Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2786 Modern Chapter 85

Chapter 2786 Modern Chapter 85

"Wei Mingxi, are you out of your mind? Chenshi, Chenshi, some of them are associated, what do you think of that guy?"

Ming Xi was very annoyed, and patted her cheek.

Like an insomniac trying to count goats, she began to meditate on other images related to Chenshi in her heart:
"The rat is ugly and the ox, the tiger is the tiger, the rabbit is the rabbit, the dragon is the snake, the horse is the sheep... Chenlong, Chenlong, Jackie Chan..."

"Chen, first seen in oracle bone inscriptions, the original meaning is the appearance of insects waking up when they wake up from the sting...It also refers to the intersection point and day of the sun and moon..."

"It is also extended to refer to Beichen, which is the North Star... where the North Star is located, it is called 'Chen', which is the Chen Palace. Later, it refers to the residence of the emperor, and it is also extended to be the title of the throne and the emperor."

"The word "Chen" in the early bronze inscriptions looks like a mirage, which is the original character of 'phantom'... mirage, mirage..."

Mingxi is already trying to diverge his thinking, and almost associates all the common images of the word "Chen".

But inexplicably, her heart jumped even more, as if she was approaching a mysterious thing, but she still couldn't explain it clearly!

Lord Qianlong controlled the honored guests at the time of Chenshi—the time when the sun, moon and stars converged, and the stinging insects woke up and were about to move—like a mirage, a strange scene appeared—everything finally returned to the Chen Palace, the place where the emperor lived, the Shenyang Forbidden City... …

Mingxi hurriedly pressed her forehead, forcing herself to stop.

Otherwise, her brain would explode.

Oh my god, her head suddenly ran wildly, what was she thinking about?

Other people will never think of her when they read "Jiaqing Daily Life Notes", right?She's being unprofessional, isn't she? .
The cell phone rang, saving Zhu Xi's Nao Ren'er.

It was Bai Rui who called, and when he picked it up, he burst into tears, "Xiaoxi, they said they won't be a pastry..."

"What's going on?" Min Xi sat up straight, "Who said that?"

"Of course the leader said it. But according to the leader's expression, it can't be the leader's own meaning. It must be the meaning of Mr. Zhao."

Zhu Xi's brain began to hurt again, she stretched out her hand to hold it down, "What did they say?"

Bai Rui said, "They said, we are not the 'Cultural and Creative Department'. Cultural and creative, just make some key chains, fan pendants, or regular cultural and creative products such as lipstick and rouge. It's a bit different here, let's stop first."

"They said, especially for the pastries we make, we need to have immunity, fire protection, health certificates, etc. Our procedures are not complete, and we are afraid that people will find fault with the things we make."

"Also, because it's summer, we insist on not using preservatives to make pasta, which will easily rot and spoil the stomachs of other tourists-even if the tourists may not be acclimatized, then they can Let us claim compensation first..."

Bai Rui's voice became smaller and smaller, "So, what they mean is that they cut down our pastry shop and told us to follow others to make those tapes, pillows and so on~"

Zhu Xi was immediately annoyed, "Why don't you talk back, just let them say so?"

Bai Rui cried, "Muxi, you're not here, I can't do anything alone, I can't talk about them..."

"They also said, anyway, there are only two of us in our bakery shop, and we can't make a few yuan a day, let alone earn a few yuan, so it is inevitable to cut it..."

Zhu Xi was so angry that she jumped down from the top, "Wait, I'll go over now, I'll talk to them!"

(End of this chapter)

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