Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 266 Luantan

Chapter 266 Luantan (9 more)
In July, the emperor arrived at the Rehe Mountain Resort with the Queen Mother Fengjia.

The emperor held his first autumn ceremony at the Summer Resort, and was scheduled to go to the paddock in August.

The emperor still worked in the summer resort as before, and the six cabinet ministries, the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the admiral's office all accompanied him, and all government orders and official documents were accessible without hindrance.

Everything went smoothly in the front court, but there was a bit of embarrassment in the harem.

The harem area in the Summer Resort is not very big, and because both the empress dowager and empress palaces are there, there are quite a few women and eunuchs who come out from the two palaces, so the main palaces in the harem are reserved for the second palace.The rest of the low-ranking concubines can only live together.

Arranged for a while, Concubine Chun will serve the Empress Dowager together with the Empress; Concubine Shu will live with Guiren Chen; Yuqin will inevitably live with Fengge in a small courtyard next to the east of Yanbo Zhishuang Hall.

Wanxi followed the queen, but she didn't worry about Yuqin. After settling down for the day, she took advantage of the night to go to see Yuqin quietly.
Quietly walking through the courtyard, Wanxi quietly looked around.

Compared with the grandeur and majesty of the Forbidden City and the magnificence of the Old Summer Palace, the palaces and pavilions of the Summer Resort are light and elegant.The colors used are not bright red or green, but mostly the natural colors of plants and trees, and the colors are deliberately made half-old, so that it seems that all the pavilions are naturally integrated into the surrounding landscape, and there is a sense of idle clouds and wild cranes.Being in the middle, you escape the vastness and suffocation of the Forbidden City and the Old Summer Palace.

Wanxi couldn't help looking back in the night, she loved this place very much.

Just like here, the main hall of the former dynasty is named "Danbo Jingcheng", and the main hall of the harem is named "Yanbo Zhishuang", both of which have a sense of water vapor and cleansing the heart, which makes people feel cool in the heart in midsummer.

Wanxi couldn't help thinking as she walked: Sister Lu must like such a delicate and elegant place.
Wanxi didn't expect that, as soon as she entered the Xiaokua courtyard, she would suddenly be greeted by a commotion.

It's the sound of strings.

The strings of the lute.

The sound of the pipa is urgent and chaotic, which disturbs people's mood.Wanxi was happy with that idea just now, but she was beaten into a mess.

Wanxi frowned, and avoided Yuqin's side.Lifting the curtain to take a look, I saw Yuqin sitting on the piano bench quietly wiping tears.Nian Chun was at the side with a sad expression on his face.

Wanxi hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

Nianchun sobbed and said: "Just now, the young master asked me to hold out the piano and wanted to practice for a while. I didn't want to be annoyed as soon as the piano sounded. He shouted loudly, saying that the young master wanted to flatter the master. , Practicing the piano is to invite pets. I couldn't help answering a few words, and I was about to rush over there to beat people."

"At least the young master kept a low voice and protected me, but he deliberately played the pipa again, disturbing everyone's hearts."

Wanxi pressed down on Nianchun first, and softly persuaded Yuqin: "Since we live in a crowded place and we can't hide, my sister has to be careful first. My sister's status is lower than her after all, so don't mess with her." If you lose her, you won't have to ask her to hold onto it and refuse to let her go."

Yuqin wept and said: "Why did I ever provoke her? But you also know that if you don't practice this piano for a long time, your fingers will be stiff. We came all the way from Beijing, and I didn't have a chance to practice the piano for half a month on the way, so I thought about it." At least I settled down in this palace today, so I will just practice again."

"I don't even dare to make the sound of the strings, but I'm practicing fingering and pressing the strings with my fingers. Why did it bother her?"

Wanxi grabbed Yuqin's hand: "Speaking of it, the two of you are also rivals on the strings. She used to invite favors with the pipa, so she naturally disapproved of your piano sound. It's not surprising that she made such a fuss, since my sister has already done it herself. It's not enough, that's all she deliberately found fault with."

"If someone finds fault, we can't avoid it, so we will cry and try to deal with it."

 Let’s start here today, and continue tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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