Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 281 Rest assured

Chapter 281 Rest assured (7 more)
Seeing that she was finally willing to tell the truth, the emperor relaxed, and finally raised his long eyebrows in a rare leisurely manner.

"Isn't your tone provocative? You think that you have asked the Lord, and the Lord will be speechless. You will naturally be chilled by this. You have already spoken in your throat when you said something about going out of the palace. Eyes are ready."

The tone of voice finally slowed down again, which was his usual leisurely complacency.

Wanxi just lowered her head: "The slave just feels that the empress dowager is the emperor's ernie, and the emperor is a filial son. How can the slave just cause the emperor and the empress dowager to quarrel because of such a trivial matter of his own?"

The emperor snorted, and calmly picked up the sour soup to drink.After drinking, she put it down, but reached out her hand abruptly, took the handkerchief from her skirt, and wiped the corners of her lips.

Wanxi was caught off guard for a moment, when she called out, he had already finished wiping.

Then, he stuffed it in his own cuff.

Wanxi's face turned red immediately, she glanced carefully out of the window, and then spread her hands towards him: "Master, come back!"

He stared into her eyes until he couldn't bear to stare at her, then he snorted: "Okay, return it to you, little picky boy!"

As he spoke, he pulled out one from his cuff and casually handed it to her.

Wanxi didn't doubt that there was him, so naturally she took it and wanted to put it away.But he stared at him as soon as he hit his eyes.

Where is her original one?It was replaced by one she didn't recognize!

Although it is half-old, and the color, materials and workmanship are not in the obvious upper-class rules, she can still guess that it is his!

She bit her lip involuntarily, "What are you going to do, sir?"

He sighed softly, and since he was in the queen's palace, he resisted not grabbing her little hand.

"That veil, keep it to wipe away your tears. As long as you feel wronged in your heart, don't hold back and cry. Print your tears on that veil, and the Lord will know."
He's... really.

Wanxi was obviously still angry, but she almost burst into tears on the spot at his sudden words.

She hurriedly turned her back: "Master, is this a handkerchief to relieve the slave? Master is really a master of persuasion, this method is really good!"

"Stop mocking me!" The emperor sighed, staring at the back of her head and laughing.

"It's fine if you just say it, and the master will naturally know it. Master replied to what you said just now: If you ask if it is the empress dowager, can you take care of me? Master tells you, the master does not ask who is right, but who is right and who is wrong. You forgot, I am not only the son of the empress dowager, but also the emperor of this world!"

"As the son of heaven, I should have a steelyard in my heart to measure everything in this world. I will ask you about this matter later, so I won't make you feel wronged."
Although Wanxi still had doubts in her heart, she still didn't believe that he would really do anything to the Empress Dowager for her sake; or even if there was a way, it was just to send that cruel nanny down.

But after all, her heart is smoother.

She lowered her head: "Actually... I didn't think so in my heart. Although I felt aggrieved, I didn't think that the Lord and the Empress Dowager would really contradict each other because of me. After all, mother and child are human relations in the world. Dutiful son, there are some things that should be tolerated with the elderly."

The emperor stared at her.

With her petite appearance, what she said still carried unfinished grievances.But what she said was sincere, and there was no hypocrisy.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand and pinching her wrist: "Master has many ways to do things. You don't have to tear the skin like that. After all, Master will definitely give you an explanation after he finds out."

"It's hard for you, little girl, but you can still say such things after being wronged, and I know what to do in my heart. After all, the Lord still said that, no matter what happens or who is in this palace, you can rest assured."

 And~~~ Ha, I saw that my relatives mentioned the issue of the "Qian family" of the queen mother, it was actually a misunderstanding, that is her family's Han surname.The Jurchens also founded the Jin Dynasty. During the Jin Dynasty, it was very popular for the Jurchens to use Chinese surnames, and many big families had Han surnames. Before the Qing Dynasty, the Jurchen families were also given Han surnames, or the Han surnames were given to the Han family. ; Or use the old customs such as Chinese surnames instead~~
(End of this chapter)

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