Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2842 Modern Chapter 141 Dirty Water

Chapter 2842 Modern Chapter 141 Dirty Water
Mo Li didn't even know how he left the court.

The so-called "destroyed soul" is nothing more than that.

After running several red lights in succession, he could only park the car on the side of the road.

He called Ge Lu, "...Brother got it."

Ge Lu laughed on the phone, "So what if he knows? As I said, I wanted him to know."

"Besides, if he didn't know, how could he go back to the company and come home?"

After hanging up the phone, Ge Lu walked to the reception room with a sneer.

In the reception room, a gorgeous woman stood up quickly and greeted, "Mr. Ge, you are finally done."

Ge Lu smiled and nodded, pointing to the sofa, "Manager Chen, please sit down. Tell me the story of the Cultural and Creative Department."
In the days that followed, Min Xi frantically recited the statement of defense, and practiced correct answers in court in front of the mirror.

Bai Rui asked her, "The Princess of England appeared in "Gold Medal Lawyer", do you want to be Meghan's second?"

Chen Gui reminded her almost every day not to be so anxious - even though she was avoiding him, he could always use various communication methods to convey this to her.

He said it lightly, because he was already at that level; please, she really can't do it.

In such anxiety and busyness, various WeChat groups and circles of friends in her school suddenly filled with rumors about her under the eyes of Weixi——

"Graduate with the greatest appetite in history - the internship is not for work, but for the boss!"

In that article, her reunion with Chen Gui in the Cultural and Creative Department was all discredited as her deliberate approach to the benefactor.

For her sake, the benefactor bought the entire cultural and creative department and paid a large sum of money to the museum every year.

The article also specifically pointed out that the benefactor is 35 years old, 16 years older than her.

"Love with a 16-year-old difference, hehe, she dares to say, sorry, we really can't believe it."

"Or there may be Electra complex, but I have to ask one more question - if this 16-year-old is not a wealthy donor, but an ordinary person, can she still love?"

Such cynical comments began to appear at the bottom of the article.

Those words and sentences, bullets like ice, immediately pierced my heart full of holes.

She wanted to refute, but the problem was that they didn't name them, and even marked "I just heard, let's read it as a story."If she refuted it, it would be the same as jumping out and admitting it herself!
In each WeChat group and circle of friends, the person who posted the post was not the same; and soon various reposts developed in geometric multiples, like a virus.

Minxi was stunned. She spent so much time preparing the defense before, and there was not a single word left in her mind.

Within 2 minutes, Bai Rui immediately called, "Mu Xi, what's going on? You're at school, did you offend anyone?"

Mi Xi had a headache, and felt that the four walls in front of him were shaking.

Is there an earthquake?

She smiled hard, "Yeah, I also want to know what happened... The school offended people? I don't remember, Bai Rui, I really can't remember."

I just feel so tired.

This world is so complicated, she doesn't even know when she accidentally said something inappropriate, did something inappropriate, and offended others, but she didn't know anything about it!

She didn't want to think about it, and she didn't want to talk about it.

She wanted to leave, escape from these crowds, escape from these chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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