Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2798 Modern Chapter 97 Seems like seeing that distant gaze

Chapter 2798 Modern Chapter 97 Seems like seeing that distant gaze

Modern Chapter 97、

Yuxi stopped.

The morning light was silent, and at this moment she was a little afraid to breathe.

Then he held his breath, raised his eyes and only looked at the warm light and the soft white steam, simmering and blowing together in the still-cool morning light.

This scene reminded her of Mu Xin's "Once Upon a Time".

It's just that the word "once upon a time", to her at this moment, is quite different from what Mu Xin said in her poem.

At this moment, the word "once upon a time" surging in her mind should be older than Mu Xin's "once upon a time", as far back as - very far away.

At this moment, a thought suddenly came to her: she seemed to have recognized him a long time ago.

It was farther than she thought when she saw his reports in the media.

This was a thought that suddenly surged up from the bottom of her heart when the morning light cracked, and it suddenly merged with the mysterious words of the old lady Huang that day at this moment.
The morning light is so still, the big world is drawn closer into a small world in front of you.

Although she held her breath and tiptoed, he still heard her voice, right?

He turned his head and smiled warmly at her in the warm light.

The smile was determined, as if he wasn't surprised by her arrival at all.He knew that no matter how far away or how long, as long as he was here, she would definitely come.

That smile was also the warmest she had ever seen. The warmth penetrated the night and reached to the bottom of her heart, warming all the uneasiness and embarrassment in her heart.

He handed her the breakfast bag directly, "Auntie doesn't like soy milk, she only eats rice and mung bean porridge with low-salt pickled mustard; uncle still likes soy milk with fried dough sticks, and also likes to have an extra spoonful of stewed bean curd soup for Eat with fried dough sticks."

"What about you, you like to eat boiled tea eggs, and you like to see the tea soup seeping into the cracks in the eggshell, forming textures on the egg whites. I think tea eggs are the best when eaten like that..."

Mingxi was slightly surprised, and when she saw the simple smile on the face of the proprietress of the breakfast shop, she also found the answer.

Mingxi smiled sheepishly, tilted her head and focused on Chengui, "...don't you realize that the textures inside the tea eggs are especially like the ice cracks on the window panes?"

She prefers that texture, and even prefers to eat tea eggs, not even because of the taste of tea eggs, but because of the texture!

It's hard for her to talk about this truth with others, just like a simple couple in a breakfast shop, if you talk about ice cracks, they won't know.

But he must understand!
In the ancient buildings, how many window panes of famous gardens are all made of ice cracks!
Just like the "Qianlong Garden" built by Lord Qianlong in his later years as the spiritual residence after abdication, the "Bamboo Fragrance Pavilion" is small and elegant inside and hidden in the rockery. The windows chosen are ice cracks. .

Imagine Qianlong Lord in his later years, in the shadow of the bamboo fragrance, when he had a glimpse of the country, his sight would be through such an ice-cracked window pane...

Seeing that texture is like being able to see a ray of gaze from behind the gauze curtain of ancient times.

There is also bamboo, which entrusts too many ideals of the ancient Chinese, and Lord Qianlong is also very fond of it.

For example, in the place where he handles political affairs in the Old Summer Palace, there is a forest of bamboos; and the "natural picture" he bestowed on Empress Xiaoyi Chun to live in is even more bamboos, and the original name is "Bamboo Courtyard". .

(End of this chapter)

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