Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 547 Volume 2 63 Cold Rebuke

Chapter 547, Volume 63, 2 Cold Rebuke ([-] More)
Wanxi followed the queen up to the Phoenix Tower, and was also taken aback.What kind of harem is this in front of me? It's just a big courtyard with five big tile-roofed houses.

The main house is Qingning Palace, the main palace where Dafu Jin lived. The two west palaces on the left hand side from north to south are Linzhi Palace and Yongfu Palace; the two on the east are Guanju Palace and Yanqing Palace.

Yongfu Palace is the place where Empress Xiaozhuang Wen lived.

But these five big tile-roofed houses are called "palaces", but they are actually five houses next to each other in a yard.Don't talk about competing for favor and calculating, even if someone says a word, the whole courtyard will probably hear it.

The queen also sighed softly, and went into Qingning Palace.

According to the arrangement of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Rites, Concubine Jia lived in Guanju Palace in the East First Palace, Concubine Shu and Concubine Yu lived in Linzhi Palace in the West First Palace; Qing Palace.

Dudu vacated the Yongfu Palace in order to respect Empress Zhuangwen and Lord Shunzhi.

A group of women then lived in the enclosure in the backyard.This is the enclosing room, which used to be the original house of Emperor Taizong, Huang Taiji and the other concubines.Those concubines who don't have Fujin status don't even have their own separate rooms, Wanxi couldn't help but sigh when she saw it.
Nian Chun leaned over and muttered, "It seems that the stories about Empress Wen of Xiaozhuang must have been made up. Just look at this big courtyard, who has a way to trick anyone?"

Wanxi raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "Are you finally willing to take the initiative to talk to me?"

Nianchun snorted: "I don't believe you haven't thought about this. I dare not tell Auntie Wanchun and Aunt Xianchun about this, they must be laughing at my ignorance."

Wanxi was overjoyed, and stepped forward to hold her elbow: "No, we are still as childish as the two of us."

Nianchun spat lightly and then laughed: "I'm serious, how did the old master of Xiaozhuang help Shunzhi get the throne in such a quiet courtyard?"

Wanxi blinked: "You want to ask how it is possible for the old master of Xiaozhuang to be in such a crowded compound, and it was rumored that there were so many rumors about him and Prince Rui Dorgon back then?" Here comes the story~~"

Nian Chun hurriedly raised her hand to cover Wan Xi's mouth: "Shh...be quiet!"

Since the Shunzhi Dynasty, Dorgon has become the eternal sinner of the Qing Dynasty.Since Hongli ascended the throne, he has successively found replacements for the Eight Kings, Nine Kings, and Ten Kings who competed with Lord Yongzheng for the throne, but he has not dared to talk about Dorgon lightly.It shows how monolithic Dorgon's "crime" has been in the past [-] years.

Wanxi sighed softly: "To tell you the truth, I believed the story that was spread among the people; but now that I have come to see this compound with my own eyes, I completely overturned my original idea."

She looked back: "Nianchun, I don't believe it anymore. From now on, no matter what rumors about the palace, unless I saw it with my own eyes, I will never believe it again. In this palace, I have to trust my own eyes more, and no longer rely on my own eyes. ear."

Nianchun also nodded: "The people in the palace are willing to listen and spread news randomly. Maybe they are too lonely, and they are always afraid that they will be calculated by others. But after all, how many of them are just suspicions?" A dark ghost, seeing the bow in the cup, thought it was a snake."

Wanxi smiled: "Look, everyone will tell the story of 'cup bow and snake shadow'. Sister Nianchun's age in recent years is not in vain."

The two laughed again.

"What are you guys making a fuss about? I didn't see where this is, so let the two of you make a noise?!" Suddenly, I heard a cold reprimand.

(End of this chapter)

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