Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 279 Annoyed

Chapter 279 Annoyed (5 more)
Wanxi went back to the lower place, took a basin to draw cold well water, dipped in a handkerchief and wiped the wrung blue spots for herself.

She could bear the pain.When she was young, she was climbing trees to collect honey, and she fell off many times; when she was learning to ride a donkey, she was also thrown off by that little green donkey dozens of times. For a long time, she didn't dare to sit... ... She is not afraid of the pain of flesh and blood.

She just felt cold inside.

In the past, I heard Sister Lu describe all kinds of noble concubines, after all, it was like listening to stories, and I didn't take it deep into my heart.Only after experiencing this moment in person, did I understand the feeling of the cold and piercing heart.

She didn't do anything wrong at first, and all her mistakes were only that she was a woman with a surname of Han.

The flesh-faced old woman looked down upon her as a woman surnamed Han, but to be honest, how did she ever have any respect for that old woman in her heart?

That old woman was just lucky, and the son she gave birth to became the emperor!

Such a fate is rare in the world, but she is not alone!

She endured the pain and didn't let herself cry.

Tears are to cleanse the heart, and it is an apology that will be released only when she knows she is wrong; this time she is right, and she will never show weakness.

She knew that the bruises on her body would be cured in a few days after being wiped off with cold water like this; she just didn't know how long it would take for the cold accumulated in her heart to dissipate this time.

Or, maybe they can't go away?
This day, Gui Hezheng came to check his pulse again.

Gui He was carefully looking at Wan Xi: "What's wrong with the girl recently? The pulse is a bit messy."

Wanxi stared fixedly at the window: "It's okay."

It is rare for Gui Hezheng to see Wanxi like this, so he couldn't help being startled.

After reading the pulse, he packed up his bag, and then said: "...the girl told the old man last time, it has been settled. Although the clothes in the garden were originally kept by the emperor in the garden, there is no way to take them with you. It came out. But in this Jehol palace, the old man still found a suitable replacement."

It was rare for Gui Hezheng to take the initiative to wink mischievously at Wanxi: "Miss, must you have been to 'Wanhe Songfeng'? Back then, the holy patriarch Kangxi brought the 12-year-old emperor here to escape the summer, so he put the 'Wanhe Songfeng' It was given to the emperor to live in. Therefore, there are still clothes of the emperor at the age of 12..."

Wanxi raised her eyes and glanced at Gui Hezheng, then said expressionlessly, "I won't go."
Gui Hezheng was stunned for a moment, couldn't help but look back at Wanxi himself: "Girl... what's wrong?"

A few days ago, it was Wanxi who entrusted him with this matter, and he knew in his heart that it was Wanxi who wanted to go to see the emperor in the same way as in Yuanmingyuan.

Everything is done, but what happened to the girl?
This tells him to go back...how to answer the emperor?
Wanxi just kept her face somber, but she didn't care, she just said: "My lord, if you have any trouble, it's getting late, and my lord must still have important things to do, so please come back, my lord."

After Wanxi finished talking, she tore down the door curtain in her inner room to block Guihe's sight, and she nestled back on the kang to lie down.
But even though he was lying down, his ears still listened to the movement outside the curtain.

Wanxi heard that Gui Hezheng stood for another moment, and seemed to want to come over, but she still left after all.

Wanxi got up and sat cross-legged on the mat made of sorghum husk, her ankles were somewhat pricked by the burrs on the sorghum husk.She was inexplicably annoyed, so she rummaged to find the broom bumps, and vigorously swept the kang mat again.

So what if she doesn't go, she won't go!

Although Er Niang's fault is not worth asking her son to bear... But, if she really stays for him, how can she face that old lady every day?
He is a filial son, and this year is the empress dowager's fiftieth birthday, so he can't do anything against his mother and father.

Therefore, she will not get involved in the excitement!

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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