Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 287 Promise

Chapter 287 Promise (5 more)
When the queen came to see Concubine Shu, Concubine Shu and Chen Guiren, who lived with her, went to the gate of the courtyard to welcome her.

Although the queen came to see Lan Jin, she still had to say a few words of condolences to nobleman Chen.It was nothing more than saying that this Rehe Palace is after all more generous than the palace, and that all the masters are required to live together.

Chen Guiren just smiled lightly: "Master, the concubine will kill the concubine now. Logically, if the concubine Jia didn't live in the Rehe Palace, but went directly to the paddock, then the concubine would have no chance to be with Shu. The concubine lives in a yard."

Lan Jin also respected Chen Guiren's age and seniority, so she also smiled at Chen Guiren: "How can sister Chen say such a thing? My younger sister lives with my elder sister, and I feel happy."

Chen Guiren's eyes were always clear, and she could see that the queen came to visit Concubine Shu alone, so she bowed and said goodbye: "The concubine has been a little bit unbearable in the heat these few days, so I'd better ask the empress for a favor, and I agree." Concubine go back and lie down."

The queen hurriedly said: "Have you asked the imperial physician to look at it?"

Bai Guo beside Chen Guiren saluted and said: "I have seen it. The imperial doctor said that the master is afraid of the heat, so it is not a serious problem."

The queen nodded: "Then go and rest quickly. When I leave later, you don't have to come out and set rules. I will spare you the courtesy."
Chen Guiren went away for a while, the queen took Concubine Shu's hand affectionately, and walked into Concubine Shu's bedroom together.

Along the way, the queen carefully scrutinized Shu Pin's expression.Although Concubine Shu had a young and mature dignity, she was still young after all, and some expressions could not be very strict.

The queen sighed softly when she sat down, grabbed Shu Pin's hand and refused to let go: "Lan Jin, you also followed the letter. I just got the news."

Concubine Shu raised her face and blessed the queen: "Concubine congratulates master and empress."

The queen sighed lightly: "To tell you the truth, Xiao Jiu has been brought up by me all these years. Seeing that he has become a father, I can't help feeling relieved. But when it comes to happiness, I don't care about it." What joy."

The queen patted Shupin's hand: "I want to call you Lan Jin, you know, the first thing I said was 'why not Lan Pei'? If Lan Pei is happy, I really want to have a good time .”

Only then did Concubine Shu's face move slightly.

"My concubine understands the master's heart, and my concubine also thanked the master for my younger sister."

Concubine Shu said with a look beyond her age, and sat down quietly: "The concubine also understands, and the younger sister also understands. This is not negligent by the ninth master. After all, the younger sister is still young, and when it comes to childbearing, it is also difficult to understand." After all, it depends on whether there is a fate for children."

Then the corner of the Queen's lips curled slightly: "Since you and Lan Pei can think like this, then the palace will feel at ease! Don't worry, Lan Jin, Xiao Jiu will definitely have a deep love with Lan Pei and his wife in the future, and the palace will never allow this to happen." He owes Lampe a little."

Concubine Shu nodded: "The concubine also told my younger sister the same way. She is a concubine after all, so she should have the bearing of a concubine. No matter who gave birth to the child, as long as it is the child of Master Jiu, it is her child , she must treat it as her own."

She actually said something back to the fourth sister, but she didn't say it in front of the queen: the younger sister seemed to point it to Fu Heng, and did not become the emperor's concubine; Her own good.

After all, the younger sister is still Fu Heng's first wife, and she herself is just a concubine of the emperor.

Even if entering the palace is a concubine, but that position is always empty after all.If the emperor could leave her aside for a few months and ignore her, this one would be worthless.

Seeing that Concubine Shu was unhappy, the Queen thought that Concubine Shu was still worthless for the younger sister, so she slowly said: "There is a saying in my palace: Lan Pei just rest assured, even if Rue Xiang has a child, she is a girl after all. Then she can only be a concubine for the rest of her life, and even if she has a child, I will never let her be a side Fujin."

(End of this chapter)

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