Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2807 Modern Chapter 106 The mistress of the Zhao family

Chapter 2807 Modern Chapter 106 The Mistress of Zhao Family
Modern Chapter 106、

"But Mo Li, I'm a little confused—is this your personal investment, or a project of Junlin Group?"

In Mo Li's previous words, every word and every word mentioned the King's Landing Group.But if Junlin Group approves the project, shouldn't Zhao Chengui decide it?

Does Mo Li have the ability to take advantage of Zhao Chengui's absence from the company's headquarters to set up a project for the company by himself?

Mo Li sent a smiling face, "You forgot, I am also a designer of the company's cultural and creative department? I create a new cultural and creative project for the company. This is my job."

Zhu Xi thought of the ink necklace.

"But I thought... I remember you said that the ink necklace was an inspiration you got when you were drunk, and Mr. Zhao insisted on turning you into a product."

"So what I mean is, the approval of the project still needs to be approved by Mr. Zhao?"
On the other side of the network, Mo Li's eyebrows were lightly knotted.

Maybe Mingxi herself didn't notice, the shadows in her words were full of Chen Gui.

He tried his best to laugh, believing that Ming Xi was just talking about the facts.

He then replied, "Jingxi, Junlin Group is not a company owned by the Zhao family, but was jointly established by the four of us. Although the management rights were later handed over to the Zhao family, in our generation, we are also willing to entrust it to the Zhao family. Brother..."

"However, I am still a major shareholder. Although my position is only a designer, if I want, I can decide to join any project for the company - as long as the project is reasonable, I can come up with a project description to convince the company colleagues, then I have that power."

Help your forehead.


She has known Chen Gui and Mo Li for a short time. She doesn't know if Mo Li used his status as a major shareholder in the company to directly bypass Chen Gui to make any decisions...

She just had a hunch, maybe this is the first time Mo Li has done this.

And the reason for doing so has nothing to do with her.

What's more, this project is her pastry shop!

"But, Moli...I think this is your project, not my job. My job is in Shenyang."

"I don't want to become a franchise chain store, and I haven't thought about opening branches all over the country, let alone promoting it overseas..."

Zhu Xi straightened his thoughts, "For me, it is a handicraft, a way to get close to the old days. It is not an industry, an industrialized model formed to make money."

Mo Li was startled.

Immediately said: "But Xi, my project is built for you. You don't love your bakery very much, don't you always worry that this project can't continue?"

Mingxi was a little confused, and didn't know how to express this confusion at this time.

She had no choice but to say: "Mo Li, my bakery shop can't be a profitable project. And Junlin Group doesn't do projects that don't make money."

"I heard that even if the Junlin Group does charity, it must be presided over by the hostesses of the Zhao family."

Mo Li, even if you are a major shareholder, you are not from the Zhao family, let alone the hostess.So why should you not manage this project?

Unexpectedly, Mo Li still sent a reassuring smile, "... I naturally understand the company's habits better. So don't worry, Ming Xi, I planned this project with the guarantee of a charity project, so whether it makes money or not It's not the pressure you should take on."

"As for the mistress of the Zhao family... I have already invited her."

Ming Xi's heart suddenly raised, "The mistress of the Zhao family? Mo Li, who are you talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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