Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 535, Volume 2, 51 Weird

Chapter 535, Volume 51, 6 Weird ([-] more)
The emperor led his troops to practice, and Wanxi walked back to the tent alone and sat quietly.

The monk who appeared "suddenly" and said "not suddenly" also caused ripples in her heart.

It's a pity that she wanted to talk at this moment, but there was no one around her.

At this moment, she misses Yuqin and Chen Guiren even more... At least she still has two people in this palace who she can talk to.If there were no them in the palace, she would really look around in despair, and she would really suffocate to death.

The state of mind at this moment also made her more determined: she must not be helpless in the palace, she should find more people who can talk.What's more, you can't just rely on the emperor's affection and just admire yourself alone, that would be embarrassing on all sides.


Li Yu's voice came from outside.

Wanxi hurriedly raised the curtain to welcome her out, "Why didn't Wenda follow the emperor?"

Li Yu smiled: "Go. After a while, the servant was driven back by the emperor. Instead, I asked Mao Tuan'er to serve him."

Wanxi smiled and nodded: "It's a hot day, and I've learned how to work."

It was the emperor who was worried that she had only one hairball on her side and would not be able to speak again, so he asked Li Yu to come back to accompany her.

Li Yu quietly looked at Wanxi: "The girl was alone in the tent just now, but the girl is bored?"

Wanxi looked back at this piece of grassland: "Anda, tell me about this place. Anything is fine: the banner alliance near the training place, stories from the past, whatever."

Li Yu's heart turned slightly, "Then let's start with the holy grandfather first. This Ulan Butong, the holy grandfather once personally conquered and defeated Galdan of the Junggar tribe. It's just that even if Galdan is dead, now There is still another Galdan Celing. The Junggar tribe has always produced a hero, and it has always been a problem for the court for many years."

Wanxi nodded, but remained silent.

Li Yu pondered for a while: "Next, I will talk about that Tabu Nang who came yesterday...'Tabu Nang' has the same function as 'Taiji'. It was originally a title granted by the descendants of Genghis Khan's generals. Because of that The general’s family and Genghis Khan’s family intermarried for generations, so the word ‘tabunang’ itself also means ‘consort’.”

"After we settled down in the Central Plains in the Qing Dynasty, we gave away the meaning of the son-in-law in the 'Tabu Nang'. All the son-in-laws are collectively called 'forehead son-in-law', and the Tabu Nang is just a simple title."

Wanxi nodded: "Then this Tabu Nang must have a very high status in the Mongolian Banner League, so what he said, even the emperor should respect it."

Li Yu smiled: "The slave is a Han Chinese. To be honest, I don't know much about the rules of the Mongolian Banner League. After all, I asked the officials accompanying the Ministry of Rites to ask such a point. Specifically, the slave is not easy to talk nonsense."

Wanxi smiled and nodded at Li Yu: "Adventist has explained it in detail, thank you for your advice."

Li Yu was grateful for Wanxi's attitude, so he smiled again and said, "As for the emperor's attitude towards the yellow-hatted monk...I think it's another matter, I think. Miss, when she returns to the palace, she will gradually be able to see the palace In those Buddhist halls outside Junggar, the emperor actually has another thing on his mind... Therefore, the emperor treats those monks with yellow hats very politely."

At this time, Wanxi still can't see that far, she still doesn't know that the emperor is inside the palace wall, but his heart is far away to the vast western world.There are hidden dangers of the Junggar tribe, disputes among tribes in the ancient Western Regions, and all kinds of uneasiness in the so-called Snowy Buddha Kingdom...

That vast land is always in the emperor's heart.He has never neglected or forgotten the far west just because they are from the dynasty outside the Northeast Pass.

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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