Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2813 Modern Chapter 112 Never compromise

Chapter 2813 Modern Chapter 112 No Compromise
Hearing what Niang Laozi said, Chen Gui laughed instead.

"That's just right, let Junlin Group collapse. Anyway, she is responsible for destroying the company, and I'm happy that the vast expanse is so clean."

These words may be useful to others, but to him, it really has no lethality at all.

The children of the aristocratic family all shoulder the responsibility of the family, so they are all worried that their ancestral business will be defeated by themselves. In order to keep the company and their own fame, they are willing to give up some of their own things for the company.

Unfortunately, that's not him.

"Over the years, I have always felt that this company is a big burden. Even though I am the boss, many things are still imprinted with 'ancestral rules', which cannot be changed or touched. I am annoyed."

"Besides, the company has done so well over the years that it would be difficult for me to bring it down. Tell me, a 35-year-old, that I can now lie in the shade of my ancestors and live a life of idle clouds and wild cranes—this is a waste of life Ah, my mother and father."

"Look at what the 35-year-old man next to him is doing? Starting a business, struggling, struggling...I like living that kind of life, and I don't like the decadence of semi-retiring at the age of 35."

Meng Yuanxi originally wanted to endure it, but the more he heard it, the more shameful he became. He couldn't help but grabbed the napkin, twisted it into a rope, and swung it over his son's head.

"You say that, do you have a conscience? You forgot how your mother and I guarded this ancestral property back then, just to leave it to you safely!"

"And your dad, a man who was born with a weak body, has been strong for so many years, making the company bigger and stronger step by step... Who is he for, and not for you?"

Chen Gui sighed and reached out to help his mother to sit up.

"Mom, this line is too old-fashioned and outdated, change it."
Meng Yuanxi was stunned, "What, what's outdated?"

Chen Gui shrugged, "Parents focus on their careers and live their own lives. Doesn't the achievements they have achieved satisfy their own sense of accomplishment?"

"Parents have their own lives and work on their own careers, even if they want to leave their careers to their sons when they are old - but that career was originally just a part of their own lives, what do you think?"

"Because the son is connected by blood, he needs to inherit the business of his parents; the son has lived up to his parents' entrustment. From the perspective of normal operation, the son has not brought the company down. Even, the son has brought the company to prosperity."

"Career and sense of accomplishment are to make my life more fulfilling and happier. My son doesn't want to turn this career into a shackle and put it on his head."

"The son doesn't want to, and the parents, or other elders, want to turn this company into a chain around the son's neck—it won't work."

"It's like a business negotiation. If the negotiation goes well and we win-win, then continue to play; if the negotiation doesn't work well—then don't talk about it, just let the business not go on."

Chen Gui raised his eyes quietly, "Mom, you value the company. If you don't trust your son and worry that the company will collapse in his hands, then you can take the company back and continue to run it yourself."

"My son only takes away his own hard work, and starts over by himself."

Chen Gui's eyes were calm and there was no anger and prestige.

"...In short, whoever wants to use the company to hold back his son's life, his son will never submit."

"Even if that person is you."

Meng Yuanxi was so shocked that he patted the table, "You bastard, why are you talking to your mother?"

Chen Gui folded his arms, "Mom, how do you talk to your own son?"

(End of this chapter)

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