Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 529: Strong Enemy

Chapter 529: Strong Enemy (44 More)
Li Yu asked naturally.

Mao Tuan'er Niu Honghong gave himself a thumbs up: "Girl, of course I want to—— Your Majesty!"

This time Wanxi had no choice but to come back to her senses, she picked up the bag at hand and smashed him.

"You bastard, you talk nonsense!"

Mao Tuan'er spread her hands: "The girl said, if you don't want the emperor, what are you thinking about?"

Now Wanxi also understood the painstaking efforts of Li Yu's master and apprentice, she bowed her head and smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I'm not depressed."

She turned her head and looked out the window: "I just learned about the tribute from the Sulu envoys, and I remembered that last year Galdan Celing also sent envoys to pay tribute."

Galdan Celing has frequently sent envoys to pay tribute in the past few years, but people misunderstood that the Junggar tribe had become docile, so they all thought that there was no need to use troops in the northwest.But Wanxi did not forget that the Emperor of the First Moon last year issued an order to dispatch [-] Mongolian soldiers to the North Road Army Camp, and purchased pack horses from Erdenizhao (an important temple) for backup...

The emperor will not easily make such a decree, everything is related to Jiuye's appointment as the governor of Shanxi, this big battle is bound to break out.

Under such circumstances, the most important thing for the emperor this year is to return to Shengjing to visit the ancestral mausoleum, but he still insists on coming to Qiuxi first, so the purpose of military training becomes more prominent and urgent.

Wanxi couldn't help worrying in her heart: since the emperor ascended the throne for eight years, he hasn't fought a heavy battle yet.If you use troops this time, will everything go well for the emperor?
The Junggar tribe has always been a confidant of the Qing Dynasty, and has used soldiers since the Kangxi and Yongzheng dynasties.Although the Qing Dynasty also won a big victory, it never completely solved the Junggar tribe.This time the emperor is young, and this is the first time to use heavy troops, the victory or defeat will be related to the emperor's reputation for the rest of his life.

She wants to ask God to bless her and use her troops for a great victory; but this year's severe drought... Will God still protect the Qing Dynasty and the emperor?
Li Yu also nodded and smiled: "My servant also said something: I have also heard that some people worried that the emperor is young, and some people said that the emperor is weak, so he is always very hesitant about using troops. What do you think of the girl? The girl feels that the emperor Ke Wenwei?"
"What are you talking about?"

Someone knocked on the carriage, and Wanxi opened the wooden pane, only to find that it was the emperor.

Wanxi blushed: "Why is the emperor here?"

The emperor rode the horse all the way, and the sound of the horse's hooves should be quite loud, but she didn't hear it!

Now she came out disguised as a little eunuch, the emperor's eyes fell on her blushing face, and he became more interested: "Call back to the master: what are you talking about?"

Wanxi bit her lip, blushing and refused to speak.

Li Yu hurriedly knelt up: "It's a servant who deserves to die, and said something that shouldn't be said."

The emperor took the reins of the horse leisurely and walked on a level with the carriage.Leisurely nodded and said: "Li Yu, if you tell the truth, I will spare you."

Li Yu then exposed his old background: "...just now, the servant was asking the girl if she felt that the emperor is weak, ahem."

The emperor also "puchier" laughed.

During this journey, it was rare to finally see a smiling face. Although Wanxi was shy, she felt relieved.

The procession was moving smoothly, so the emperor simply walked side by side with the carriage, raised his eyebrows and glanced at Wanxi: "Since Li Yu is desperate to ask, you have to be worthy of him anyway. You should give me an answer."

Wanxi was so embarrassed that she really wanted to bang her head against the wall of the carriage, she blushed and asked, "If the slave doesn't answer, will the emperor punish the slave with death?"

The emperor shook his head, raised his whip and pointed at Li Yu: "I will punish him with death."

Li Yu knelt down to Wan Xi again: "Miss, help me..."

 And~~Thank you for the blue red envelope, lili0899's flash diamond + flowers, 13637879979's flowers, and the big-eyed ants' flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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