Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2886 Modern Chapter 185 Time is running out

Chapter 2886 Modern Chapter 185 Time is running out
Chen Gui was so happy that he neither denied nor explained, just winking at Ming Xi.

The old lady Zhao Xingrong stretched out her hand towards Zhu Xi.

Mingxi understood, got up and helped the old lady stand up.

The old lady was leaning on a cane, and she turned her head and gave Chen Gui a look, "I'll take Miss Wei into the room to talk, and I won't ask you to listen. You go and set up a table for us to eat and drink."

Chen Gui cheerfully took the order, and the old lady Zhao Xingrong led Mingxi into the house.

"...My dear girl, I know what you care about." Walking into the house, the old lady stopped, stretched out her hand and patted the back of Mixi's hand, "This pastry shop is a gift from me personally, Nobody cares."

"As for the funds they originally invested, I will make a price, turn them into shares, and return them to Chen Gui's mother. You can rest assured."

Ming Xi blushed again, "How can I accept such an expensive meeting gift from you? It would be great to see your face and talk to you, there is no need for a meeting gift."

Zhao Xingrong laughed, "If you insist on not wanting the pastry shop, then I can only give you the chair you sat on just now..."

Minxi was even more frightened, and quickly waved his hands, "That's even worse!"

Even if the huanghuali top spot may not be able to fetch a sky-high price of 900 million, but even if one and a half zeros are missing, she will not dare to accept it.

The old lady Zhao Xingrong nodded and said with a smile, "Then you will take over the bakery... Good girl, listen to me, I'm going to hand over the bakery to you, not because of the value of the project, but because I Among the people I know, no one is more suitable than you to take over the pastry shop."

As Zhao Xingrong said, his eyes suddenly turned red, "I deliberately sent Chen Gui away, just to have a few words with you alone—to tell you the truth, Miss Wei, me, time is running out."

"Ah?!" Minxi was startled, and carefully looked up and down at Zhao Xingrong, "You, are you sick? Then tell him quickly, go to the hospital."

Zhao Xingrong shook his head with red eyes, "It's not about illness, it's about me, I'm old—you said I'm already at this age, and I haven't done business in my life, and now I suddenly came out to take over this stall, I This old bone can't hold on anymore."

"I can force Chen Gui to deal with the company's affairs, and he dare not stop; there is only a shop left... It doesn't make money, and no one else understands the company. If you don't take it, then let me do it myself." Is it okay to be a pastry?"

"My dear girl, you should feel sorry for me, an old woman, and help me..."

Zhu Xi blushed so anxiously, "But, old man, you can also hire a professional manager from outside..."

The old lady Zhao Xingrong pouted, "No, the pastry shop incident, to put it bluntly, was not caused by you? If you don't follow up, then this fate will not be able to be fulfilled, so I don't worry. "

"You know me, the biggest knot in my life is fate... My good girl, I have nothing else to think about now, I only have one wish left, to look at you and Chen Gui Two, take over these things and get together well."

Zhao Xingrong said, with tears streaming from the corners of his eyes, "If you don't agree to me today, then I will die with regret...My good girl, are you really willing to let me live alone for decades? In the end, are you still staring and leaving this world?"

Ming Xi is a little silly.

The old lady Zhao Xingrong staggered suddenly, and Zhuo Xi hurriedly stretched out her hand to support her.

(End of this chapter)

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