Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 296 White Hair

Chapter 296 White Hair (6 More)
Because of this delay, it took at least two or three times longer than expected for Wanxi to return to the Queen's bedroom.

She was easy to explain to the Queen and Concubine Chun, but said that making sour soup was handmade, and if it didn't work out the first time, she made it all over again, so it was only a waste of time.

She just couldn't face the emperor.

He stared at her from the seat, his lacquered pupils reflected the shadows of far and near lights.Little by little, each point is called "unhappiness".

She promised him that she would go back after a circle.As a result, it took such a long time to go around, and he couldn't match the original words, so he must have been waiting impatiently.

When people are in a hurry, it is inevitable that they will have dark ghosts in their minds, and they may not know where they are thinking.But she couldn't explain it to him at this time, so she could only bite the bullet and bear it.

Knowing that she was wrong, she lowered her head and avoided his gaze.

The scene was slightly embarrassing, Concubine Chun looked left and right, the queen smiled and said: "You are a little late to come back after all, the emperor has finished his meal after a long time."

Wanxi was speechless and could only plead guilty: "The slave deserves to die."

The emperor stared at the top of her head for a moment, then got up too: "Go back to the palace."
Wanxi felt a little uneasy when she returned to the next place, and sure enough, Xianchun came back later and brought back a letter, saying that the emperor had not long returned to the bedroom, and he sent an order to turn over the brand of Chunfei.

After all, Xianchun complained a bit on behalf of his master: "It's been a few days since I came out of Beijing, because the queen's master has been serving the empress dowager, and she can't get away, so it's fine that the emperor didn't turn over the queen's master's sign last time; The empress dowager is no longer in the palace, so the emperor should spend time with the empress and master... Who would have thought that Concubine Chun would take the lead again."

Wanxi was lying in bed with her head covered, speechless.

The moon is silent at night, and the cicadas and frogs in the distant mountains and rivers are chirping and whining all night, making people feel uneasy.
Waking up early the next morning, Suchun dressed the queen.

In fact, the empress didn't have to get up at this hour this morning, because the empress dowager was no longer around, so she didn't have to go to greet the empress dowager so early.

But the queen can't sleep.

Looking at the face in the mercury glass mirror, I couldn't help feeling a little more lonely.

Su Chun combed the Queen's hair, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback.Taking a careful look at the queen, he hastily pulled out a strand of white hair and hid it in his cuff.

But even though Suchun's technique was fast enough, she still noticed the sudden pain on the queen's scalp.

After Wei Wei was stunned, the queen shook her head and smiled wryly: "No need to hide, this is not the first one anymore."

If one piece of hair is parted on the top, and one part of a person's body is parted with one hair, her hair is enough to be completely white.

Suchun carefully said: "This servant will ask the imperial doctor to prescribe some prescriptions for black hair, and then ask the dining room to make more fleece-flower root and black sesame seeds."

The queen smiled: "It's okay. I am the queen, and the queen is not serving the emperor with color. Even if she looks old, every white hair also marks the years that I and the emperor have gone hand in hand."

"The more white hair I have on my head, the more the emperor can think about those old days, and the more I understand that it is not a bad thing for me to worry about the affairs of the harem."

After all, the queen couldn't help but sneer: "I am not afraid of gray hair, how can I be like those who are already old, and dare to compare themselves with Yezhao Furong? After all, who is younger than the other, and now they are all only Dare to reflect the light, only dare to compare yourself with a lotus; if they are all placed under the sun, who will be drooping with meat floss?"

 Thank you dianne_xd for the flash diamond + flowers, and the flowers for 15258633787;
  9 sheets: 123456xhh;

  6 cards: dqy1122;

  3 cards: allnana;

  2 cards: Fangfang's hut

(End of this chapter)

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