Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2758 Volume 1 Volume 57 He Said He Really Liked It

Chapter 2758, Volume 57, Volume [-] He Said He Really Liked It

On the stage, silk and bamboo surround the ears, and under the stage, I sit in the early summer sunlight, my thoughts are like mist rising in the air, drifting away, ups and downs, without knowing the boundaries, like a dream.

Mo Li and Bai Rui had no choice but to stay by the side.

Min Xi occasionally regained consciousness and glanced at Chen Gui beside him, but always saw that he was really serious about watching the play.

"Sneaking at me? Think I'm lying to you?"

Zhu Xi was caught straight, and under the embarrassment, she finally came back to her senses.

Chen Gui's eyes were warm, and he tightly focused on Miao Xi's eyes, "...I really, really like listening to operas here. These days, I've come to listen to it every day, but I haven't gotten tired of it yet."

"Look, this Peking Opera is new, but the sound field surrounded by the stage and the surrounding corridors is old. The symphony from the hatchback is the most flavorful antique."

Ming Xi sighed silently.

——It was really a bit of a surprise.

How many people still listen to Beijing opera now?Especially young people, who are still busy with business like him, but they really like to listen to it.

Wuxi stood up, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Chen Gui stood up without hesitation, "I'll accompany you."

The way he gets up is a bit special—he originally sat cross-legged on the ground, if someone else got up in this position, he would stretch out his hands to support him, and then touch his knees to the ground before getting up; but he simply crossed his legs together Pushing hard on the spot, the whole person stood up immediately.

This kind of posture requires people to have experience in addition to an excellent sense of balance - they must be very familiar with such movements and well-trained.

If he was a soldier in front of him, he wouldn't be surprised; but if he was a pampered and successful businessman, he couldn't help but stare.

"What's the matter?" He found her staring at him, and asked with a smile when he was satisfied.

Zhu Xi shook her head, "Does Mr. Zhao exercise regularly?"

He thought for a while, "You said it's the kind of way to apply for an annual card in the gym and find a personal trainer? Then I don't have it."

Ming Xi was still looking at him.

He laughed, "Occasionally go to a friend's horse farm to ride horses; I also joined an archery club. But it's not systematic, I just go to have fun when I feel like it."

"Oh." Ming Xi lowered his eyes.

Then his actions just now seemed to be an innate ability - as if, like the princes and nobles in the Qing Dynasty, he was used to sitting on the ground like this, and when he said he wanted to get up, he got up immediately.

Mingxi turned around, "...I'm going to the bathroom, Mr. Zhao is inconvenient for you to follow. Please stay and continue watching the show."

Chen Gui smiled, "Little girl, when I have done business for nothing all these years, don't you understand your excuse? You are not going to the bathroom, you have to find the answer yourself."

He stood resolutely beside her, squinting slightly with his long eyes, "Don't forget, the bracelet is also half of me. If you want to find the answer, I must follow."

Mo Li and Bai Rui also wanted to follow, but Chen Gui stopped them with just their eyes.

Seeing that Mo Li and Bai Rui had both stopped their steps obediently, Chen Gui nodded with a satisfied smile, "The matter of the bracelet is our business. To find out the answer, it is enough for the two of us to go."

"Those who shouted and hugged each other turned into an inspection team. Even if they had any answers, they would all be scared away."

Bai Rui didn't care, but still looked up at Mo Li.

She gave Comrade Moli a high degree of class sympathy.
Mingxi walked back all the way until he reached the Phoenix Tower, climbed up the high steps, and reached the harem on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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