Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 559: The Emperor's Grace

Chapter 559: The Emperor's Grace (75 More)
Xianfu Palace was originally the emperor's qin room, in which the emperor's collection of guqin was kept.The emperor is naturally a person who knows the music and rhythm, so walking all the way from Xianfumen, he has already understood the deep meaning of the piano sound.

"I know, you are worried." Li Yu opened the curtain, and the emperor walked in, saying as he walked.

Yipin was sitting on the kang with her quilt in her arms and playing the qin, the qin was just on her knees.Seeing the emperor coming in unexpectedly, he hastily pushed Qin aside, before he could put on his shoes and get off the ground, he knelt down on the kang far away: "The emperor... the emperor has finally come. My concubine greets the emperor..."

The voice was weak and feeble, already containing the sound of crying.

It has been two and a half years since she was thrown in the garden in the summer of the sixth year of Qianlong, and the emperor never came to see her again.

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly: "You are weak, you don't need to be so polite, get up."

The emperor himself didn't go to the kang, but just picked an embroidered pier on the ground and sat down, half a room away from the concubine Yi on the kang.

"You have concerns in your heart, and there are thousands of words you want to say in the sound of the piano. Since I'm here, you can just say it. Tell me what's important, and I can understand it well."
What the emperor said made Concubine Yi not know how to speak for a while.

The emperor nodded: "I know you are wronged, so I put you in the garden and ignored you. But I treat you well: I called you into the palace as a concubine, and you are on the same level as Shu concubine from a famous family. Unprecedented grace;”

"I also asked your family to join the flag at the end of last year, and now your family has entered the Zhenghuang flag, and your family is already my slave. The Ministry of Internal Affairs will give your father and brother The armored men have money, food, houses and fields, so that they have no worries about food and clothing."

Speaking of this, Yipin's tears really fell down.

She was originally from Yangzhou Shouma, and she was sold by her family when she was young.Since she was a child, she didn't even know her own parents. The Bai family was just the family that raised her, so how could she be her own parents?
Now the Bai family has been blessed because of her and has become a flag citizen. Although it is a coat, they have money, land and real estate rewarded by the court, but it is a pity that it is not their native home at all!

But she couldn't explain her suffering to the emperor, so she had tears streaming down her face and kowtowed to thank her again on the kang.
The emperor could see her suffering, and he knew it in his heart.

Haibao, the "milk brother" of the late Emperor Yongzheng, under his banner, bought this man from Jiangnan and secretly sent him to the palace to study art in Nanfu. It was several years before he found out.After dealing with Haibao's corruption case, he found this person out of the Nanfu students, so he sent people to find out her details.

"This matter was handled by Fu Heng himself. There are eleven members of your Bai family, and nine servants, men and women. I have already counted Fu Heng personally under the leadership of the Zhenghuang Banner Internal Affairs Office. You can handle everything as you please." rest assured."

The emperor paused for a moment: "Among the eleven names, in addition to your father Bai Shicai and your aunt Fan, there is also your biological mother Zhang; and your brothers Yongji and Yongqing, and your younger sister Shui Ling has also passed away. Together into Beijing."

Only then was Yipin severely shocked, looking at the emperor, she was speechless.

Bai Shicai and Fan Shi are not her real parents, but her mother Zhang Shi, her brothers Yongji and Yongqing, and younger sister Shui Ling are all her real brothers and sisters!

The emperor then nodded: "That's right, it's your relatives, I have found them all for you."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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