Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2732 Volume 1 31 Unable to Name

Chapter 2732 Eleven Volume 31 Unable to Name
The old aunt fell into deep thought, "...he also gave me a jade hairpin back then. On the day he left, the jade hairpin that I had put away was gone."

The old aunt sighed after she finished speaking, and gently stroked the top of Fu Chengui's hair.

It was as if he was still the little boy sitting next to her lap with a small stool, waiting for her to tell a story.

"Chen Gui, this may be called 'Sometimes there must be in fate, and there is no time in fate, don't force it'."

Chen Gui leaned on the old aunt's arm, "Tell me again, how did our family get that jade bracelet back then?"

Even his parents didn't know all the stories about his great-grandfather's generation, and only the old aunt knew more accurately.

The old aunt laughed, "When I told you before, you were bored and didn't even bother to listen. What's the matter today, you don't know the value until you lose it, so now you want to hear that story?"

Because when I told this story before, it always involved the relationship between Chengui's family, Moli's family, and Ge Lu's family. The old aunt and grandma always easily abducted the old tradition of marriage between several families. I have to persuade Chen Gui to marry a wife and have a baby as soon as possible, and let her take care of her...

Chen Gui smiled, "Tell me about it."

The old aunt sighed softly, "At that time, it was the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and it was the time when our country was in the most turbulent times. It was difficult to do business. Those who couldn't make money couldn't support their wives and children; but those who could make money As for the money, I dare not buy a shop or land with that little money, and if I am not careful, I will have to be robbed by bandits..."

"At that time, it was also an opportunity to 'gold all over the place'. If you have vision, you can buy very valuable good things from poor people with very little money. Not to mention ordinary rich and noble families, even the palace Yes, what do you want that you can’t buy?”

"Those eunuchs in the palace are all obedient, and they don't know how much to estimate, so they can sell it for some money."

Chen Gui narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean by old age, don't you mean that the jade bracelet came from the palace?"

The old aunt laughed again, "Let's not say that if the thing is not from the palace, who can buy such a piecemeal thing? Besides, have you looked at the workmanship carefully? It is only made by the craftsmen of the palace building office. Come out."

The old aunt narrowed her eyes and recalled, "My father said, the brothers all suspect that the old man is probably an old eunuch. Although he is in rags, there are still people with skeletons like those under the banner of the older generation." He still speaks slowly, and no one is allowed to bargain; the worst part is that he has to choose the buyer."

"The Mo family was the first to be tempted, and the first to bid, but the old man refused to sell. They chose our family..."

The old aunt suddenly fell silent as she was talking, as if she suddenly remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Chen Gui asked hurriedly.
The old aunt suddenly panicked, "...It's broken, I forgot. My father said it back then, and the old man also said a word, saying that among the younger generations in our family, don't let anyone name it 'Return'." Return'."

"When your grandpa was not at home, my father told me alone, and asked me to help him remember. When your grandpa comes back, let me tell him. But... I actually forgot. "

"I forgot, it's been so many decades!"

My aunt looked at Chen Gui carefully, "However, it shouldn't be you, your name is 'Gui', not 'gui'."

(End of this chapter)

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