Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 2894 Modern Chapter 193

Chapter 2894 Modern Chapter 193

Chen Gui's eyes lingered on those two lines.


Those two lines are two poems: "If the Tao is reunited like the bright moon, there must be sweet-scented osmanthus blooming in it."

Hearing his "Huh?", Mingxi tilted her head to look at him, "Huh what?"

Usually a rising "huh?" indicates surprise, surprise, or even disapproval.

What, did he find something inappropriate in these two lines, or did he not like the idea of ​​this draft?

"These two poems...are chosen by Mo Li?" Chen Gui asked.

Ming Xi shook his head, "No, I chose."

Only then did Chen Gui laugh, and leaned over with a big smile on his face, his eyes shining brightly under the night light.

"--What a good choice!"

The stone in Mingxi's heart fell to the ground suddenly, she couldn't help laughing, and stretched out her hand to push away his smiling face.

Flowers bloomed in my heart.

It turned out that he was so reserved before, not because he didn't like these two poems, but because he didn't want to praise Mo Li.

"Why did you choose these two sentences?" He didn't rush to start the car at all, propped his right elbow on the back of the co-pilot, and squinted his eyes to stare at Moxi.

Ming Xi sighed, "It's nothing special. Look, isn't it because we're catching up with the Double Ninth Festival in September, and we're making the first sweet-scented osmanthus cake? There's osmanthus in this poem, so it's appropriate."

"Furthermore, didn't we decide on the name of the shop in the pastry store as 'Nian Tuan Yuan'? This poem also happens to have the word 'Reunion'...the two are superimposed together, what could be better than these two poems printed on the Is the packaging more perfect?"

Chen Gui frowned slightly, and stretched out his right hand to caress Mi Xi's cheek, "Is there no other reason?"

Chen Gui's words made Wu Xi a little confused, she blushed and looked at him sideways, "...what else can I have? Are these two points not enough?"

Chen Gui shrugged exaggeratedly, "My intuition tells me that there are other reasons."

Mingxi's heart was pounding.

How to explain that inexplicable feeling to him? ——She came across this poem by chance, and when she saw it, she felt like she had a heart-to-heart connection and was instantly hit.That throbbing, like love at first sight.

But she couldn't explain why she liked these two poems so much.

She closed her eyes and tried to find a reason to answer Chen Gui, "Or, because this is Li Shangyin's poem. Compared with big Li Du, I love little Li Du very much."

Li Shangyin is "Xiao Li".

Chen Gui smiled, "Who doesn't like Li Shangyin? There are tears in the sea and the moon, and the sun in the blue field is warm and the jade is full of smoke; this feeling can be regarded as a memory, but it was already lost at that time... Every time I think about it, I don't know what day it is. Where, it is like the 'Zhuang Shengxiao dreaming of butterflies' in his works."

Ming Xi nodded vigorously, "There is also Bihai Qingtian and night heart, every inch of lovesickness and every inch of gray; it is useless to say that lovesickness is useless, it may be madness to be melancholy!"

What Chen Gui said was not how she felt when she first met Li Shangyin's poem!
Chen Gui moved closer to her, and looked deeply into Ming Xi's eyes—as if, looking into the bottom of her heart.

"When I saw you, these verses came alive, and I found the real footnotes. I went around and walked alone, and I finally had the answer."

Chu Xi choked and coughed hard.

It's always such a sudden confession.Didn't they just talk about the packaging and Li Shangyin's poems, why did it turn into a confession meeting again?
Chen Gui passed the "Oriental Leaf" in his hand at the right time, "press it."

Mingxi couldn't stop coughing, and didn't have time to think about it, so he took it and unscrewed the cap and took a gulp.

(End of this chapter)

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