Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 540: The Poisonous Oath

Chapter 540: The Poisonous Oath (56 More)
The imperial concubine nodded slowly after hearing this, and couldn't help but smile sadly: "Yes, actually, you see, the three of you and I have very similar wishes at this time: we all want a child of our own."

"I can't get it, I think, Concubine Xian, don't let her get it... Otherwise, her position will be more stable, and your wish will never have a chance."

Concubine Xian's face was instantly grim: "So, we should destroy her wish for a son-in-law!"

The imperial concubine lowered her eyes lightly, her eyelashes trembling slightly in the faint light and shadow of the water: "It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do."

Concubine Xian sneered: "To do this, you have to work hard from both inside and outside."

"Inside, we must try to make her unable to reproduce. This requires the use of medical prescriptions, or a satisfactory imperial doctor, and appropriate people should be arranged around her."

"Outside, we have to stop the emperor from being lucky with her. After all, as long as the emperor doesn't get lucky, she won't be able to give birth by herself!"

Concubine Xian admires Concubine Xian the most: Although she is not very scheming, she does things vigorously and quickly, and she does it when she thinks about it.

"Then you and I will do our own thing. I don't know if you want to choose the inside or the outside, Concubine Xian." The concubine raised her eyes slightly.
Concubine Xian curled her lips and smiled coldly: "Based on the years of fighting between me and her, she must have guarded against me in everything. No matter inside or outside, it's not easy for me to do anything!"

The noble concubine nodded: "Actually, why am I not the same? While she is scheming and using me, why doesn't she always guard against me?"

"But in the end, it's all about choosing the lesser of a dilemma. No matter how difficult it is, we can't continue to sit still like this. You can choose first. You choose, no matter which side you choose, I will take care of the rest."

The imperial concubine is always so weak, but this time she is so resolute, and the concubine Xian has no hesitation.

"That's fine, anyway, you are closer to her, it's easier for you to do the 'inside', then leave the 'outside' to me."
The imperial concubine made up her mind and took out a piece of yellow paper.

"This is a matter related to your life and death, and even your mother's family. None of us dare to neglect. How dare you swear this poisonous oath with me this time? If you violate it, you will be punished by heaven."

"Why don't you dare?" Concubine Xian also had a stern smile on her face: "I'm afraid that you will change your mind temporarily! It's rare that you are so determined this time, you and I swear it!"

The two wrote their vows on the yellow paper, each pressed their own handprints, and then knelt down and cremated together.

This oath must never be changed.Otherwise, the price is your own life.
Standing up, each looked at each other again, although they were still awkward, but their hearts were a little more open.

"There is one more case." Concubine Gui glanced at Concubine Xian: "Since you and I, Concubine Chun are both kept in the palace, if it is too quiet and no movement is heard, it will make her suspicious."

Concubine Xian frowned: "Are you encouraging me to go except Concubine Chun's child?"

It's not that Concubine Xian didn't dare, it's just that she didn't want to be encouraged by Concubine Gui to go.

The noble concubine shook her head: "... I don't know what's wrong, maybe I know that I don't have much time, and I'm afraid I won't have the blessings to have children in this life, so I feel very sorry for these children that the emperor has. Pure concubine can have children, That's her good luck, I don't want to take another life in this last situation."

Concubine Xian also snorted: "Then what else can we make a noise for her to hear?"

The noble concubine then lowered her head, caressing the silk sash on her waist.The layers are tied into pomegranate knots, and when they hang down, they look like pomegranates.

It's a pity that for her, this life is probably just a thought that came to nothing.

The durian blossoms shine in the water, no matter how beautiful a woman is, she has no children all her life, and eventually becomes empty.After a person died, there was not even a single person to pay homage to her...

"After all, you, me, and Concubine Chun are not the only ones left in the palace. Isn't there someone else?"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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