Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2875 Modern Chapter 174 Extraterrestrial

Chapter 2875 Modern Chapter 174
The time for the graduation trip is set after the thesis defense is over.

After defending the dissertation, you will be completely liberated, and you will be able to have more fun playing.

Originally, the thesis defense was still a hurdle in Wuxi's mind, but thinking about it, she was quite nervous, because their department has always had a tradition of catching several thesis defenses every year.

But it was strange to say that when she really stood on the podium and began to answer in front of the teacher and classmates, her heart, which was still beating wildly before, quickly calmed down.

After the dissertation was read out, when the teachers began to ask questions one by one—many of these questions were sharp or even acrimonious—she was able to answer them fluently, and even though she had no precautions in advance, she But they were able to resist calmly.

After finishing the defense, Bai Rui gave her a thumbs up, "My God, why did your eloquence suddenly become so good, we 'Master Miejue' are completely speechless by you!"

Ming Xi also had a little intuition, as if he was really eloquent just now.

She immediately thought back, and couldn't help but suddenly realized, "Oh my god, I seem to have prepared for the lawsuit a few times, but I forced out my impromptu performance and eloquence!"

No matter how tense the atmosphere of the dissertation defense was, it seemed that it could not be compared with court debates. In order to be able to go to court to argue with famous lawyers, she went all out and practiced for a long time.

I thought that the incident was over, but I didn't expect that the preparation was not in vain, and it became a surprise soldier when she was defending the thesis.
When they got on the bus, all the graduates were in high spirits.

Because this trip turned out to be all free, it was a surprise.

Zhu Xi knew who the real investor was, but none of the students knew.Everyone has discussed it in private, and most of them guess that the school has attracted sponsorship, or there is an opportunity provided by old alumni to give back to their alma mater.

——Because in the contract that everyone signed, this trip was only undertaken in the name of a travel agency, and there was no personal shadow at all.

The car drove all the way, and when it entered a valley and suddenly opened up, everyone cheered.

There is a large green grassland in front of you, and golden rapeseed flowers that can't be seen at a glance!
In the past few years, the tourism market has been hyping the theme of rapeseed flowers very lively. Going to Wuyuan to see rapeseed flowers in spring has almost become a must-see place for tourists.

But it was spring, who would have thought that it was already July, and you could still see such a large field of rapeseed flowers that could not be seen at a glance!

While the students were still in the car, they couldn't hold back their excitement, and grabbed their phones to take selfies from various angles.

Zhuoxi was still stupid, she held Bai Rui's hand and said, "...This is the south of the Yangtze River!"

Fortunately, they are all college students with sufficient knowledge reserves. After the initial surprise, everyone also understood that the reason for seeing the blooming rapeseed here at this time is because of the difference in latitude.

Moreover, this is a mountainous area, and the atmosphere is lower than that in the city, so the rape blossoms bloom later.

When the bus dived into the valley and drove into an antique town along the rapeseed field, cheers erupted in the bus again!
The quaint town is like a paradise~yuan.The ancient architectural style of the Han Dynasty has white walls, black tiles, brackets and cornices, but it is also matched with Mongolian yurts that are natural to this grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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