Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 309 Losing Control

Chapter 309 Losing Control (3 More)
Wanxi was so absorbed in her own thoughts that she lost her mind for a while.

Waiting to raise her eyes again, she saw that he was standing on the high platform, looking at her from afar.

Because she is from the queen's palace, she is also the closest to him, so at this moment, she can clearly see the glint of his black pupils, but when facing her, there is a faint glint of narrowness.

Wanxi panicked, couldn't help lowering her head carefully, and looked around.

She didn't know how he could still find her among so many people, and she didn't know if others would notice and pay attention to him looking at her like this.

But panic was panic, she couldn't deny it after all: at this moment, she secretly rejoiced, as if she had swallowed a hundred bowls of honey water.

When she raised her head to look back again, he had already turned around, facing the crowd, and raised his golden bow: "Waiting!"
Following the emperor's order, thousands of people jumped on their horses and whipped their whips, and there were bursts of shouts on the entire grassland, and then everyone galloped into the siege together and started hunting!
All the sons and daughters of the clan, important ministers and dignitaries, all took the lead.For a moment, only the neighing of people and the sound of arrow feathers piercing the wind could be heard.

Wanxi became even more nervous.

She wanted to lift the reins of the horse and tell the horse to stop temporarily.She was anxious about what Fu Heng told her, and she had to wait for Fu Heng to appear.

However, there are many people and tens of thousands of horses galloping around, and Wanxi's horse is frightened, or it can't hold back anymore. Regardless of Wanxi's order, it spread its hooves, carrying Wanxi on its back, and headed towards the encirclement. rushed in!
When there were only one of them and one horse, Wanxi still couldn't control it; now there are tens of thousands of horses around, and what's more, there are all kinds of beasts around, even if Wanxi tries to calm down, she still panics.

An unprecedented fear, like a poisonous snake, crawled all over her body along her blood, controlling her limbs and bones.

She felt that her body was becoming more and more stiff, and her head also stopped. Apart from the turmoil, there was only a piece of desolate whiteness in front of her eyes.

What should she do?
Just jump off the horse?But there were horses on the left and right in front of her, and she was afraid that before she could land in time, she would be kicked to pieces by the horses rushing up behind her!

She could only look around blankly.

Where's Master Jiu?Where is Master Jiu?
She only remembered that Master Jiu was on the high platform before, kneeling to ask the emperor to come on the stage.

Then, after that, has Master Jiu come down from the high platform, has he mounted his horse, has he found her among thousands of people?
"Master Jiu, come quickly." She could only pray silently in her heart.

But her horse would not stop for a moment, carrying her like an arrow off the string, galloping forward, she had no idea where she would be taken by it.

I don't know where my fate will go.
There are many people, many horses, and many beasts on the paddock.The rising smoke covered the air, making it increasingly difficult to tell who was who.

But even so, Concubine Jia was still the most conspicuous.

The queen sat on the high platform with yellow curtains at the back, and smiled coldly: "I deliberately wore red today, even if the sun is covered by smoke and dust, she will be like a ball of burning coals, the emperor can't see it even if he wants to."

Concubine Chun sat on one side, and smiled gracefully: "Even the horses I ride are all specially selected bay red horses, with colorful balls and copper bells the size of fists hanging around the horses' necks, and the bells ring loudly wherever they go. It might be invisible."

Yuqin didn't know how to ride a horse, so she sat on the edge and watched from a distance.

She saw Wanxi.

She knew that Wanxi could only ride a donkey, but not a horse, so she couldn't figure out why Wanxi bothered to ride a horse today?

She only stared at Wanxi from a distance, and couldn't help but sweat for Wanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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