Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2805 Modern Chapter 104 New Pastry Shop

Chapter 2805 Modern Chapter 104 New Pastry Shop

Zhu Xi was suddenly speechless.

There seemed to be an invisible hand in the air, pinching her throat.

She obviously wanted to jump up and curse, but she didn't know why.

Anyway, she was angry—suffocated!

She gritted her teeth and said, "Sorry to bother you."

Then quickly log off, turn off the phone, and put the phone aside!
This old bacon, ahhh, it is really salty and hard, she has such young teeth, she really can't chew it! .
On the other end of the network, Chen Gui looked at the phone and laughed silently.

You don't even need to close your eyes to imagine her little angry face.

In fact, she is a girl with long fluttering hair, and she is absolutely gentle and pleasant on the outside; but he knows that she has thorns inside.

And he likes her thorns too.

He understands her care for the pastry shop and her obsession with restoring the Qing Dynasty court pastry.

Just as he himself had a soft spot for restoring traditional buildings back then.

That obsession—it’s hard to tell where it came from.

Maybe it's heredity, a signal in a gene; or——a memory from a previous life.

He thought he was not a superstitious person, just like wearing a string on his wrist, he just played with it and used it as firewood.

He doesn't believe in Buddhism, let alone all kinds of nonsense.

——Even if this is the rule in the mall, the bigger the businessman, the more superstitious he is, and he enshrines all kinds of things at home, but he himself never gets involved with that.

If he had to believe in something, then he believed in fate.

"Fate" is an indescribable thing, or a magnetic field, or a combination of various coincidences and opportunities.In short, this is something no one can figure out.

Only when it comes before your eyes, when you meet it, and you feel that subtle sense of blessing in your heart—you will know that your destiny has arrived.

So even though she is angry now, he is determined in his heart.

She will not give up her pastry, just as he will not give up her.
Chen Gui's deduction was not wrong, and after being angry for a while, Ming Xi was not as angry as before.

She began to seriously think about how to make a compromise between his hints and the preservation of the pastry.

For example, a buffer period can be raised-she can strike later and do the opposite, for example, ask Chen Gui to fully support her in developing the pastry shop first.When the income of the bakery store reaches a certain percentage of the income of the entire cultural and creative department, then she will consider the relationship with him, and so on.

In short, she herself is not sure whether the pastry shop can make money in the future.Maybe when the day comes to make money, ten or eight years have passed, so it's all procrastinating whether you have a girlfriend or not.

Just then, her cell phone rang again.

She subconsciously thought it was Chen Gui, but there was a sudden sound, and the notification tone was wrong.

She has already downloaded Q, and the notification tone just now was WeChat.

She grabbed her phone and looked, it was Mo Li.

For some reason, when she saw the message from Mo Li again, she felt vaguely separated from her life.

Has she really not been in touch with Mo Li for many days?
But no.

She flipped through the chat records, and it was clear that it hadn't been a few days.

But it's just a feeling, it seems that there is a little bit, the distance in the heart seems to be pulled farther without knowing it.

This feeling was a bit strange, she quickly shook her head.

No, in fact, she and Mo Li were not very familiar with each other, after all, they have only been friends for a short time.It's just that because of work, there was a period of close acquaintance; and there was once thought of using Moli as a shield...

But when she knew that Mo Li liked her, she might have taken the initiative to distance herself from him.

"Hey, look, this is a brand new project of Biaobopu..."

(End of this chapter)

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