Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2772 Modern Chapter 71 My sister is so proud

Chapter 2772 Modern Chapter 71 My sister is so proud
On Monday morning, I went to work early in the morning, and before the morning meeting, the employees of the cultural and creative department all gathered in front of the corpse flower.

Originally, it was just about to bloom when it was delivered on Saturday morning. The big flower was straight and straight, and it could be as tall as two people; How tall is a person, and now only half of it is left?

Zhou Li was the first to laugh, but asked everyone with a sullen face on purpose, "... such a big flower, how can it wilt after only one day of blooming? Tell me, is it because one of you is jealous of Manager Chen and fiddled with it?" gone?"

When Chen Nahong walked in, she saw Zhou Li beaming brightly.

Chen Nahong remained calm, neither walked over nor responded, but turned directly into her office.

After all, Chen Nahong is also an old salesman, and when she returned home, she excitedly took a photo of the big flower and compared it on the Internet, and as a result - she knew what kind of flower it was.

When the three characters of "Corpse Smelly Flower" suddenly appeared on the screen, Chen Nahong couldn't catch her breath for a long time.


She hung up her cell phone so much that she wanted to call Xiao Han to yell at him—she really didn't have the guts to call Chen Gui directly, but Xiao Han still dared.

But fortunately, she has been in the business field for these years. Although she has been using femininity as a weapon, she still understands the basic principles, so she swallowed hard and gave up her previous thoughts.

——The secretary next to the big man is like the eunuch who was next to the emperor in ancient times.It looks like a small person, but if you get offended, go and have a look~
The effect of offending the eunuch in front of the emperor is the same as offending the emperor directly; even, sometimes the consequences are even more serious than offending the emperor.

Fortunately, the webpage was edited more clearly, which enabled her to see the explanation immediately after the entry of Corpse Stinky Flower: "Corpse Stinky Flower, also known as giant calla lily, Titan white star calla lily, etc..."

That Xiao Han originally said "giant calla lilies", he was right; and that night when Chen Gui gave her imported calla lilies and asked her if she liked them, she herself said "I like calla lilies the most"— —Who is so coincidental that this smelly corpse flower and the calla lily flower have such a close relationship?

So if you want to ask Xiao Han Xingshi for this, you can make Xiao Han feel ashamed and come back.

Xiao Han is so young and looks so gentle, but he can become Xi Chengui's secretary, so how can Xiao Han do it for nothing? ——I'm afraid it's clearly a needle hidden in the cotton, the kind of smiling tiger who is the least likely to offend.

Chen Nahong had no choice but to swallow her anger and grievance abruptly.

This morning, I saw that broken flower was wilting, it’s okay, if it’s wilting, it’s wilting, and I told the cleaners to throw it out as soon as possible, so as not to keep embarrassing in the yard—she even checked that it was a corpse smelly flower , she didn't dare to think that other colleagues didn't know yet.
Chen Nahong's attitude this morning made it clear that the smell was stronger than that of the flowers, even though the big guy was a little bit itchy, but he didn't dare to go over to make trouble after all.

The cultural and creative department was quiet, until the official working time, the leader came in with his thermos cup soaked in goji berries.

That was the silent signal that it was time for a morning meeting.

Chen Nahong walked into the conference room without squinting - what was she squinting at?Watching colleagues whispering, or watching their mocking eyes?

She sat down at the desk, raised her jaw high, like a proud swan.

The more she is surrounded by enemies, the more she must maintain her arrogance, so as not to let them see her jokes!

(End of this chapter)

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