Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 285 Disagreement

Chapter 285 Disagreement (3 more)
Qiaorong helped Concubine Chun go to bed, put down the tent lightly, and closed the inner partition door, while she sat outside the partition door to watch the night.

The concubine Chun in the tent couldn't sleep.

In the days since she came out of the palace, what was going on in her mind was naturally the fact that the alliance between her and Concubine Xian and Concubine Yu was broken by the queen for no reason.The empress not only brought her out alone, but also put her beside her. It should be said that the two of them had the highest status in the harem this time, so they lived together and served the empress dowager together.

But how could she not understand, this is the empress staring at her under her nose.

Besides, she was born as a Han girl, even though her family members had entered the Zhengbai Banner because of the birth of her son, the Empress Dowager never liked her.The queen asked her to serve the empress dowager together, so she had to worry about it every day, and she never felt relaxed.

And the queen mother is only the queen and her. The more the queen mother looks down on her, the more amiable she is to the queen... It's up to you.

Why doesn't she understand that this is the soft knife that the queen has sharpened her.
She can bear the soft crimes she suffers outside, and she is alone worried about her son who is still in the palace.

God knows if Concubine Xian and Concubine Yu misunderstood her, would they take advantage of the opportunity of staying in the palace and join hands to hurt her son?

Concubine Yu is fine, after all, Concubine Yu is her servant, and they have lived together in Zhongcui Palace these years, so I believe that maybe they won't do anything too much; but Concubine Xian dare not say anything.

Over the years, Concubine Xian competed with the empress and noble concubine for the limelight, and lost repeatedly, so she set her eyes on her.She never dared to trust Concubine Xian in her heart.

Thinking of the situation where her son might be alone and helpless in the palace wall, her heart was severely hurt.

Therefore, whether it was for herself or for her son, she had to try to make the Queen's trip not so smooth.I hope that such news can be sent back to the palace, so that Concubine Xian and Concubine Yu can put down their suspicions about her, so as not to hurt her children.

So that day on the boat, she saw the woman first.She recognized herself as someone close to the empress, and it was only then that she first caught the empress dowager's attention.

Originally, she was just in front of the Empress Dowager, picking on the Empress Dowager's fault. She thought that the Empress would kneel down and beg the Empress Dowager for a favor, and then it was over, but she didn't expect that the Empress didn't seem to have the intention of protecting the woman...

She sighed and turned over, only to feel that the queen's mind seemed to be becoming more and more difficult to understand.

Fortunately, she knew that she was born as a Han girl, and she had never coveted the position of queen like Concubine Xian.She is only for her own children.
The matter of Erxi's mother naturally spread to the Queen's Palace, and Wanxi also knew about it.

When she heard it, she ran back to her room, sat cross-legged on the kang with her back out, and took several deep breaths.

She naturally knew what was going on.

Her face was a little hot, she secretly took out the half-worn handkerchief of the emperor from the skirt of her clothes, and clenched it in her hands.The silky smoothness sticks to the palm, which makes people feel a little cool in this midsummer.The coolness is just right, neither cold nor abrupt, and it gently irons the heart.

After being happy for a while, Xiaoxin got off the kang with one leg, and carefully went to find out what happened to Erxi's mother.

That old thing screwed her about twenty times, but after all, she was only ordered by others, and she didn't deserve too much punishment.

But because the emperor directly handed over the man to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the women and eunuchs in the palace had no way of knowing what happened to the man.For some reason, Wanxi's heart was a little suspended because of this.

It's just that I don't know where this inexplicable worry will come from.

 Fourth update later.

(End of this chapter)

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