Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 277 Don't Cry

Chapter 277 Don't Cry (3 More)
Wanxi's heart trembled slightly, and she hurriedly squatted down and replied: "If you go back to the empress dowager's master, the servant's family is from the Han surname."

As expected, the Empress Dowager raised her eyebrows slightly: "Oh, it's a person with the Han surname~" Her tone became depressed, showing that her interest had faded.

The queen said cautiously: "Back to Ernie, in fact, Wanxi's family members have already changed their names. Her mother's father's name is '51', and her mother's full name is Qingtai."

"Oh." The empress dowager seemed to have some impression of Wanxi's grandfather after all: "But the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the third year of Yongzheng?"

The queen hurriedly answered: "Exactly."

The empress dowager then nodded: "Then it belongs to a good family. It's just that since this bird was bestowed by the emperor, it's better to give it to the right person. Empress, change someone when you go back."

Wanxi originally told the emperor that she didn't care about the pair of birds, but when the empress dowager said she would change them, she felt as if she had been yanked.

Wanxi quickly knelt down on the ground: "I beg the empress dowager to be merciful! This pair of birds is about to be healed soon, and the servant has some experience, so why don't you just give up!"

The queen also said: "It's rare that she serves her attentively. This bird only listens to her in the palace."

The empress dowager didn't speak, she just tilted her head slightly in the seat of honor, and looked carefully at Wanxi who was kneeling in front of her eyes.

Wanxi hurriedly lowered her head.

The empress dowager snorted softly: "What a bold woman! How dare you stare at me so angrily in front of me? Empress, where are the rules in your palace?!"

The queen was also surprised, and hurriedly blessed her body: "It's my son who didn't teach well, and my son was convicted, and I hope that Ernie will not get angry."

The queen mother raised her eyes slowly: "The women in the queen's palace have no rules, and the queen should teach them herself. But since I have been asked to catch up today, I can't help but show you the queen."

The Empress Dowager raised her eyes to look at her servant, Erxi's nanny.

The nuns in the palace are all widowed, childless and careless, so they can be selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and sent to the palace to accompany the queen mother and concubine.Therefore, this Er Xi has always been ruthless, in charge of the rules in the Empress Dowager's palace.

Sister Erxi won the favor of the empress dowager, so she went forward and bowed to the empress: "This slave has violated the rules, and I hope that the queen's master will look after the empress dowager's master, so don't hate this old slave."

The queen also had no choice but to say: "Mama's words are serious, so naturally I won't."

Erxi walked up to Wanxi silently, and smiled: "Girl, you are not young, you should learn some rules. Rules are easy in people's hearts, but it is inevitable that they will be forgotten after a long time. Today, the mother will remind you Come back, I hope you will have a long memory from now on, and you won’t commit any crimes again.”

Erxi finished speaking silently, stepped forward and grabbed Wanxi's arm, then stretched out her hand to touch the invisible inner side of the arm, the waist and eyes, and twisted it down hard!

Wanxi was so painful that tears rolled down her eyes, but she didn't cry out.

Sister Erxi twisted it hard for about twenty times, her hands were sore, she got up and saluted the Queen Mother: "This girl is still a stubborn one, and it's because the old slave lacks means, so she didn't give her a lot of memory. "

"That's enough." The Queen hurriedly stepped forward and saluted the Queen Mother: "Returning to Ernie, this child is by no means a stubborn one, but she was so frightened that she couldn't cry. Let Ernie call her son The minister took her back to the palace to teach, don't be angry with Ernie."

Xiao You and Xiao Cun in the cage also screamed.

The Empress Dowager looked at the two birds.After all, it belonged to the emperor, so she had to take care of her face.

She lowered her eyelids and said, "Well, let the queen take it back and teach it. After all, anyone who can get an errand in front of the emperor must be a person who understands the rules. You can't push all the trivialities in front of the emperor."

 Fourth update later.

(End of this chapter)

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