Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2888 Modern Chapter 187 Similarity

Chapter 2888 Modern Chapter 187 Similarity
As soon as he mentioned the soft bracelet, Min Xi became a little nervous.

The matter of the broken jade soft bracelet is still a mess to this day.

Chen Gui, Ge Lu and Mo Lizi all insisted that the bracelet she was wearing belonged to their ancestors from the Zhao family, and it was the bracelet that the elders of the several families met together that day—obviously, the bracelet from the Zhao family had a clear source and was well-known. Feelings, naturally can not be fake.

But Mingxi didn't understand, why the jade bracelet in her family was exactly the same as the one passed down by Zhao's family?

The jade bracelets in this world are all made of whole jade, because of the differences in materials and craftsmanship, they are never exactly the same; what's more, it is made of such broken jade, and it is even more impossible for two of them to be the same.

——Of course, the more important thing is, when the relationship between her and Chen Gui started, why did her bracelet disappear?

Because this is really a headless case, she has not dared to tell her parents about it until now.

The jade bracelet is valuable on the one hand, but the key is that there is no way to explain to my parents why it disappeared!
Fortunately, the old lady Zhao Xingrong didn't grab the jade bracelet and said, "...the second one he grabbed was a portrait book."

"Huh?" The jade bracelet is not new, but it's the first time I've heard of the portrait album.

The old lady Zhao Xingrong laughed, "Since you have worked in the old Shengjing Palace, you naturally know about the Phoenix Tower, right?"

The Phoenix Tower is the main entrance of the "Five Palaces on Stage" of the old Shengjing Imperial Palace.

The building is three stories high, and it was the highest point in Shengjing at that time.

Later, the Phoenix Tower was used as a place to store sacred objects, and the portraits of emperors and empresses of all dynasties were sent to this building to hang and commemorate.

Only after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, the items stored here gradually disappeared.

The portraits of those old people are worthless than gold, silver and jade, and some are even treated as waste paper.

——When the old man was selling the jade bracelet that day, he seemed to grab a portrait as a wrapping paper and wrap the jade bracelet.

Since it came with the jade bracelet, the ancestors of the Zhao family also retouched and framed the portrait.

The two things were also put together, which made Chen Gui arrested when he was one year old.

The old lady Zhao Xingrong smiled and said, "He grabbed the jade bracelet, no matter what, he was kind of good-hearted; but he still grabbed the portrait, so I can't explain it. After all, there is a queen in the painting. But because it was used as wrapping paper by the old man, it is incomplete, and the inscription can no longer be found, so it is impossible to tell which queen it is..."

"The big guys all laughed at Chen Gui, saying that you are a one-year-old brat, what are you doing grabbing a portrait of a woman, or a portrait of a queen?"

I didn't hear any clues to this remark, it was just a joke.

But the old lady Zhao Xingrong stopped her words and raised her eyes fixedly, "...It's strange to say, Miss Wei, your eyebrows and eyes are actually quite similar to that portrait back then."

"In other words, fate is destined in the dark. Chen Gui liked the face in that portrait, so she grabbed that portrait; and after more than 30 years, he actually met the same person as that portrait." Miss Wei, whose portrait is very similar, you go."

Zhao Xingrong sighed softly, "...This is the lover of my dreams, isn't it?"

Ming Xi opened his mouth in shock.

This is the second time today that she has been said to look like a certain concubine of the Qing Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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