Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2744 Volume 1 43

Chapter 2744 Eleven Volume 43
The next day when Chen Nahong returned to the department, it was already past the working time and it was almost noon.

Moreover, Xiao Han personally escorted them back.

Xiao Han's attitude towards Chen Nahong also changed. Although he was polite to Chen Nahong yesterday, he is more respectful to Chen Nahong today. He got out of the car door himself, and ran over to open the car door for Chen Nahong—that's cool. It's a bit like he is in front of his boss Xi Chengui.

As a result, everyone inevitably looked sideways at Chen Nahong.

Chen Nahong smiled embarrassedly when she entered the office, "Oh, I'm late. It's all because Mr. Zhao lives too far away. He's not in the city, but in Qipanshan. There's a traffic jam in the morning rush hour, so I'm late. Understand."

The leader hurriedly asked, "You went to work, and you worked overtime last night. How can you be late in the morning?"

For those who run business, the working hours are flexible, the leader doesn't care about Chen Nahong being late, what he cares about is whether the business negotiation is clear.

The leader then asked, "Manager Chen, how did the conversation go yesterday, does Mr. Zhao have any requests?"

Chen Nahong was not in a hurry to answer, took a few sips of water in a hurry, sat down and glanced at Leader Le, "Leader, after so many years, what business did you send me, and I didn't take it for you, so you are worried about it? "

"Even if someone messed it up, you sent me to clean up the mess, why didn't I clean it up for you?"
After hearing Chen Nahong's words, Zhou Li's face changed first.

The leader laughed when he heard this, clapped his hands and said, "Oh, of course there is no such thing! Manager Chen is my trump card, and I knew that as long as I send Manager Chen to play, there will be no disadvantages!"

Chen Nahong hooked her lips in satisfaction, and finally announced the result, "...Mr. Zhao said that he can talk to us about anything; as long as our request is reasonable and legal, he has nothing to disagree with."

Chen Nahong subconsciously caressed the outside of her arm, and her eyes flickered, "Mr. Zhao also said that he has been in the business field for so many years, and he has never been so generous as if he cooperated with us this time..."
"Look at her like that!"

Zhou Li was the first to get annoyed. She dragged her female colleague into the bathroom and cursed again, "She's afraid that others won't know that she slept with Mr. Zhao last night!"

"What kind of person is Zhao always? Yesterday he had such an attitude, how could he make a 180-degree turn today? Only Chen Nahong can offer her own body..."
Zhu Xi switched her mobile phone to the Do Not Disturb mode, not wanting to bother with business over there; Bai Rui liked to be lively, so the other interns in the department quietly told Bai Rui the news.

Bai Rui told Wu Xi about this, "...Chen Nahong slept with Mr. Zhao, and was late in the morning."

It was just a guess at first, but after several people relayed it, it has become a real sleep.

After hearing this, Zhu Xi is determined.

"Really? It turns out that he has this kind of aesthetics. What a pity. I originally thought that based on his projects and works over the years, he should have been a person of high taste."

Bai Rui tilted her head and said, "Chen Nahong is quite beautiful. Every time the department comes to a male client, the eyeballs fall on her..."

Mingxi sighed, "That's right, let's see the flowers in each eye."

After Zhu Xi finished speaking, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved, "His 'sightedness' of this degree, in my opinion, is presbyopia... No wonder, he is an old man after all, and old eyesight is inevitable."

(End of this chapter)

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