Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 510 Volume 2 25 Expected

Chapter 510, Volume 25, 10 Can Be Expected ([-] More)
She quietly wrote it down, and privately began to plant some fresh vegetables in flower pots in the backyard of Yongshou Palace.For example, leeks, cucumbers, mustard greens, gourds, eggplants, peas... She originally liked to grow flowers, but she accidentally changed them to growing vegetables.

Seeing how happy the emperor was eating, she took one and put it in her mouth.

The taste of spring leeks is refreshing, but the spiciness of the leeks is a bit off-putting.She first marinated it in salt water for a long time, and covered the spicy taste with the sour taste from fermentation, and then made it into a pastry.

The slightly sour taste is the most suitable for Manchurian taste, not to mention that this big spring can also help the emperor defeat the fire.

The emperor's heart is very angry recently, she can see it.

Not to mention the previous dynasty, even if the pure concubine in the harem is happy, but this day is not all well.This spring, there are no clouds in the sky, and the sun is poisonous earlier than in previous years.Seeing that this year may be a very hot day, the drought that the farmers were worried about in the first month may not be able to escape.

For this reason, rumors began to spread in the harem again, saying that the concubine Chun's child was not blessed and came at an improper time, so the heavens were not satisfied, and this was called the continuation of the drought.

Wanxi understood that the emperor's heart must have been on fire first, but he always didn't show it at all in front of her.She couldn't share his worries, so she just put more thought into these meals.

"You can see what's in your heart. But if it's you, I don't care so much. She used you, but you haven't really lost anything."

Wanxi stopped chewing and looked up at him.

He shrugged lightly: "It was she who sent you here, and it was she who asked the master to remember her good; she was the one who watched you grow up day by day, and the day when you will finally be entrusted, she will let the harem go up and down. Everyone has seen that she personally introduced you to the Lord."

Wanxi bit her lip: "I know it's nothing worthwhile, but it's still a little awkward."

The emperor came over and squeezed her little hand.

"She has her reasons for doing so. Besides, this was originally arranged by the master."

Wanxi looked up at him.

"When you entered the palace, I went to the queen and said bluntly that you were the one I wanted to keep and put you in her palace... I just wanted to use the name of the main palace to pave the way for your future. We borrowed The light that I have gained, I will give her some back."

"It's all a step-by-step matter. You have to bear with this little grievance first. Anyway, both of us understand what's going on. If she wants to save the face of the main room in front of outsiders, you will have to do it." She has to go."

"What's more, you can only be a noble person at the beginning, and your status is not high, so you are naturally happy to temporarily hide under the majesty of her empress, and it will not do you any harm. Naturally, others dare not look at her face."

Wanxi lowered her head: "My master is right, this slave should understand these twists and turns."

She raised her eyes to look at him, and said quietly in her heart: Master is the Son of Heaven, but for the sake of the world, he had to endure some grievances in the previous court.She herself was born in Baoyi, so why can't she bear it in front of that noble queen?

Thinking of this, she smiled: "It's all over, don't worry about it for me. When I was young, my mother used to say that if you still have gas when you eat, your stomach will swell and become a big bag. The toad is croaking."

The emperor patted Wanxi's hand lightly: "It's not too young, and I've almost learned everything I need to learn..."

"Next year will be the introduction period for the Eight Banners Show Girls, and I will confer another group of people. I will give you the last year of leisure, and I will confer you next year. Wei Guiren, Yongshou Palace has been waiting for too long. Don't you have the heart to tell it to wait until the paint comes off, eh?"

 See you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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