Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 39 Night Reward

Chapter 39 Night Reward
This night, neither Wanxi nor Yuqin could fall asleep.The unknown future and destiny, like the unavoidable cobwebs hanging from the corners of this glorious palace, covered in dust, entangled the hearts of the two of them.

In contrast, Yuqin's situation is more serious.Wanxi leaned over, lay down next to her, and asked softly, "Did sister choose a bed?"

Yuqin sighed softly.

Wanxi smiled: "That's right. Jiangnan and the capital are far away from each other."

Yuqin grasped Wanxi's hand tightly: "There are also words in the palace...for example, the Manchu words that Concubine Xian often uttered from her mouth, I can't understand at all. Could it be that the emperor also said this in the palace? ?”

Wanxi understood everything, so she pressed the hand of the qin: "It is true that the emperor speaks Manchu mostly in the harem, but you don't have to worry, our emperor is also the most refined person, and his Sinology attainment is not inferior to that of the Imperial Academy."

Only then did Yuqin let out a soft breath.

Wanxi was giggling in the quilt: "Look, those of us who left the plaques were just worried that we would test the skill of brocade embroidery, but my sister insisted on the emperor, and said that she didn't enter the palace to be a concubine? "

Yuqin blushed immediately: "You're laughing at me again. How can I decide my own life?"

Wanxi also sighed, and rested her head on the neck of the language piano: "Sister, don't worry about Manchu, anyway, I can stay with my sister in the palace for a few more days, and I will try my best to teach her. Besides, my sister is smart. , It’s not too late to learn slowly in the future.”

"It's just that my sister heard from my younger sister: softness is the most attractive thing about Jiangnan women, but here is the capital, and there are more princesses from Manchuria and Mongolia inside the palace walls. They are as strong as men. If my sister only shows her softness, she is doomed. You have to be bullied. My sister wants to be silk, she looks soft but has a tough heart, so that everyone dare not look down on you, and they dare not take you lightly."

Thinking that Fengge was just a little girl in a coat, she dared to bully Yuqin casually because of her status as a Han woman. If she were to change the heads of the palace, Yuqin might suffer a lot.

"Hey...Miss Wei has already rested? It seems that we came here by accident." Suddenly there was a soft voice from outside, the volume was not high, and it would not wake up the really asleep person, but it would not It can definitely be heard by people who are not asleep.

From the childish voice, Wan Xi could tell that a eunuch had come.Wanxi hurriedly grabbed a Yuqin, and the two of them got up and dressed quickly.

In a short while, the two rushed to welcome them out.But he saw an eunuch in ordinary clothes standing in the night, followed by a young eunuch, who was holding a three-layer red lacquer food box in his hand.

The two hurriedly knelt down to pay their respects, and Wanxi said, "Ask for Da'an."

The eunuch hurriedly stepped forward to help them up, looked at their faces one by one, bowed and asked Wanxi politely: "Is this Miss Wei?"

The old eunuch has been in the palace for many years, and seeing Wanxi's standard greeting posture, she can still be called "Advanced", so she must not be a Han woman living with her.

Wanxi smiled and replied, "Advanced eyesight is really amazing!"

The eunuch nodded and smiled: "According to Miss's auspicious words. Two girls, we are Liu Fu, the eunuch of the imperial dining room, and we are here to give the girl the kebabs rewarded by the master and empress."

Wanxi was also startled: "What reward?"

Liu Fu smiled: "It's your lord's housekeeper who made the sweet-scented osmanthus sugar and chestnut noodles enshrined by Master Qing Taiqing. The master and empress are delicious, so the master and empress called for a reward. And because the master and empress remembered that the girl is also in the show today. Now, let’s ask the dining room to prepare an extra portion, and let’s send it to the girl.”

"The servant kowtows to the master and empress." Wanxi solemnly knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the Changchun Palace, then got up and saluted Liu Fu: "You are a master."

Liu Fu hurriedly moved aside: "Girl, don't be too polite, we really can't stand it."

Not to mention that this is just a beautiful girl in a coat, it is a beautiful girl of the Eight Banners. He has never seen many of them who were rewarded by the master and empress on the first night of staying in the palace.Even if there were some before, most of them were rewarded by the master because they were relatives of the master's family in the palace.

What's more... Liu Fu thought about it in his heart, and heard that the reward was actually not ordered by the queen, but by the emperor himself.

Wanxi took the food box, opened it hastily on the spot, wrapped a few pastries inside, and handed it to the little eunuch who was carrying the food box.The little eunuch smiled happily, and even though it was a refusal, he spoke sweetly: "Sister Wei, the youngest one is called Liu Zhu'er. If my sister wants to eat something in the future, just tell the young one, and the little one will go back to Master, and I will get it for my sister!"

 Thank you for your rewards~~
(End of this chapter)

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