Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 270 Courage

Chapter 270 Courage (4 more)
The courtyard finally stopped.

Wanxi patted Yuqin's hand lightly: "My sister is relieved. From then on, she at least dare not be domineering with her on the face. My sister doesn't have to be restrained. I will mention this in front of her eyes from time to time, telling her to forget When it hurts, she naturally knows how to restrain herself."

Yuqin couldn't help but soften her eyebrows and eyes, but she still had a hint of worry in the end: "Concubine Xian is not here at this time, she can't do it alone. If she goes back to the palace in the future, if she and Concubine Xian are united again One place, how can it be good?"

Wanxi squinted and looked out the window.

The blue sky is boundless, and the wind blows and flowers fall.

"Sister, why bother to think so far? Is there any strategy in this world that can keep you safe for thousands of years? But for the time being, she dare not bully my sister anymore."

"We have to go back to the palace in the future, and then we can think of another way to deal with it. Besides, Concubine Xian and her are of the same mind? There are still many variables in this. Let's just watch slowly."

Yuqin raised her eyes and stared at Wanxi: "Wanxi, have you never been afraid?"

Wanxi shook her head lightly: "Sister, who was born in this world and has never been afraid? Especially in this palace, people's hearts are hard to see, so I would be afraid too. I also had thoughts of avoiding, and I always felt that there was something more It's better to have one less thing, as long as I don't fight or grab, I should be able to get through it safely."

"But I discovered that even though I never took the initiative to stand out, someone still spotted me and used me as a pawn in the open and in the dark. I couldn't help myself, and I was still trapped in it after all. If I dodge carefully, But I only got such a result, so why should I dodge again?"

"After all... In the end, you have to give it a go. Otherwise, others will just think you are a soft persimmon, and you will be more confident."

Yuqin was confused: "Wanxi, what are you talking about...?"

Wanxi shook her head: "Not to mention anything else, it is enough to say that Feng Ge and Concubine Xian have abused us."

If there was no sister Lu that time, Concubine Xian would spit on the back of her hand with a mouthful of phlegm.It was Sister Lu who suffered the humiliation for her.

Yuqin also lowered her head and sighed softly, stretched out her hand to hold Wanxi's hand: "Although you are also afraid, but there is always a bright courage in your heart, which makes me envious. Wanxi, I really want to find out, Where does your bright courage come from? I believe that there must be a firm reliance in people's hearts to produce such bright courage."

Wanxi also stopped at Yuqin's words, concentrating on Yuqin in a trance.

That's right... Although this is a palace where people's hearts are hard to see, and she is just a servant who can't help herself, why is she not afraid of anything?
There was a sudden heat in her heart, and she hurriedly stopped going.

"Ahem, that reliance is just my idea of ​​leaving the palace. As long as I go out of the palace in the future, everything in this palace will be meaningless, and I will naturally not take anything to heart when I am in the palace."

Yuqin sighed softly, and also nodded: "That's right, but I don't have the guts like you anymore. I always want to make a living in this harem, I have no help, and I can only endure it as usual. I can only wait for the emperor's mercy, silently Patience, you can improve your position in the future, and then you can enjoy the same happiness as you have today."

Wanxi tilted her head and thought about it, then she also nodded: "According to my sister's temperament and the current situation, if I can endure it for a while, it's not a bad idea."
Fengge didn't dare to bully Yuqin anymore, Wanxi concentrated on tending the two birds in the queen's palace.

"I'm sorry, I'm tired and you're surprised. I'll fry some melon seeds, add more oil, and fry them deliciously, how about rewarding you?"

The eunuch's movement suddenly came from outside: "The holy majesty is in the pine wind in Wanhe, and the royal bird is his companion."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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