Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 557: Sharing

Chapter 557: Sharing (73 more)
Yin Ji couldn't help but spit: "She's really embarrassed to arrange it like this! She doesn't even think about it, since she met Xi in March, it officially started getting hotter every day. Tell me, I still feel that Look at her disaster, if there is no such thing, this year's drought will not be as bad as it is, and more than 1 people will die from the heat inside and outside the capital!"

"What's the matter, it's like this, she still wants to say that she was born according to the destiny, and this is to arrange to be the crown prince? Don't talk about others, let's see the queen is the first to tolerate her!"

Concubine Jia nodded: "Of course the empress won't tolerate it, so she pesters the emperor to come to her palace every day... Only when the emperor is by her side, the empress dare not do anything."

"Can't you see that no matter what the empress does, the only thing she is afraid of is the emperor. She is most afraid of ruining the appearance of a good wife she has worked hard for many years in the emperor's heart."

After all, concubine Jia also has a fourth elder brother. This pure concubine has a third elder brother in front of her. In terms of the order of seniority, she has already overwhelmed the fourth elder brother forever; From the story that happened, it was obvious that the fourth elder brother was going to be squeezed out of sight.

So these days, although Concubine Jia didn't show anything, her dissatisfaction with Concubine Chun was no less than that of Queen and Concubine Xian.

Yin Ji couldn't help but said: "This time on the east tour, the emperor arranged for the master to live in Guanju Palace alone! Who doesn't know that the Guanju Palace lived in Taizong's favorite Hai Lanzhu, the emperor arranged it like this , Don’t you have any deep meaning? Master, don’t worry, the emperor’s love for master is still long!”
The emperor asked Concubine Chun to pick her up like this every day, and everyone in the harem felt lonely.

Fortunately, it was the Empress Dowager's birthday in November, so Concubine Shu often came to Shoukang Palace to talk with the Empress Dowager.

In the past year, Geng Gege's entry into the palace has become less and less due to his advanced age, so the empress dowager pinned all her thoughts on the Geng family on Shu Pin.

To Concubine Shu, she became even closer.

The empress dowager looked at Concubine Shu lovingly: "The Ai family knows that you are shy, but the Ai family still wants to know, how many times has the emperor favored you during this east tour?"
When Concubine Shu heard that the Empress Dowager asked this, her face turned pale instead of flushing from embarrassment.

The Empress Dowager couldn't help frowning.

"Why, isn't it... not?"

Concubine Shu bit her lip and lowered her head: "...Back to the Empress Dowager, my servant is in the Shengjing Imperial Palace, sharing the same palace with Concubine Yu's sister. The palace is also small, and the outside is the place to welcome guests. Yu and I Sister concubine lives in the inner room together. Therefore, how can the emperor be so convenient?"

The Empress Dowager couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "According to this, the only ones who live alone in the first palace are the only ones who are convenient for the emperor? If you are a concubine and you want to live with someone else, then who were the ones who lived in the first palace alone at that time? "

Concubine Shu lowered her eyes: "There are two people who live alone in the same palace: the master's wife lives in Qingning Palace, and the concubine Jia lives in Guanju Palace."

"Oh?" The Empress Dowager narrowed her eyes involuntarily: "So, the two of them share the imperial favour?"

Concubine Shu lowered her head and said, "I dare not speak nonsense."
Concubine Shu talked for a while before leaving, and the Empress Dowager smoked half a bag of cigarettes by herself.

An Shou was afraid that the empress dowager would be depressed, so he stepped forward to persuade: "After all, they are all old people in the hidden mansion. The emperor should give them more favors. Besides, even if the emperor doesn't look at them, he still has to look at the face of the late emperor. The emperor favors them. These old people in the hidden residence just don’t forget the late emperor.”

The empress dowager tapped the cigarette stick on the sole of her shoe: "I just can't understand my son more and more: it's the youngest and strongest time, so how come I don't care about the harem?"

(End of this chapter)

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