty since the royal family controlled the sky. I don’t care about everything.”

"The empress is in charge of the internal affairs. Since the empress wishes to make such an arrangement, I can't find any reason not to follow it. Then let it be like this, and follow the empress's request."
The decree was conveyed to Liugong immediately, and Concubine Xian in Chengqian Palace smashed all the porcelain on the table.

"How did this happen? Didn't we already make an arrangement, can't we tell her to go? Why didn't she just go, but also left me in the palace?!"

Tana was also uncomfortable, so she could only go forward and whisper: "...It seems that Concubine Yu's idea is still not feasible. But this time, Concubine Yu can't even go by herself, master, you should feel better~"

Concubine Xian sneered: "Concubine Yu can't go, but Concubine Chun, why can she still go! Since we are tied to the same boat, then don't just suffer the two of us, she should come together too!"

Tana couldn't help but said: "...Master said, could it be that the pure concubine betrayed us to the queen? Otherwise, why did the queen just ask her to go too?"

Concubine Xian narrowed her eyes and looked at the north wall: "Concubine Chun...Su Wanrou! Don't tell me to find out that you betrayed me, otherwise you and your son will both die!"
In Zhongcui Palace, Concubine Chun herself was not feeling well, she took Concubine Yu's hand and explained in a fluttering voice: "I...don't know how it came to be like this?"

Concubine Yu said indifferently: "Your Majesty, don't worry. This idea was originally conceived by the concubine. If the Queen finds out, she should have teased me. The concubine is just happy, and the empress is not implicated. The empress can go at ease, After all, the concubine and Yongqi will still be taken care of by the empress in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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