Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2746: Pond Fish

Chapter 2746 Eleven Volume 45 Pond Fish
Ming Xi frowned.

I was really upset in my heart - where is all this?
She was angry with Chen Nahong and Zhou Li, and she expressed her attitude by asking for leave and ignoring her. Maybe that was not a very clever way, but she was still an intern after all, and she could only do so much. She felt that That's enough.

She really didn't entrust the tall Mr. Zhao to stand in for her.

Who is Zhao always her?Thugs or dogs?What virtue does she have to let him be so filled with righteous indignation for her?

Besides—this Mr. Zhao, why did he call for beating and killing?

She couldn't bear it anymore, so she replied, "Thank you Mr. Zhao for your concern, just ask Mr. Zhao to discuss your own business. I will handle my own affairs."
In the hotel, Chen Gui stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, overlooking the Qipan mountain scenery, and slightly curled the corners of his lips.

He didn't know the origin of Qipanshan's name, but at this moment he thought it was a good name.

He replied unhurriedly, not because he just got a reply after waiting for a long time, so he replied two words slowly: "...It's late."
As soon as Wu Xi received these two words, the fire in his heart rose.

"Why is it late? What does he mean by that?" Zhu Xi couldn't help but growl.

Bai Rui originally read the news on the web page, because He Shen was pulled out in the news, saying, "It is understood that after investigation of the "Picture of Hongyi Gongpu of Niu Colu Family in Manchuria in Xianghuang Banner", He Shen, a minister of the Qing Dynasty He is the ancestor of the Niu Hulu family, and he is listed as the grandfather of Hongyi." The two families who could not be separated from each other were brought together because they came from the same "Niu Hulu family". All the people with these surnames feel that they have light on their faces, but it's not the same thing at all...

But Ming Xi's roar is obviously more important than the Coke on the webpage.Bai Rui hurriedly lost the mouse, and turned to stare at Zhu Xi, "What's the matter? Could it be...that Mr. Zhao sent a message again?"

Annoyed, Zhuo Xi handed the phone to Bai Rui, "Yes, it turned out that he was playing tricks behind his back to punish Chen Nahong and Zhou Li."

Bai Rui also laughed in surprise, "That's good! We can't move Chen Nahong and Zhou Li, just ask Mr. Zhao to help us out!"

Mingxi sighed, "Silly Bairui. What do we have to do with him? Why do we ask him to vent our anger for us?"

Bai Rui rested her chin and thought for a while, "...Or, Mr. Zhao helped Mo Li?"

Bai Rui's curiosity flared up, and while speaking, he was about to swipe up the screen, wanting to see what else Chen Gui and Ming Xi had said before.

Ming Xi saw that something was wrong, and quickly snatched the phone back, "He helped Mo Li? I don't think so!"

I can't say why, maybe it's the girl's intuition, she just knows that Chen Gui is not for Mo Li.

Mingxi pressed down: "Mr. Zhao, this matter has nothing to do with you. If it's really too late to stop, please just stop. I thank you."

Five minutes later, Chen Gui replied: "They bullied you, so it has something to do with me... I will let everyone who bullies you know that anyone who dares to bully you will die an ugly death."

My head is getting bigger.

The whole department watched her quarrel with Chen Nahong and Zhou Li that day.If something really happened between Chen Nahong and Zhou Li, how could the leaders and colleagues not think about her?

She gritted her teeth and pressed down again: "Mr. Zhao, how can I let you put this fire to rest?"

It took another 5 minutes to reply slowly.

There is only one word: "...you."

(End of this chapter)

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