Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 298 Looking From Afar

Chapter 298 Looking From Afar (8 More)
On the morning of the eighth day of August, Dajia Lubo went from the Rehe Palace to the Mulan Paddock.

Along the way, dragon flags filled the sky, umbrellas covered the sun, and the team spread forward and backward like a long dragon; horse chariots, sedan chairs, red walls and golden roofs, just like walking palaces... These are the highest reliance of the royal family, showing the majesty of the emperor.

Along the way, the emperor, empress, Wanxi, and Fu Heng all had their own concerns, and instead of being excited about arriving at the paddock, they were all a bit sleepy.

The emperor can't ignore the dignity of the emperor, and always talks and laughs happily in front of his courtiers; but Wanxi is happy to stay in the car and not show her face.

All the way to Yudaokou, there is already a large green grassland outside the car, and Wanxi can't help but feel relieved.

The queen's phoenix car was just behind the emperor's car, and Wanxi lifted the curtains to look outside, and it was inevitable that she would see the emperor sitting high on the white horse as soon as she raised her eyes.

No wonder, he is the master of the world, and his riding attire is the most dazzling yellow.Even all the tuanlongs with dark patterns are woven with pure gold twisted thread. When the sun shines on them, even if they are surrounded by thousands of people, no one can beat them.

Such an emperor... She couldn't help taking a few extra glances.

I thought that the emperor should sit in the chariot drawn by dozens of horses, but he never thought that he would sit on the horses all the way, not avoiding the sun and dust.

And his pure white jade horse is also hung with a golden bow and quiver. From his appearance of riding a horse, one can imagine that he is also skilled in bowing and horse riding.

Wanxi couldn't help but ask Xianchun beside her: "...Auntie, will the emperor really walk around in person?"

Xianchun laughed: "Guess what? When the emperor was ten years old, he was able to hit three arrows with one arrow; when he was 12 years old, he killed a bear with a musket! If it weren't for being so talented in both civil and military skills, how could the emperor who was neither a descendant nor an elder be able to kill a bear?" Can you get into the eyes of the holy patriarch Kangxi?"

Wanxi stopped talking, and went to the side again to help Xianchun twist the deer wool into thread.

This is a job sent by Wanchun, and it is only said that the queen's master is in a hurry.However, it is not easy to smooth out the deer hair bit by bit, tie it into a thread, and twist it several times before twisting it into a thickness that can be threaded through a needle.

Along the way, Wanxi's fingertips were pricked red by the hairy tips.

I don't know what the Queen's master is going to do.
She flipped the image of the emperor up and down a few times in her mind, and then she lifted the curtain to look out, only to see Fu Heng again.

It turned out that Fu Heng was guarding the emperor on horseback. This shows that the emperor attaches great importance to him, and he can also feel the great responsibility of him along the way.

Wanxi couldn't help taking a closer look at the expression on his face.

From a distance, although she didn't look very carefully, she could vaguely see that Fu Heng's red lips were tightly pursed all the way and he rarely spoke.It was always the emperor who said something to him, and he immediately went to respond quietly.

There was another silent sigh in Wanxi's heart.

I didn't want to hurt him, but the truth will inevitably hurt people.

I wish that along the way, Master Jiu would devote more of his thoughts to the responsibilities on his shoulders, so that he would not have the time to think too much about this trivial matter.

And after this trip back to Beijing, his child will be born.When the time comes, the family will be happy, and he will get better.
Dajia Lubo went deep into the grassland and gradually reached the boundary of the imperial camp.Wanxi couldn't help but opened the curtains, and hung half of her body out of the car window. Between the blue sky and green grass, she could see the endless stretch of the company from far and near.

The Eight Banners are lined up according to their directions, and the flags of eight colors are flying between the sky and the earth.

At the beginning, there were hundreds of camps from various ministries and banners of Mongolia; inwardly, there were 250 outer cities composed of four camps.

Further inward is the inner city composed of 170 five company battalions...and further forward, it is the "Yellow Mantle City" where the emperor stayed.

 See you tomorrow~~
(End of this chapter)

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