Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2756 Volume 1 55 Forgot

Chapter 2756, Volume 55, Forgot
It's almost June, and Xia Nuan in Shenyang is already surrounding her, but somehow, Mingxi has a cold war out of thin air.

"Bracelet? Where's my bracelet?"

She stretched out her hand to hold down her left wrist, clearly remembering that there was a reason, but her mind suddenly went blank, as if a memory had suddenly disappeared, leaving behind only curling smoke.

Bai Rui stared at Mo Xi, and quickly reminded, "Mu Xi, why did you forget? It was May Day, ah yes, the day we met Mo Li, didn't you say that you met an old man, and after talking to him , is your bracelet missing?"

"Really?" Min Xi was also stunned, "...Is that so? But why can't I remember anything?"

It's only been a few days since Wuyi is in front of her eyes, why did she suddenly lose any memory at all?
She thought hard, but there was still a white smoke curling up in her mind, and there was nothing else.

Bai Rui ran over anxiously and grabbed Min Xi's arm, "He's an old man, quite old, but his back is straight, he's tall, he's wearing a bright yellow uniform—yes, that's them The kind you wear for photos."

Bai Rui's description was already detailed enough, but Mingxi still shook her head in a daze, "I don't remember..."

Bai Rui was stupid.

Bai Rui raised his hand and waved it in front of Zhu Xi's eyes, "Hey, who reads the history books at a glance and never forgets them? Why have you forgotten all about the past few days?"

Bai Rui still believed that Wuxi was joking, so she also smiled and said, "Hey, you're not yet twenty, and you're not yet at the age of Alzheimer's~~"

Zhu Xi still stared at Bai Rui in a daze, the white smoke in her mind seemed to float into her eyes, completely confused, "Bai Rui...I really, really have no memory at all. Are you serious? You're not kidding me, are you?"

Bai Rui was speechless, so she could only stare at her, and murmured in a low voice, "You, what's wrong with you?"

"That's right, I can also testify." Mo Li hurried over and reached out to hold Mi Xi's arm, "I was there that day, I still remember that you introduced the old man on the stage of Jiayintang to that old man. Repertoire."

Mo Li said as he glanced at Chen Gui, "...it's the "Picking up the Jade Bracelet" that my elder brother watched for several days in a row. You also said that this is the rehearsal of the Jiayintang stage after 200 years; you I even introduced it to the old man as Beijing Opera, but the old man was still in a daze, as if he didn’t know what Beijing Opera was.”

"At that time, you joked that Lord Qianlong had finished building the stage, but in fact he had never seen a single play; you also said that Beijing opera had not been formally formed during the reign of Qianlong, so when Lord Qianlong built the stage, I must have never imagined that this stage will perform Beijing operas in the future..."

Ming Xi listened carefully to Mo Li's narration, a light flashed in her eyes, but she was only attracted by Mo Li's narration, as if Mo Li was telling her a story instead of evoking her own memories.

Mo Li couldn't help being stunned when he looked at Zhu Xi's eyes like this.

"Muxi, do you really... have no memory at all?"

Ming Xi shook his head, but smiled vigorously, looked at Mo Li, and took Bai Rui's hand again, "I know you are doing it for my own good—I lost that bracelet, and I don't know how I lost it. I feel uncomfortable, so You two specially made up this story to make me happy together, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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