Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2766 Modern Chapter 65 The old house is on fire

Chapter 2766 Modern Chapter 65 Old House on Fire

Before going to bed, the phone dinged.

Mingxi felt afraid that Chen Gui would come to tease him again, so he looked at the phone for a long time and refused to grab it.

It wasn't until the phone rang that Min Xi saw that it was Mo Li's number.

She hurriedly apologized, only saying that she just fell asleep in a daze and didn't see the message.

Mo Li didn't care about it, instead he apologized on the phone, "I didn't think carefully enough, I forgot that you are still a student, and there are still management rules in school. It's so late, you really should go to bed."

Mo Li's gentleness made Ming Xi hold the phone, only smiling.

But Bai Rui heard it, climbed up and hugged Mingxi's shoulders and said, "...then why are you still calling? Isn't the phone call more noisy than the message?"

Embarrassed, she hurriedly patted Bai Rui, and said on the phone, "Mo Li, don't pay attention to this crazy girl."

Mo Li laughed silently on the phone, even though it was silent, Ming Xi could still feel it.

After a while, Mo Li said loudly on the phone, "Bai Rui, I was wrong, I will treat you to dinner another day."

Bai Rui rolled her eyelids on purpose, "Are you alone? If not, then you want to borrow me to cross the bridge to make an appointment, then I don't appreciate it."

"Who are you dating? Is there any room for us?" The door opened, and the other two girls from the dormitory who had gone to self-study at night also came back, and asked with a smile.

Embarrassed to spread this story further and further, Zhu Xi hurriedly pushed Bai Rui down, and only asked on the phone, "... Mo Li, you called so late, is there anything else?"

Mo Li also heard the commotion, so he also stopped laughing and said softly, "Today's matter, I mean you forgot about the old man... I am also a little worried. I can't fall asleep. I came back and looked at the computer. It happened that I I saved a video file that day, and I thought that if you watched it, you might be able to restore the scene of that day. So I called to make an appointment with you tomorrow, are you free tomorrow?"

"Really? That's great. Of course I'm free tomorrow." Zhu Xi exclaimed in surprise, "Besides, I was originally going to accompany you tomorrow!"

Taking advantage of the weekend, she and Bai Rui invited Mo Li over, so naturally they couldn't just leave Mo Li in the hotel.

Tomorrow's Sunday, she will naturally continue to serve as a landlord.

Mo Li looked up to the sky and smiled in the night, his eyes were filled with stars because of what Ming Xi said, "Okay, Ming Xi, we will see you tomorrow."

Putting down the phone, Mo Li still smiled.He laughed at the panic in his heart, at his impatience and lack of self-confidence.

——If he knew that Mingxi's plan for tomorrow was still to accompany him, why did he bother to make this call?
It was really the appearance of the eldest brother, and it was the expression of the eldest brother towards Mingxi that made him so nervous that he couldn't hold himself back.

It's not that he is not confident enough, but that he has to compare with whom.

If it was anyone else, he would be confident that he could win Zhu Xi's heart; but the eldest brother—except for his youth, there is no one who can rival the eldest brother.

Besides, my eldest brother has been single for many years, and the elders have joked that there may be a day when "the old house catches fire".

If the old house really caught fire, it would be impossible to save it.
The next day, Zhu Xi and Bai Rui arrived at the hotel early, they had something to worry about, so they didn't go out, and only had breakfast with Mo Li in the hotel restaurant.

Back in the room, Mo left the computer to show Zhu Xi the video, while Bai Rui hid aside to watch American dramas.

Mo Li opened the video file confidently, and Wu Xi saw himself in the camera - even though there was only one hand and silhouette, he could clearly see the bracelet on his wrist, which made Wu Xi heave a sigh of relief.

At least it proved that her bracelet was still on her hand that day.

She stared at the screen expectantly, waiting for the old man to appear.

 Cough cough, talk about how bacon is made~~
(End of this chapter)

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