Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 520 Volume 2 35 Rebuke

Chapter 520, Volume 35, 10 Rebuke ([-] More)
Early the next morning, all the concubines greeted the queen.

Concubine Xian clamored to see the queen too.

The queen snorted softly when she heard this, and told Wanxi: "Concubine Xian is clamoring to break the palace rules before her confinement is complete, and you go and reprimand instead of me."

As the number one woman next to the queen, Wanxi is duty-bound.Then he arrived at the gate of Chengqian Palace, ordered to open the palace gate, stood at the gate of the palace and reprimanded: "The empress ordered Concubine Xian to be confined for three months. Now that the time limit has not expired, Concubine Xian is not allowed to leave the palace. The empress' master said: Concubine Xian has something to say, Let’s wait until after the confinement is over. If you have something to say now, write it down as Chen Jincheng, Queen’s Master.”

"The Queen's master ordered Concubine Xian to confine her feet in the palace. It was originally to ask Concubine Xian to think about her mistakes and cultivate her mind. If she is still so impatient, the previous confinement will be in vain. Queen's master should think about it. It is time to report to the Holy Majesty, and then extend the period of confinement."

Concubine Xian sneered when she heard this, and when she saw that the person who came to scold her was Wanxi, she became even more angry: "You two don't have to be so arrogant! I'm just living under someone temporarily today, and she is the queen. So he punished me arbitrarily; if I become queen in the future, I will double what you owe me today, and let you all taste it!"

Concubine Xian's words of disrespect to the queen, Wanxi must be reprimanded again.

Concubine Wanxi Chaoxian blessed her body: "Master Xian, if the future is the future, let's ask Master Xian to ascend to the second place first. At this time, the Queen's master is in the middle of the palace. It is a bit boring for Master Xian to say these words .”

Concubine Xian just sneered: "You want to say that I am just dreaming?"

Wanxi still stood quietly: "How dare the slave say anything about Master Xian. The slave just said that now the queen master is in the middle palace, and master Xian is just master Xian, so he only said what master Xian should say and did what master Xian could do." Let it go."

Concubine Xian threw a teacup in her hand at Wanxi.

Wanxi didn't move, she quietly watched the teacup coming towards the door, but it fell before the steps and fell to pieces on the stone steps.

Wanxi turned around quietly, and looked back at Concubine Xian lightly: "Master Xian, please close your door and think about your mistakes, and this servant will leave first."
Wanxi returned to the queen to reply, the queen nodded and smiled: "Wanxi, you are the most clear about what you do, and I am the most at ease."

Fengge, who was sitting at the bottom, saw that Concubine Xian couldn't come, and carefully looked at Wanxi, her lips murmured a few times, and she didn't dare to speak.

She thought about it and put it aside, but when she thought about going back to Chengqian Palace and didn't know how to face Concubine Xian, she had no choice but to stand up.

"Back to the master, the concubine is unclear about something, and I have to ask the lady Wan who is in front of the master."

The queen looked over: "Xiu Changzai, why bother to be so polite? Although you are in Changzai, you are not in the main position, but you are still a young master, and you are not as good as Wanxi. You are still an official girl. If you have something to say, just say it."

Fengge took a careful look at Wanxi, and still remembered the time when she was punished by Wanxi in the Rehe Palace.

But she was afraid of Wanxi's return, but she was not as afraid of Concubine Xian; what's more, this time it was about her father Ma.

She was determined: "Dare to ask Miss Wan, did you go to Xiyuan yesterday? Although Xiyuan is also in the palace, after all, there is a high palace wall, and the girl must have the master's order to go there. I don't know the master's wife. Did you know you went?"

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but slapped Feng Ge with a smile: "Return to the words of the little master Xiu, the servant went to walk the birds. Did the little master Xiu also go to walk the birds?"

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(End of this chapter)

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