Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2749 Volume 1 48 is a flower

Chapter 2749 Eleven Volume 48 is Flower
Even though Xiao Han might not be able to hear everyone's whispers, the expressions on everyone's faces were enough for Xiao Han to guess what everyone meant.

He is good-natured and professional, smiling and nodding to everyone.

Xiao Han walked all the way to Chen Nahong's desk.

This made everyone half happy and half disappointed.

They were also betting on which one of Chen Nahong and Zhou Li Xiao Han came to flatter today.

Seeing that Xiao Han was standing in front of Chen Na's red table, those who bet on Zhou Li couldn't help muttering in a low voice when they were disappointed, "This is just like the emperor turning over the sign in the harem, one a day, it's not biased, it's really raining evenly." .”

Prosperity and frustration were also exchanged between Chen Nahong and Zhou Li in an instant.

Zhou Li, who was still proud yesterday, became frustrated today; Chen Nahong, who suppressed her frustration yesterday and refused to let others find out, couldn't help but lift her chin even more vigorously today, with an elated look.

While Chen Nahong was proud, she was not forgiving, she folded her arms and stared at Xiao Han with a sneer, "Miss Xiao went in the wrong direction, did she find the wrong person? Secretary Xiao can see clearly, I am Chen Nahong, not you yesterday The master who sends flowers."
Xiao Han smiled and bowed, "Manager Chen, I didn't go in the wrong direction, and I didn't find the wrong person. I'm here to find you."

Xiao Han said, looking around, "Cultural and Creative Department, there is only one Manager Chen? Unique and irreplaceable."

When Xiao Han said this, Chen Nahong blushed with excitement.She glanced at Zhou Li triumphantly, "What did you come to give today? A big hug of flowers? If it's the same as yesterday, then Xiao Xiao, please don't bother me."

"I have nothing rare about those ordinary flowers. People with mediocre tastes regard them as treasures, but to me, they are not as good as weeds."

Zhou Li stared.

Xiao Han laughed quickly, "Manager Chen is such a unique and irreplaceable person, how dare I give back those flowers from yesterday? If I want to send you flowers, I must also give you rare varieties in the world, which are rarely seen by the world. Only then."

Satisfied, Chen Nahong lowered her eyes and glanced at Xiao Han, "So, you are still here to send me flowers? Or are they rare varieties that are rarely seen by the world?"

Xiao Han smiled, "Naturally, naturally."

Chen Nahong finally let go of her arms, "Where is it? Why don't you hold it in?"

Xiao Han smiled and blinked, "With my strength alone, I can't carry it. So I have to come in first and let you know, and if you are willing to accept it, I can let the workers unload the truck and carry it in together."

Chen Nahong laughed aloud, "Okay, I'll take it. Don't play charades with me, call the unloader."

Xiao Han went out, and after a while, he took two workers, carrying a box nailed into a square, and struggled inside.

The box was also beautifully decorated and packaged like a bouquet gift box.

Seeing this posture, Chen Nahong's face was flushed with excitement.

After all, it is a cooperative unit in the Forbidden City, and the employees present have already exclaimed, "Oh, there was an old custom of paying tribute to a whole lychee tree in Fujian, and it happened during the Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong years... I looked at this posture, how could I remember it? Is that feeling coming? Is it possible that Mr. Zhao sent us Manager Chen with such a whole heart with all the roots and branches?"

Chen Nahong couldn't hold back either, and asked excitedly, "What the hell is it? Could it be really a lychee tree?"

But she is still proud, "But then again, what age is it, lychees are not expensive now, even if you give me a whole lychee tree, I won't appreciate it!"

(End of this chapter)

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