Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2859 Modern Chapter 158 Forced palace

Chapter 2859 Modern Chapter 158
Mingxi couldn't bear it any longer, so she asked the boss's wife for leave on the pretext that her parents were coming back from get off work soon, and ran away home.

She really wanted to hide from him for a few days.

But the problem is, if she ignores him and doesn't solve the matter on the Internet, then this matter will only get worse, and it's unknown what will be spread by then.

Chen Gui knew that she was a little ostrich, so he didn't keep a close eye on her, and waited for her in the breakfast shop comfortably.

It's just right for her to be so close, yet keep a little distance to guard her.

Before waiting for Lai Mingxi's answer, Chen Gui waited for his mother's call first.

His mother was crying on the phone, "Zhao Chengui, you were born to me. I saw the trick on the Internet, and you passed it on yourself! What are you? Are you telling the world, or are you Forcing the palace?"

Chen Gui took it easy, "She hasn't graduated yet, so it's not time to announce it to the world; as for forcing the palace... Do you mean your side? Then you think too much, I didn't force you."

"...I'm just chasing her."

She is a little ostrich, when encountering his emotional aggression, the first thing she thinks of is to hide and think slowly.

No wonder, after all, there is a 16-year age difference between the two of them.That little girl who hasn't graduated from college, her first love and first marriage, just want to find this one?
So he had to allow her to dodge, give her a distance to breathe, and wait for her to sort out her knot and figure it out.

But this kind of waiting cannot be purely passive and do nothing.He had to do a little trick now and then, a push and a push.

Otherwise, if you ask her to think about it all the way, she might really get cold.

After hearing this, Mrs. Zhao became even more indignant, "Are you just chasing her? But why don't you think about my feelings, why don't you think about the company's reputation! Now the Internet is full of what happened to our Junlin Group, what happened to our Zhao family... ...Your business is not only related to you personally, you can't be so selfish!"

Chen Gui remained calm, "But, have you forgotten that I am no longer the boss of Junlin Group. I even ran away from home, so you don't have to recognize my son."

"I'm just a wage earner now. Junlin Group and Zhaojia have nothing to do with me. They insisted on writing that on the Internet, but they made a mistake and used the wrong title. Don't worry, ask the company's legal affairs to deal with it. It's time to send a lawyer's letter Just send it, and go to court if you want to sue... This is a child's play for you."

"If you don't like to do it yourself, then leave it to Ge Lu." Chen Gui said without concealing the contempt in his tone, "She is best at these things."

Mrs. Zhao couldn't continue talking, for a long while, she could only faintly hear her sobbing through the silent receiver.

Chen Gui also sighed, and called out softly, "Mom... let my son be with the person he likes all his life, can't he?"

"Aren't you happy to see your son find his sweetheart?"

There was a trembling voice in the receiver, and after a long while, Mrs. Zhao restrained her sobs and said in a deep voice, "But, she is just a little girl! She has no family background and is still young. She can't help you at all. The Zhao family doesn't have the ability to carry it!"

Chen Gui sighed, "Since you are still so persistent, then my son has nothing to say."

"You are worried that a little girl with no experience and ability will be of no benefit to the company and the family... The son will have no choice but to make the company lose a president and the family lose an heir. It's up to you to weigh the pros and cons."

(End of this chapter)

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