Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2861 Modern Chapter 160 Meet the parents

Chapter 2861 Modern Chapter 160 Meeting Parents

Because Ming Xi was a little guilty, it took a little effort to say this.

Because it was her own bold words back then, saying that she would not fall in love during school.Because she had been in college for four years, and the boys who were full of colleges looked at her, but they didn't make her heart flutter.

But how could she have imagined that when she was about to graduate, she would find such a person halfway, which became the test of her university's final pass.

—— But fortunately, he didn't violate her own initial perception, after all, he wasn't a boy from their school.

Zhu Xi took a deep breath, summoned up her courage and said, "Mom...can I find a boyfriend?"
Yuan Qian was not surprised at all, as if what her daughter suddenly mentioned was not such a topic.

She just quietly raised her eyes to look at her daughter, "Why are you talking about this at this time? You will be graduating soon, and choosing a career is the biggest test."

"Work and family are the two biggest themes in a person's life. Now you are faced with choosing a career, which is already difficult enough. Why do you suddenly think of two themes together?"

Ming Xi lowered her head, "...Because, I need it now."

Yuan Qian sighed softly, "Who is the target? Have I seen it?"

Mingxi lowered her head even lower, "...that's the one from last time."

Yuan Qian didn't speak, looked at her daughter, and sighed again after a while.

"I knew it was him... the one who was approaching the city. You will give up before you defend the city."

Mingxi hugged her mother's arm in embarrassment, "I didn't expect him to attack the city so soon, I also want to save face with your daughter..."

Yuan Qian sighed, "If you want to refuse, there are 1 reasons; but if you want to accept, one reason is enough."

Ming Xi was speechless, staring at her mother.

Yuan Qian stretched out her hand and tapped Min Xi's forehead lightly, "...that means I like it."

Yuan Qian couldn't lie still, so she simply sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, and hugged her knees.

"He chases you very hard, I can see that. A person like him is willing to save such a small breakfast shop, and he really does everything possible to promote the small breakfast shop... He spent a lot of time and thought on it. here."

"For people like him, the most expensive thing is not money, jewelry, or even business, but—time."

Zhu Xi's cheeks were a little hot, and she didn't know if it was because her mother saw through it, she was embarrassed; it was because of his dedication that made her excited.

"But... I always want to know, is he chasing you so hard because he just wants to play a pursuit game, or does he really want to join hands with you for the rest of his life?"

Mixi's heartbeat became fierce, but she didn't care on her face, "Mom...the horoscope hasn't been written yet. Besides, even if he wants to spend his life together, I don't necessarily think about it. After all, I'm still young~~"

Yuan Qian shook her head, "Girl, I'd rather you not talk about this love, and I don't want you to have too many love experiences."

"Don't blame mom for being conservative, but mom still insists that before a girl gets married, it's best not to have more than two relationship experiences; at most, at most, only three."

Zhu Xi thought for a while, "He, he told me about the future..."

Yuan Qian sighed softly, "Okay, then I want to meet his parents first."

"Ah?" Minxi was so stupid this time, she could only smirk, "Mom...you have to fall in love first, and the relationship is almost done, and you will have to marry before you get married."

Yuan Qian shook her head, "No, marrying a daughter is different from marrying a daughter-in-law. A daughter is marrying into their family and needs to integrate into their family. So before you fall in love, I have to make sure that family is suitable for you."

"If that family isn't right, then there's no point in your relationship—unless you just want a love game, not a family."

(End of this chapter)

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