Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 292 Want more

Chapter 292 Want more (2 more)
He was right beside her, and the warmth of his body spread all over her body, as if wrapping her around.

Wanxi's heart jumped inexplicably, her eyes glanced at the hairy ball in the distance, and she called out in a low voice shyly and annoyed: "I don't really want to eat sour soup, so why bother to make slaves, it's so busy to ask slaves to eat! "

"Who said I won't eat?" He hugged her and mumbled in a rustling voice: "...Master, I just want to eat you more!"

Wanxi couldn't agree with such words, so she could only stand on the spot, with the tips of her toes curled up inside the shoes.

"My lord... is messing around again. At this time, the queen's master and the pure master are still waiting at the banquet. If the master sneaks out like this, after a long time, can the queen's master and the pure master not be suspicious?"

She complained about her, but he still couldn't help biting her earballs lightly, biting her ear clippers into his mouth and sucking them: "Since you are worried that they will be suspicious, why don't you tell me to reveal everything."

Wanxi took a breath quietly: "Grandpa...don't."

The emperor couldn't help but increase his strength and bit her hard: "You still want to leave the palace?"

Wanxi lowered her eyes: "...Master, I'm afraid."

She was punished by Concubine Yi in the garden before, she thought it was just a coincidence, after all, Concubine Yi mistook her for the woman next to Concubine Jia, in fact, she was just angry with Concubine Jia; but this time she was punished by the Empress Dowager , but she didn't understand in her heart, maybe some things were not accidental in the first place, but just seemed to be coincidental.

All the coincidences are put together by someone with a heart.

She is only one person, how can she guard against so many people?What's more, she has only been in the palace for a year, how can she compare to those people's skillful skills?

She has not yet been favored, she is already like this; if she is really favored by the emperor in the future, and there is a battle for position and heir, what will she do?
She wasn't timid, but she couldn't help being afraid.

Just like a noble concubine, her position is so noble, her mother's family is rich and honored, and the emperor once favored her, but now she just ended up like this.Ask yourself, can she really do better than the imperial concubine? .
After hearing this, the emperor stopped joking and stood up straight, but instead he held her tighter in his arms.

"I know you are afraid, but I am also afraid. Although I am the Son of Heaven, I have the ability to rule the world, so I also have the ability to control the harem... But I can't just stare at the harem every day, and I can't always You are fighting with your own concubine, so the master is also afraid that there will be a moment of negligence, which will cause you to suffer again."

"Master's worries have become reality time and time again. It's like this in the garden, and it's like this in the palace. Even if you can vent your anger for you afterwards, you can't help but blame yourself. The self-blame didn't have time to prevent you beforehand... "

He took a deep breath: "So why doesn't the master understand your desire to leave the palace? I have also thought about it, or I can put you in the garden and set aside a separate place. If you don't stay with them, it will be natural." Avoid these troubles."

"But look at Concubine Yi, the master left her alone in the garden, but her situation is not happy. The attitude of the people in the palace depends on whether she is favored by the emperor. If the master also left you alone in the garden , it will definitely make people think that you are not favored. Then your life will be difficult for a moment. "

He turned her face and asked her to look into his eyes.

The summer wind practiced, and the shadows of the trees whirled, colorfully falling on her exquisite face, like a light touch of ink, just like a painting.

Her eyes were clear and moving, and she met him firmly.

He sighed softly: "After all, I still don't want to part with you. Originally, it would take a few days to see each other when I was by my side; if I set you aside alone, I don't know how long it would take to see each other."

"Grandpa can't take it."

 Third update later.

(End of this chapter)

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