Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2770 Modern Chapter 69 Only open for 1 day

Chapter 2770 Modern Chapter 69 Only open for one day

Mo Li left happily on Sunday night.

The corpse-smelling flowers that Chen Gui gave to Chen Nahong also withered.

Min Xi received a photo from a colleague, and couldn't help but look up at Chen Gui.

It's not on purpose, it's because the flowering period of the corpse smelly flower is too short, usually only 24 hours, the state of the corpse smelly flower at this time is really similar to the expression on Chen Gui's face...

Mingxi walked out of the airport, still a little bit uncontrollably happy.

Chen Gui wanted to send Mu Xi and Bai Rui back to school, but Mu Xi refused.

Chen Gui asked the reason, and Min Xi looked at Xiao Han naturally, "As Mr. Zhao, he must sit alone in the last row; Secretary Xiao sits in the co-pilot, which is standard equipment."

"If there are more Bai Rui and I, Mr. Zhao will have no private space, so I'm sorry."

Xiao Han was the most vigilant, and said cheerfully to Zhu Xi, "Miss Wei is worrying too much. Today we are using a V250 commercial vehicle. Not only is it enough to fit, but there are also empty seats."

Ming Xi was not familiar with cars, so he thought of such a car, except for GL8, it would be the Dajinbei made in Shenyang.But when she heard the number, she couldn't help laughing again, and hurriedly lowered her head to hold back.

Chen Gui raised his eyebrows and stared at Min Xi, and he guessed it without much effort.

He sighed, "I agree with 250. Get in the car?"
Zhu Xi got into the car on purpose and took Bai Rui to sit in the last row.

Bai Rui realized that Minxi had been having fun today, so he hurriedly asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Is it because of his 250? It doesn't seem right. Before Xiao Han talked about the car, I saw that you were secretly having fun."

Zhuo Xi endured it, and called out the pictures on the phone to show Bai Rui.

Bai Rui also opened her mouth wide, "Huh? Will you wilt in a day?"

Mingxi sighed, "Corpse smelly flowers are rare, and the flowering period is also short. Paying a lot of money and only buying one day's flowering period is one of the cheapest deals in the world."

Moreover, there is still a long time interval between the flowering period of the stinky corpse flower, and the next flowering period will be three years later.

Bai Rui stuck out her tongue, "It's better to buy a handful of ordinary fresh flowers. For 30 yuan, you can last at least a week."

Minxi suppressed her laughter and sighed, "The key is, sending flowers to a lady is all about her heart. Which lady receives flowers and withers in a day, can she be happy?"

Bai Rui was also happy, "Yes, it seems that in the eyes of the person who gave the flowers that she was ridiculed, she is just a flower that will wither in a day."

The two little girls were in the last row, whispering shoulder to shoulder and head to head. Chen Gui was a little strange, but couldn't help but look back secretly with nostalgia.

He always turned his head like this, and he felt a little uncomfortable, so he quickly sat up straight, and raised his head to meet Shang Chengui's gaze.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry, I just got the news from my relative. You are really taking care of her family's business, and you ordered the flowers from her... But the flowering period of the smelly corpse flower is short, and it will wither within 24 hours." , I don’t know if Mr. Zhao was mentally prepared before.”

"If Mr. Zhao didn't know beforehand, I will contact my relatives to see if I can give you a refund; or, I will ask them to send another bunch of other long-flowering flowers to replenish Manager Chen?"

Chen Gui let out a snort, his face full of arrogance, "Even if corpses are rare and flowers are rare, do you think I don't know anything?"

Ming Xi sighed, "The flowering period is so short, it's not a good choice as a gift. Mr. Zhao, I'll send a message to my relatives right now..."

However, Chen Gui reached out his hand abruptly, snatched the mobile phone from Min Xi's hand, and held it high above his head.

"Mr. Zhao?" Min Xi stared.

It was dark inside the car, only the neon street lights outside flickered faintly.

She saw him blinking, his long and narrow eyes were like a male fox, "...if it wasn't for the flowers that only bloomed for one day, I wouldn't have given them away."

(End of this chapter)

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