Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2882 Modern Chapter 181 Finally met

Chapter 2882 Modern Chapter 181 I finally met

"Who is at the door? You have walked through the threshold for so long, and you still don't go in?"

An old man's voice came over, and Ming Xi was startled when he heard it, and looked at Chen Gui awkwardly, his face flushed.

——I dare not look over to the screen wall.

"Who the hell is it?" Min Xi asked Chen Gui with her lips.

Chen Gui, however, was at ease, blinking his eyes, turned his head towards the shadow wall and said with a smile, "Grandma, we are here."

Mingxi's heart fluttered, and he had to figure out what to say in his heart.

Fortunately, it's not complicated. She figured it out that she was Chen Gui's grandfather's sister.

Chen Gui took Mi Xi's hand and walked around the screen wall with a smile.

The courtyard where a glazed pagoda can be built is supposed to be not small, but the small courtyard that goes around the screen wall is not that big.

But Ming Xi can also tell that this is from the same wall.The original courtyard must have been very large - the courtyard of a monastery must not be small.

In the middle of the small yard is a pomegranate tree with a large water tank under the tree.

The rainwater is stored in the water tank, and the bowl lotus is blooming on the water surface.

Sitting next to the water tank was a small, thin old lady.

Mingxi couldn't help but feel a little bit amused when he saw it.

Terrible, she didn't know why she suddenly thought of Mr. Lao She's "pomegranate tree in the ceiling fish tank, the master's useless dog and fat girl".

Mr. Lao She is a bannerman, and Mr. Lao She's works are typical bannermen's novel style; like Cao Xueqin's "Dream of Red Mansions", it reflects the clear customs and background of bannermen's life.

Therefore, Mr. Lao She's sentence "Pomegranate tree in the canopy fish tank, the old man's useless dog and fat girl" has the lazy, comfortable and comfortable spirit left by the banner people in the Qing Dynasty. Thinking about music, there is a vivid picture in front of you.

——And this meeting Zi Le, also because of a little contrast.Because there is no fat master and fat girl, but there is a spirited and upright little old lady.

Who else could this little old lady be besides Zhao Xingrong.
Zhao Xingrong watched the two children, Chen Gui and Miaoxi, walking hand in hand, she squinted her eyes and looked at Miaoxi from a distance, and said with a smile, "... I have all of them here, but in fact they are just a little bit worse. A canopy."

"Canopy" refers to the arbor built above the courtyard in the past, with reeds and bamboo, which can be used as a shade for the courtyard.

Ming Xi couldn't help but want to laugh again.

There is only a ceiling missing, master fat girl or something...

The little old lady seemed to see her mind clearly, so she shook the cattail fan in her hand, "...I, don't look at me as thin now, but my bones are full of flesh—I think I used to It's a little fat girl!"

"As for the master, well, now the old lady is the head of the house, and the master has long been replaced by an old lady."

Calling the little old lady such a tease, I was still full of nervousness, but I can't be nervous anymore.

Chen Gui was very happy, and pulled Mingxi forward to introduce Zhao Xingrong, "Grandma, it's her, Mingxi."
Sitting in a wheelchair, the little old lady stretched out her hand to hold Ming Xi's hand, raised her head to look closely at Ming Xi's eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Well, it looks like it, it really looks like it."

Zhu Xi hurriedly said, "Old man, who do you think I look like?"

The corners of the little old lady's eyes were beaming with joy, "I said you, you and our family, Chen Gui, have husband and wife looks! You two look alike!"

He was so ashamed that he didn't know what to do.

But the little old lady stopped laughing and said quietly, "Miss Wei, I can count on seeing you."

[Take a day off tomorrow, see you on Monday~]

(End of this chapter)

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