Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2734, Volume 1, 33 Shenyang, Shenyang

Chapter 2734 Eleven Volume 33 Shenyang, Shenyang
"Grandma, why don't you talk?"

The hair can be cut short, but the stubble is still stubbornly left at the root of the hair, so even if you can't see it with your eyes, you can still touch the indelible imprint if you stroke the imprint with your hands.

The old aunt smiled, "Didn't you ask me about the past, I'm just thinking about it."

"What do you remember again?" Chen Gui asked hurriedly.

The old aunt blinked and smiled, "I think of it, our surname, we didn't know that it might be related to the Aixinjueluo family, but the old man who sold the jade bracelet to our family did know of."

Chen Gui's heart moved, "How to say?"

The old aunt smiled mysteriously again, "It was the Mo family who first fell in love with the jade bracelet back then. This is called eye fate. I fell in love with it at first sight and wanted to buy it."

Chen Gui nodded, "I know, but later that person refused to sell it to the Mo family, but insisted on selling it to our family."

The old aunt nodded, "This matter was originally puzzling, and the old man refused to say it clearly. But what we said just now made me suddenly understand..."

Chen Gui also raised his eyebrows, "You mean...?"

The old aunt smiled, "That's right, I guess since the old man has something from the palace, he probably came out of the palace and has a deep connection with the Aixinjueluo family, so he knows that the person surnamed Zhao may be It has something to do with the Aixinjueluo family. That's why he refused to sell the jade bracelet to the Mo family, but insisted on giving it to our family."

The old aunt looked far away, "What's more, the place where our family got the jade bracelet back then was in Fengtian..."

Chen Gui was so surprised that he said "ah?", "Isn't it in the capital?"

The old aunt sighed, "At that time, there was a lot of chaos and there were many places called 'capitals'. What about the new capital and the old capital? Didn't Fengtian City used to be the capital..."
When Chen Gui left and got into the car, he still felt a slight chill on the back of his neck.

Fengtian in the old days, Shenyang today.

After going around in a circle, these past events still went around to Shenyang after all.

It seems that everything has been drawn in a circle through time, going round and round, and it is all related to that place and that person.

The driver drove carefully, and Chen Gui took out his mobile phone and swipe it casually. His fingertips swiped across the flight to Shenyang several times, and then put it down; put it down, and picked it up again.

The driver drove carefully, but he couldn't help but look at Chen Gui in the mirror curiously.

Today's boss is a little too silent, but he looks restless.

The driver slipped away a little, and the wheels did not miss a stone on the road.

After all, it is a village road. Although the master has done hardening treatment, there are still some places where sand and gravel are exposed, and the car suddenly bumped.

Chen Gui's fingers were just scrolling the page, but the shock turned into a direct click——

Chen Gui stared at the page, and helplessly raised his hand to pinch the space between his eyebrows.

But he also laughed.

This is God's will.

So even though there was still time for a second confirmation and a refund, he still firmly put the phone back in his pocket.

Just go.

Since Minxi came back, she has caught a cold and has been sneezing all day long.

After taking cold medicine for two days, she didn't get better. She thought it was her nose allergies in spring, but she didn't take it seriously.

She and Bai Rui negotiated this business for the Forbidden City, and the leader of the cultural and creative department gave them both a good compliment, saying that the cooperation would not be possible even if the leader went by himself, and the two little girls were the best.

(End of this chapter)

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